Category: Grade 5

Grade 5

Showing 25–48 of 111 results

  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Grade 5 by S. Waichanguru and R. Ndungu

    Original price was: KSh644.00.Current price is: KSh580.00.

    This is the fifth book in the new series of Primary Mathematics written specifically for the competency-based curriculum. The coursebook is intended for use by Grade 5 learners. It prepares the learner for day to day living and number work in higher levels of learning.

    The unique strength of the book lies in the following areas:

    • Adequate coverage of the new curriculum concepts and skills with a strong activity orientation.
    • A variety of examples enclosed in coloured frames to promote self-study and ease of use.
    • A variety of exercises that test the understanding of every concept and skill learnt.

    The book comes with a separate comprehensive teacher’s guide.
    This book has been designed with special reference to learners with different learning abilities.

    ISBN: 9789966511966

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  • Kielekezi cha Kiswahili Pupils Grade 5 by E. Andati, K. Chituyi, N. Musyimi na S. Washika

    Original price was: KSh744.00.Current price is: KSh640.00.

    KIELEKEZI CHA MARUDIO YA KISWAHILI GREDI YA 5 KIELEKEZI cha marudio ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 5 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumrahisishia mwanafunzi kuelewa mfumo mpya wa elimu ya umilisi. Kitabu hiki:
    – Kimeandikwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza na kujenga ujuzi na uwezo wa kutumia stadi za lugha (Kusikiliza na kuzungumza, Kusoma, kuandika na Sarufi).
    – Kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na kutoa mifano mwafaka.
    – kimeshughulikia Masuala mtambuko kama vile: uraia, utangamano, elimu ya amani, stadi za maisha, mazingira na teknolojia. – Kina Mazoezi muhimu ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufanya marudio.
    – Kina Zoezi la Tathmini mwishoni mwa kila sura.
    – Kina karatasi sita za Majaribio ya mitihani.
    – Kimeandikwa na waandishi wenye tajriba kubwa katika ufundishaji wa somo la Kiswahili katika shule bora nchini Kenya. Aidha, wanaelewa mfumo wa umilisi kwa jumla.

    ISBN: 9789966012487

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  • KLB Visionary Agriculture Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by F. Muthua, E. Misiko and A. Wachira

    Original price was: KSh438.89.Current price is: KSh395.00.

    KLB Visionary Agriculture Grade 5 Learner’s Book has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade Five Agriculture Competence-Based Curriculum Design. The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic and integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content, which is steered to follow the curriculum design.

    A lot of emphasis has been placed on learning through discovery. Through the several activities, learners are led to discover knowledge on their own.

    The book has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences are centred on the learner’s interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations. Several parallels are drawn from the learner’s immediate environment. Several activities are included in the title and learners encouraged to perform them either in pairs or in groups. This approach is aimed at promoting collaboration amongst learners. Every learning area has a home project where the learner is expected to transfer the skills learnt at school to home. This is aimed at enhancing community service learning. Digital literacy has been given great attention as learners search for information from the Internet and watch relevant video clips. This makes learning interesting and widens sources of information.

    Financial literacy is adequately addressed. Learners are encouraged and trained to sell surplus produce such as seedlings and vegetables.

    ISBN: 9789966656766

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  • KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade 5 Learner’s (Approved) by E. Kiama, O. S. Lore, M. Atieno, G. Motondi

    Original price was: KSh466.00.Current price is: KSh420.00.

    KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade Five Learner’s Book is designed to help the learner acquire and apply specific concepts, techniques, and related vocabulary to increase capacity for the effective pursuit of artistic goals. The span of strands at this level entails Picture Making, Mixed Media and Technology, Indigenous Kenyan Crafts, Presentation, and Exhibition.
    • The book is developed in line with the requirements of the Competency-Based
    Curriculum design for Art and Craft for Grade Five.
    • The learning experiences are aligned with the thematic integrated approach thus concepts are presented in the most appropriate way for learners at this level.
    • This book is extensively illustrated to make the content interesting to the learners.
    • It has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences are centered on the learner’s interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations.
    • Lessons drawn from learner’s day-to-day activities at school and home.
    • The book has numerous practical activities and reflection questions to enable the learner to carry them out on their own either in school or at home.
    • The title has adequately mainstreamed key pertinent and contemporary issues and is designed to equip the learner with 21st Century competences.

