



Category: Storybooks


Showing 145–168 of 1058 results

  • Dork Diaries: Spectacular Superstar

    Original price was: KSh1,000.00.Current price is: KSh900.00.
  • Down on its Side! 2r by Kariuki

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    The NPPE scheme forms an important part of the NPPE course.

    ISBN: 9780195737813

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  • Dua ya faraja

    Original price was: KSh322.22.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Dua ya Faraja ni hadithi inayozungumzia jinsi kilang mmoja,
    Gambo anavyojipata katika hall tatanishi Bandaue Gambo anafanikiwa kuikwepa mitego yote ya
    kimaisha na hatimaye anatimiza ndoto yake, “Natasi yangu yanitatiza lakini mahitaji uanizidi.
    Sophy Onura ni mwalimu wa Kiswahili. Ana tajriba ya miaka si haba katika kufundisha
    somo la Kiswahili katika shule mbalimbali nchini. Pia ni mtunzi wa mashairi hasa katika gazeti la Taifa Leo.

    ISBN: 9789966115119

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  • Dunia Mti Mkavu

    Original price was: KSh672.22.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    Original price was: KSh511.11.Current price is: KSh460.00.
  • Dwarf Long Nose Moran Grade Level 6

    Original price was: KSh516.66.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    Moran Graded Readers Level 6
    Charlie’s nightmare becomes reality, until he meets a kind long-nosed dwarf. Will fate be restored? Use the helpful glossary to help you to understand this illustrated story, and to answer the questions which follow.
    Worldreader presents this e-book in a new series showcasing fiction from Sub-Saharan Africa. Are you a worldreader? Read more about this not-for-profit social enterprise at worldreader.org.

    ISBN: 9789966344373

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  • EAEP Kuku Mrembo

    Original price was: KSh211.12.Current price is: KSh190.00.


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  • EAEP: School Trip and other Stories 6c

    Original price was: KSh350.00.Current price is: KSh315.00.
  • Echoes of a whisper by Masinde kusimba

    Original price was: KSh388.88.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    Despite the good advice given. Oscar prefers his own counsel. He falls for Terry’s doctrine and the life she introduces him to, Oscar is blinded by money and the lifestyle that Terry offers However, he has to work for the lady to deserve that life. What work will he do? How does this affect Oscar?

    ISBN: 9789966348159

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  • Eliana Binti Mfalme na Hadithi Nyingine level 3

    Original price was: KSh322.22.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Eliana Binti Mfalme ni hadithi yenye upekee wa kupigiwa mfano. Hadithi hii ni teule miongoni mwa hadithi nyingine nyingi, inayomfunza mwanafunzi msomaji umuhimu wa maadili. Ni hadithi inayosimulia kisa cha Eliana, ambaye ni binti wa mfalme. Marafiki zake Eliana wanampangia njama ya kumuumiza kutokana na roho zao za wivu.Je,ni nini kinatokea mwishoni?

    ISBN: 9789966141415

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  • Elisha and the Kind Woman in Shunem

    Original price was: KSh305.55.Current price is: KSh275.00.

    Elisha and the Kind Woman in Shunem Author: Sabwa and Rotich ISBN: 978 9966 346 33 9 Moran Bible Stories retells familiar stories of the Bible in the simplest manner while remaining true to the text in the Bible. They invite the child to grow in values and discover the principles that build character

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  • Elves and the Shoemaker level 3

    Original price was: KSh233.00.Current price is: KSh210.00.

    Based on the classic fairy tale A poor shoemaker finds that someone is making beautiful shoes for him two little elves However can he repay them for his change in fortune Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird s best selling series For over thirty five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills Each Read it yourself book is very carefully written to include many key high frequency words that are vital for learning to read as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent fluent reading Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school Further content includes comprehension puzzles helpful notes for parents carers and teachers and book band information for use in schools The Elves and the Shoemaker is a Level Read it yourself title suitable for children who are developing reading confidence and stamina and are eager to start reading longer stories with a wider vocabulary

    ISBN: 9780723273035

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  • Embe tamu 5a

    Original price was: KSh327.77.Current price is: KSh295.00.

