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Category: Grade 8

Grade 8

Schoolmall Bookshop offers a comprehensive selection of textbooks, workbooks, and educational accessories to support their learning journey. Our Grade 8 collection includes textbooks covering subjects such as Mathematics, English, Science, Social Studies, and more, aligned with the curriculum standards. Additionally, we provide supplementary materials like revision guides, practice tests, and reference books to reinforce key concepts and aid in exam preparation.

Showing 1–24 of 73 results


    As the main shift in Education is moving from content-based to competency -based, this Atfaal IRE learner’s book grade 8 is carefully crafted to attain this outcome.A competency-based curriculum is mainly achieved through learner-centred approaches.Therefore, all the activities in this book are learner-oriented where the learner takes the lead. Moreover,stimulating and fun activities are also in plenty to arouse interest and curiosity in the learners.

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  • Distinction Computer Studies Grade 8 (Approved) by Distinction

    Original price was: KSh888.89.Current price is: KSh800.00.

    Distinction Computer Science Grade 8 Learner’s Book is a course book written in line with the Competence Based Curriculum. The concepts in the book are presented in logical sequence to equip the learner with the necessary knowledge, skills values and attitudes. It provides a link between the previously learnt concepts and also prepares the learner for subsequent levels of learning.


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  • Distinction CRE Grade 8 (Approved) by Distinction

    Original price was: KSh722.23.Current price is: KSh650.00.

    Distinction Christian Religious Education Grade 8 Learner’s Book is a course book written in line with the Competence Based Curriculum. The concepts in the book are presented in logical sequence to equip the learner with the necessary knowledge, skills values and attitudes. It provides a link between the previously learnt concepts and also prepares the learner for subsequent levels of learning.

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  • EAEP Smart Minds Intergrated Science Grade 8 by EAEP

    Original price was: KSh1,033.34.Current price is: KSh930.00.

    Smart Minds Integrated Science Grade 8 Learner’s Book is a course book that exhaustively and comprehensively covers the competency-based Integrated Science curriculum for Junior Schools. The book has well-crafted, interesting and relatable activities that will enable the learner to easily acquire the required competencies, values and attitudes. The learner-centred activities will also help the learner to discover and create knowledge as well as practically apply the knowledge in his or her day-to-day life.

    ISBN: 9789966567901

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    Original price was: KSh688.00.Current price is: KSh620.00.

    Hiki ni kitabu kilichoandaliwa kwa ajili ya kuimarisha ujuzi na umilisi wa mwanafunzi katika stadi za kusikiliza na kuzungumza, kusoma, kuandika, pamoja na sarufi. Aidha, kinanuiwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kufikia matokeo maalum yanayotarajiwa kama yalivyopendekezwa katika mtaala.Kitabu hiki kina:

    1.Shughuli za ujifunzaji zinazochochea uwazaji kina  na utatuzi wa matatizo.

    2.Mbinu mbalimbali za ujifunzaji kama vile mijadala, uwasilishaji na uigizaji ili kuimarisha ujifunzaji.

    3.Lugha sahili inayoafiki kiwango cha mwanafunzi.

    4.Mifano mbalimbali inayomwongoza mwanafunzi.

    5.Michoro mbalimbali inayomsaidia mwanafunzi katika kujifunza dhana husika.

    6.Shughuli zinazofanywa na mwanafunzi binafsi na zinazomhitaji kushirikiana na wenzake.

    7.Sehemu ya hoja kuu inayompa mwanafunzi maelezo ya kina kuhusu dhana inayohusika.

    8.Shughuli za kidijitali zinazoimarisha ujuzi wa kidijitali kwa mwanaunzi.

    9.Sehemu ya TATHMINI YANGU inayomwezesha mwanafunzi kujitathmini kwa mujibu wa matokeo maalum yanayotarajiwa.

    10. Sentensi zinazojenga maadili na kuangazia masuala mtambuko.

    Bila shaka kitabu hiki kitampa mwanafunzi hamu ya kujifunza kiswahili.

    kiswahili sahili,Rasa hasa!

    ISBN: 9789914729702

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  • KLB Top Scholar Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh505.56.Current price is: KSh455.00.

    KLB TopScholar Agriculture Students’ Book for Grade 8 comprehensively covers Agriculture Concepts outlined in the Competency Based Curriculum Designs for Grade 8.

    The course book is intended to develop in depth knowledge of Agriculture concepts  in the learner. The content covers the following concepts: Conserving Agricultural Environment, Crop Production, Animal Production and Agriculture and Technology.

    ISBN: 9789966658746

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  • KLB Top Scholar Business Studies Grade 8 by KLB

    Original price was: KSh583.34.Current price is: KSh525.00.