    ISBN: 9789966656667

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  • KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by MWAURA

    Original price was: KSh488.00.Current price is: KSh440.00.

    Christian Religious Education is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in society. KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Grade 5 Learner’s Book, therefore:
    • Has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade 5 CRE Competence-Based Curriculum Design.
    • The experiences have been developed in line with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level.
    • The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design
    closely. The book has employed a child-centered approach where all experiences are centered on the learner’s interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education.
    • It has used short texts in simple language with familiar situations created to help understand more difficult concepts.
    • Gender equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase the association of certain tasks with specific gender
    • The principle of inclusivity has been used by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of society.
    • Active learning activities like discussing, singing, reading the Bible, debates, working in groups, and reciting memory verses are integrated within the lessons to make learning interesting and participatory.

    ISBN: 9789966656780

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  • KLB Visionary Encyclopedia Grade 5 by KLB

    Original price was: KSh1,161.00.Current price is: KSh1,045.00.

    KLB Visionary Encyclopaedia Grade 5 is a revision book written in line with the Competence-Based Curriculum. The book offers essential practice activities that are designed to help learners acquire the required competencies, skills, and knowledge easily and without much difficulty. The book provides practice material for all the Grade 5 learning areas. Specifically:

    – The content is fully aligned with the current CBC designs.

    – There is a variety of activities developed on a strand-by-strand basis leading to the achievement of all the learning outcomes.

    – The core competencies, values and pertinent and contemporary issues are well addressed as envisaged in the CBC Grade 5 curriculum designs.

    – A learner-centered approach is employed in which the learners acquire the required skills, knowledge and attitudes through the inquiry-based learning approach.

    – There is a variety of appealing illustrations used as an aid to the understanding of concepts.

    – Each learning area has sample papers meant to help learners practice on their own and prepare adequately for the formative and summative assessment programmes.

    ISBN: 9789966657695

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  • KLB Visionary Home Science Grade 5 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh477.00.Current price is: KSh430.00.

    KLB Visionary Home Science Grade Five Learner’s Book has been designed with the aim of equiping the learner with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed in day-to-day life. The concepts presented build on the competencies introduced in Grade Five and the early years of learning.

    ISBN: 9789966656728

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  • KLB Visionary Kiswahili Mwanafunzi Grade 5 (Approved) by WANDERA

    Original price was: KSh466.00.Current price is: KSh420.00.

    KLB Visionary Kiswahili Gredi ya Tano (Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi) kimechapishwa kwa kusudi la kuendelea kuimarisha uwezo wa mwanafunzi katika lugha ya Kiswahili kupitia Sarufi na stadi za lugha; Kusikiliza, kuzungumza, Kusoma na kuandika.
    • Kitabu hiki kimechapishwa kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya wa kiumilisi kutoka Taasisi ya Ukuzaji Mitaala
    Nchini Kenya (KICD) wa mwaka wa 2019 wa masomo ya shule za msingi, gredi ya tano.
    • Mwanafunzi amepewa nafasi ya kutosha ya kutambua na kujifunza mambo mapya ili kukuza uwezo
    wake wa kukabili mambo katika maisha.
    • Mazoezi ainati, mifano na picha zimetumika kwa nia ya kulenga mazingira ya mwanafunzi na usasa ili
    kumrahisishia ujifunzaji.
    • Masuala mtambuko na ya kijinsia yamejumuishwa kitabuni ili kukuza mwanafunzi anayewajibikia mabadiliko maishani.
    • Kitabu hiki kimekuza upekee wa kutumia shajara na kazi mradi katika sehemu ya mwisho ya kila mada. Shajara na kazi mradi zimekusudiwa kumsaidia mwanafunzi kutumia ujuzi wa mambo aliyogundua au kujifunza kutokana na mada husika ili kubuni kitu kipya au kutatua suala fulani katika maisha ya kila siku.