    Embe Tamu 5a ni kitabu kinachonuiwa kuendeleza msjngi wa kdsomo pa kutaiza uwezo wa kusoma wa wanafunzi wa Darasa la Tanokafikashiiiezamsingi. ‘ Miongoni mwa sifa za kipekee za kitabu hiki ni: Masimulizi rahisi ya hadithi. Kuondosha hali ya uchofu wa kusoma na kuingiza ucheshi katika maandishi kupitia utambaji wa hadithi. vichekesho, tashihisi. mbinu rejeshi. taharuki, picha …

    Embe tamu 5aRead More

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  • Emperor maliyauma

    Original price was: KSh211.11.Current price is: KSh190.00.

    Classic Moral Stories is a new exciting collection of stories for young readers. The stories have been carefully selected to inspire and offer moral lessons to the readers. There are also assessment questions at the end of every story. The stories will not only teach but also entertain as they mould the characters of the readers.

    ISBN: 7174000063006

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  • Epuko’s Secret Home 4d

    Original price was: KSh238.88.Current price is: KSh215.00.
  • Epuko’s Secret Home 4d by Erapu

    Original price was: KSh238.00.Current price is: KSh215.00.
  • Eve’s Invention

    Original price was: KSh355.55.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Eve accidentally invents something that could get rid of strange worms,
    the disastrous worms that are threatening the entire country. However,
    she discovers soon enough that not everyone is on her side, and she has to fight hard to save her country. Can a fifteen-year-old girl doit?
    Eve’s Invention was shortlisted among the top five in the national CODE’s
    Burt Literacy Awards in 2018
    Kinyanjul Kombani, The banker who writes is an award-winning creative writer banker,
    business strategist and learning solutions specialist

    ISBN: 9789966140111

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  • Fall of the Jungle Kingdom

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh450.00.

    This story is for children aged 9-10 years (Grade 5). It is a book is about going on an adventure

    Onyango gets lost in the forest that is the home of a hairy giant whose favourite meal is children grilled Nyama Choma. Onyango’s friends set off on a thrilling journey to save him. Find out whether or not they are able to outwit the giant and rescue their Friend.

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  • Falme tisa 8f

    Original price was: KSh400.00.Current price is: KSh360.00.

    Ufalme Mkuu unatawaliwa na Mfalme Sultan!. Aidha zipo falme nyingine tisa zinazoongozwa na mfalme yuyo huyo. Hata hivyo, kuna fununu kuhusu njama za mapinduzi dhidi yake. Juu ya yote, twaamini kuwa ipo siku ambapo Mfalme atatutoa juani atupeleke kivulini Falme Tisa ni mojawapo ya hadithi katika Mradi wa Kusoma. Huu ni mradi wa vitabu vya ziada ambavyo vinaambatana na kozi ya Kiswahili Sanifu.

    ISBN: 9780195739329

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  • Fayo Goes To School

    Original price was: KSh193.00.Current price is: KSh175.00.
  • Fayo Is Lost

    Original price was: KSh285.00.Current price is: KSh255.00.

    Fayo is Lost is a continuation of Fayo and the Goats. In this story, Fayo follows the goats to a far place and cannot find his way back home. He is lost.

    The story reminds us of the importance of preparing our children for any eventuality. Life skills are very important from a very early age.

    The story is suitable for learners in class 1

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  • Fearless Four by Dan Fulani

    Original price was: KSh311.00.Current price is: KSh280.00.


    ISBN: 9966467130

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  • Feast of Revenge 3B

    Original price was: KSh444.44.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    Baboon and Tortoise are great friends and all the animals in the forest admire their friendship. The two friends enjoy a great friendship until Baboon invites Tortoise to a party. What goes on during the party? Will Tortoise return the favour by inviting his friend or will he break the friendship?

    ISBN: 9789966623157

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    Original price was: KSh16.67.Current price is: KSh15.00.
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