    KLB TopScholar Business Studies Learner’s Book for Grade 8 comprehensively covers Business Studies Concepts outlined in the Competency Based Curriculum Designs for Grade 8.

    The course book is intended to develop in depth knowledge of Business concepts in the learner. The content covers the following concepts and key strands: Business and  money management skills, Business and it’s environment, government and Global influence in business and financial records.

    ISBN: BK00000011572

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  • KLB Top Scholar Computer Science Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh777.78.Current price is: KSh700.00.

    KLB TopScholar Computer Science Learner’s Book for Grade 8 comprehensively covers Computer Science Concepts outlined in the Competency Based Curriculum Design for Grade 8 developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (ICO) The
    course book is intended to develop indepth knowledge of Computer Science concepts in the learner.

    The content covers the following concepts: Foundation of Computer Science; Computer and Society; Computer Networks: and Computer Programming.

    ISBN: BK00000010844

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  • KLB Top Scholar CRE Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh544.45.Current price is: KSh490.00.

    Christian Religious Education is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in the society. KLB TopScholar Christian Religious Education Grade 8 Leamer’s Book has. therefore been developed to comprehensively meet the requirements of the Grade Eight CRE Competency Based Curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966658807

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  • KLB Top Scholar Home Science Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh633.00.Current price is: KSh570.00.

    KLB TopScholar Home Science Learner’s Book for Grade 8 is designed to equip the learner with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed in day-to-day life, The concepts presented are based on the Competency Based Curriculum Grade 8 Home
    Science by KICD and build on the concepts introduced in  earlier grades of learning,

    The book comprehensively covers the curriculum design and is written in clear, simple language with ample illustrations and a simple layout. The inquiry approach used is intended to help learners acquire the core competencies prescribed in the Competency Based Curriculum System of education.

    ISBN: BK00000010849

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  • KLB Top Scholar IRE Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh627.00.Current price is: KSh565.00.

    KLB TopScholar Islamic Religious Education Learner’s Book for Grade 8 comprehensively covers IRE Concepts outlined in the Competency Based Curriculum Design for Grade 8. The course book is intended to develop an depth knowledge of Islamic Religious Education concepts in the learner.

    The content covers the following concepts: Quran; Hadith; Pillars of iman; Devotional Acts; Akhlaq; Muamalat and Islamic Heritage and Civilisation.

    ISBN: BK00000010892

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  • KLB Top Scholar Kiswahili Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh644.00.Current price is: KSh580.00.
  • KLB Top Scholar Mathematics Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh633.00.Current price is: KSh570.00.

    KLB TopScholar Mathematics Learner’s Book for Grade 8 comprehensively covers Concepts in Mathematics outlined in the Competence Based Curriculum Design for Grade 8.

    The course book is intended to develop in-depth knowledge of Mathematics and logical reasoning in the learner. The content covers the following concepts: Numbers, Algebra, Measurements, Geometry, Data Handling and Probability.

    This course book has the following salient features:

    -Activities that involve the learner in the teaching and learning process through discussions with other learners.

    -The activities guide the learner through the simple known-to-unknown approach.

    -Competences including Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem-solving, Imagination and Creativity, Citizenship, Learning to learn, Self-efficacy and Digital Literacy.

    -Extended learning and problem-solving engagements that provide learners with the opportunity to relate and apply lessons learned to the community set up.

    -Clear and crisp illustrations that enrich the learning process.

    -Varied review and assessment exercises that are aligned to Competency Based Assessment (CBA) as designed by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) Test and Evaluation Model.

    ISBN: 9789966658968

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  • KLB TopScholar Performing Arts Grade 8

    KLB TopScholar Performing Arts Grade 8 Learner’s Book comprehensively covers Performing Arts strands and sub strands outlined in the Competence Based Curriculum Design for Grade 8. The book is aimed at providing students with an avenue for expressing their feelings, ideas and emotions. The activities involved in the book offer the learners enjoyable and purposeful …

    KLB Top Scholar Performing Arts Grade 8Read More

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  • KLB Top Scholar Physical Education and Sport Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh711.00.Current price is: KSh640.00.
  • KLB Top Scholar Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh633.00.Current price is: KSh570.00.

    KLB TopScholar Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 Learner’s Book has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the new Competency Based Curriculum for Grade 8. The content is guided strictly by the specific learning outcomes in the Curriculum Design.

    The following are key features of the book:

    -The learning methods used include question and answer, inquiry (discovery), discussion, resource persons, games and simulation, role-plays, field trips, debating, demonstration and project works.

    -Digital learning is well incorporated across the book.

    -Activities for parental engagements cut across the book.

    -All activities are geared towards discovery learning.

    -There are: Test Yourself Exercises as well as Further Learning Activities after the sub strands.

    The book is authored by a team of competent and experienced authors and teachers of technical studies in Kenya. This Learner’s Book is approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and procured by the Government of Kenya for use by Grade Eight Learners in all Junior Schools.