    ISBN: 9789966656704

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  • KLB Visionary Mathematics Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by MWANGI

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    KLB Visionary Mathematics for Grade 5 Learner’s Book is designed to help the learners acquire computational skills at this level. The book contains numerous activities that enable the learner to develop numeracy skills without undue difficulty.
    • This book is developed in line with the requirements of the Competency-Based Curriculum and subject design.
    • The content is presented in concise language appropriate to the level of the learner.
    • The style is simple, making the book highly readable and the concepts easy to understand.
    • The book contains full-colour illustrations designed to hold the attention and interest of the learners.
    • The learner’s book has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences are centered on the learner’s interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations.
    • Every lesson draws from day-to-day occurrences which form the basis for lesson introduction.
    • The book has numerous practical activities and examples that enable the learner to learn on their own with minimum input from the teacher.

    ISBN: 9789966656582

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  • KLB Visionary Music Grade 5 Learner’s (Approved) by M. Matsigulu, E. Muchiri, E. Namiti, D. Nyachieo and T. Makobi

    Original price was: KSh494.45.Current price is: KSh445.00.

    KLB Visionary Grade Five Music Learner’s Book is aimed at providing learners with an avenue for expressing feelings, ideas, and emotions. The activities involved offer the learner an enjoyable and purposeful experience through singing, playing instruments, and creating music.
    • It is developed in line with the requirements of the Competency-Based Curriculum design.
    • The experiences are aligned with the thematic integrated approach thus presenting concepts in the most appropriate way for learners at this level.
    • This book is majorly illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely.
    • It has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences are centred on the learner’s interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Music.
    • Every lesson draws from the learner’s day-to-day activities at home and school.
    • The book has numerous practical activities to enable the learner to acquire the required skills and competence without undue difficulty.
    • Issues around gender equity and parity are well articulated in this title.

    ISBN: 9789966656629

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  • KLB Visionary Physical and Health Education Grade 5 (Approved) by KLB

    Original price was: KSh522.23.Current price is: KSh470.00.

    KLB Visionary Grade 5 Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book is aimed at equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competences and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and health development.
    * It covers all the strands, sub strands and learning outcomes as per the Grade five Curriculum design.
    * Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities within the level of the learner.
    * This book is extensively illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely.
    * It has employed a learner-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the learner’s interests, knowledge and application to real life situations.
    * The book develops skills by using readily available material to enhance creativity, and foster skills and values in learners.
    * Practice Activities are provided for each substrand to assess how well the learners have understood the concepts.
    * Fun games have been provided to enhance active participation and enjoyment by the learner.
    * At the end of every skill, the learners are able to self assess themselves and their peers.

    ISBN: 9789966656605

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  • Science and Technology has been designed with the aim of equipping the learner with scientific knowledge and attitudes that they can apply in their day-to-day life. The concepts presented build on the competencies introduced in the early years of learning.
    • The science element presents activities that guide the learner through explanations and predictions about nature and the universe.
    • The application of technological element introduces the learner to elementary technological concepts and the application of digital literacy in learning and solving problems.

    This Learner’s Activity Book (LAB) for Grade Five comprehensively covers Grade Five Science and Technology curriculum design. The learning activities help the learner acquire the following core competencies:
    • Communication and collaboration
    • Critical thinking
    • Creativity and imagination
    • Digital literacy
    • Communication and collaboration
    • Problem-solving
    • Citizenship
    The content incorporates Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCis) that include the following:
    • Life skills and values education
    • Health education
    • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
    • Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
    • Community Service Learning and Parental Engagement

    ISBN: 9789966656681

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  • KLB Visionary Social Studies Learner’s Grade 5

    Original price was: KSh490.00.Current price is: KSh440.00.
  • Know More Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book Grade 5 by Storymoja

    Original price was: KSh977.78.Current price is: KSh880.00.

