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Moran CBC Breakthrough Workbook Grade 3 Volume 2

Original price was: KSh1,238.00.Current price is: KSh1,115.00.

CBC Breakthrough Workbooks are a one-stop source of extended learning activities for Environmental Activities, Hygiene and Nutrition Activities and C.R.E. Activities based on the Competency-Based Curriculum. The workbooks are curriculum companions aimed a supporting the learner to develop the skills and concepts in the specific syllabi. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required competencies, PCls and values in the learner’s activities. They are packed with benefits to the teamer, teacher and parent or guardian.

Unique benefits to the learner

  • Hove fun-filled activities to develop the learner’s competences
  • Have a variety of activities to appeal to all the senses of the learner
  • Give extended work for individual practice
  • Have activities for learners to do collaboratively at home or at school
  • Have ample space for leaNers to write the answers.

Unique benefits to the teacher

  • Provide extended activities to develop values and competences
  • Address all the specific learning outcomes in an orderly manner to help the teacher conveniently give extended work and homework
  • Enable the teacher to effectively assess learner’s understanding of the strands and sub-strands covered

Unique benefits to the parent or guardian

  • Have activities that enhance parental involvement
  • Proper sequencing of activities enables the parent or guardian to track the mitestones achieved in learning
  • Ample space for doing the activities in the workbook is provided


With the CBC Breakthrough Workbooks, it is simply fun-filled learning!

ISBN: 9789966631428


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