    ISBN: 9789966659002

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  • KLB Top Scholar Social Studies Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh644.45.Current price is: KSh580.00.

    KLB TopScholar Social Studies Grade 8 Learner’s Book has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum. The course book covers all the strands and sub strands in the Social Studies Curriculum Design for Grade 8.

    Other unique features include:

    -Diverse learning methods such as explanations, story telling, imaginary visits, field studies, question and answer, inquiry discussion, resource persons, games and simulation, role-plays, debates, demonstrations and project works among others.

    -Development of 21st Century Competencies including: Communication and Collaboration, Critical thinking and Problem-solving, Imagination and Creativity, Citizenship, Learning to Learn, Self-efficacy, and Digital literacy.

    -Digital learning is well incorporated across the book.

    -Activities for parental engagements cut across the book.

    -All activities are geared towards discovery learning.

    -Diverse and extensive full colour illustrations are generously used to inspire and attract the attention of the learner.

    -There is an assessment exercise at the end of every sub-strand.

    ISBN: 9789966659026

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  • KLB Top Scholar Visual Arts Grade 8 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh10,005.00.Current price is: KSh905.00.
  • Longhorn Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh722.23.Current price is: KSh650.00.

    Longhorn Agriculture Learner’s Book Grade 8 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 8 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    This book has the following key features:

    -Appealing and eye friendly design for ease of reading.

    -Use of simple language that is to the level of the learner.

    -Relevant, well drawn and full colour illustrations to ease understanding of concepts.

    -Well thought-out and engaging activities that help the learners to learn Agriculture through discovery, using hands-on activities.

    -Extended activities that will enhance the learners’ collaboration with their parents, peers and the community.

    -Presentation of content using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy with the following skills being tested: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.

    ISBN: 9789966644138

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  • Longhorn Computer Science Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh877.00.Current price is: KSh790.00.

    Longhorn Computer Science Learners Book is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 8 learners. It is
    developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966644152

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  • Longhorn Francais Premier Cycle Du Secondaire Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh766.00.Current price is: KSh690.00.

    Longhorn Methode de francais 8 s’adresse aux grands adolescents du premier cycle du secondaire. Ce manuel privilegie une approche par compétences grace auxquelles, l’apprenant développera des savoir-faire en interaction, l’acquisition et amélioration des compétences langagiéres, application des connaissances acquise en classe, ainsi que, des questions pertinentes et contemporaines (QPC) et des valeurs.

    Ce manuel comprend 8 unités, ancrés chacune sur un théme qui sera abordé au travers des quatre compétences. Ces unités sont composées de supports divers ; principalement, des activités tirées de la vie quotidienne et des enregistrements. La phonétique est intégrée dans chaque unite afin d’aider l’’apprenant d perfectionner sa prononciation.

    ISBN: 9789966644176

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  • Longhorn Integrated Science Grade 8 by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh944.00.Current price is: KSh850.00.

    This is a new, concise and comprehensive coursebook written for Grade 8 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    This book has the following key features:

    -Appealing and eye-friendly design for ease of reading.

    -Use of simple language that is to the level of the learner.

    -Relevant, well drawn and full-colour illustrations to ease understanding of concepts.

    -Well thought-out and engaging activities that help the learners to learn Integrated Science through discovery, using hands-on activities.

    -Extended activities that will enhance the learners’ collaboration with their parents, peers and the community.

    -Presentation of content using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy with the following skills being tested: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.

    ISBN: 9789966644114

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  • Longhorn Mathematics Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh888.00.Current price is: KSh800.00.

    Longhorn Mathematics Learner’s Book – Grade 8 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 8 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies outlined in the curriculum.

    This book has the following key features:

    – Appealing and eye-friendly design for ease of reading.

    – Use of simple language that is to the level of the learner.

    – Relevant, well drawn and full colour illustrations to ease understanding of concepts.

    -Well thought-out and engaging activities that help the learners to learn Mathematics through discovery using plenty of examples and exercises.

    – Extended activities that will enhance the learners’ collaboration with their parents and the community.

    – Presentation of content using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy with the following skills being tested: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.

    ISBN: 9789966644091

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  • Longhorn Mwanga Wa Kiswahili Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh833.00.Current price is: KSh750.00.

    Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa ustadi, umahiri mkubwa na kwa lugha ya kiwango cha mwanafunzi wa Gredi ya Nane. Kitabu hiki kinatosheleza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mtaala wa kiumilisi pamoja na malengo ya elimu ya taifa la kenya.Kimeshughulikia wanafunzi wote wakiwemo walio na mahitaji maalumu pamoja na wanaoishi kwenye mazingira mbalimbali.

    ISBN: 9789966644077

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