    Know More Physical and Heath Education Learner’s Book for Grade 5 is written in conformity to the new competency-based curriculum design to assist learners carry out various interactive learning activities. The book provides learners with opportunities to develop core competencies, values, skills and attitudes.

    Key features

    -A detailed coverage of all the required curriculum design strands and sub-strands.

    -Step-by-step explanations on how to perform various basic skills.

    -Creative value-based stories to help learners develop the spirit of sportsmanship.

    -Interactive learner-centred learning activities and experiences.

    -Learning activities that take care of learners with special needs.

    -Use of clear, varied, relevant and well-captioned illustrations to support texts.

    -Skill-based checklists for peer-assessment and self-assessment.

    -Community service learning activities that help in building collaborative relationships between the schools and communities.

    -Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning activities.

    -Promotion of inclusivity and gender parity through text and illustrations.

    ISBN: 9789966624079

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  • Kurunzi ya Insha gredi ya 4 na 5 by Francis Wangome

    Original price was: KSh800.00.Current price is: KSh720.00.

    Kurunzi ya Insha Darasa la 4 na 5

    ISBN: 9789966002679

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  • Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Grade 5 Mwanafunzi (Approved) by A. Matei, J. Mwamburi, F. Wangome, F. Atulo

    Original price was: KSh639.00.Current price is: KSh575.00.

    Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi ya 5 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumwezesha mwanafunzi kumudu mtalaa huu unaolenga umilisi kwa njia sahili, yenye mvuto na ya kumjumuisha moja kwa moja kwenye shughuli za ufunzaji.
    Kitabu hiki
    • Kimeshughulikia mada kwa njia inayomwezesha mwanafunzi kushiriki kikamilifu katika ujifunzaji.
    • Mada na shughuli za darasani zimeteuliwa kwa uangalifu kumjengea mwanafunzi umilisi wa aina mbalimbali. Mada hizi zinalenga kuimarisha umilisi wa kusikiliza kwa makini, kuzungumza kwa ujasiri, kusoma kwa ufasaha na kuandika vyema.
    • Kuna mazoezi na mijarabu kama vile shughuli kwa mwanafunzi, shughuli ya vikundi, kazimradi, shughuli ya nyumbani na michezo ili kumwezesha mwalimu kupima umilisi wa mwanafunzi kwenye stadi mbalimbali za lugha.
    • Picha halisi na michoro ya kuvutia inamsaidia mwanafunzi katika uelewa wa mada.
    • Kinalenga kumsaidia mwanafunzi kutumia vifaa vya teknolojia kama vile video, redio, tabuleti katika kurahisisha ujifunzaji.
    • Mbinu tofauti za ufunzaji zimejumuishwa kama vile miradi ya uwekezaji, shughuli nje ya darasa, kutumia nyimbo, mashairi, kumhusisha mzazi au mlezi na ujifunzaji katika vikundi. Mbinu hizi zinasaidia kujenga umilisi wa mwanafunzi.
    • Masuala mtambuko na kuhusisha maadili kujenga mada tofauti imeshughulikiwa.
    •Kitabu cha mwalimu kipo ili kumpa mapendekezo katika ufunzaji.

    ISBN: 9789966572455

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  • Longhorn Agriculture Learner’s Book Grade 5 (Approved) by P.Sigei, D. Kemei, B. Ndumia

    Original price was: KSh677.00.Current price is: KSh610.00.

    Longhorn Agriculture Grade 5 Learner’s Book is a book that comprehensively and exhaustively covers the new CompetencyBased Agriculture Curriculum for Grade 5. It promotes the acquisition of core competences, relevant social skills, positive attitudes, and values. It also promotes the practical application of knowledge gained in the classroom.
    The content in the book is based on the general experiences of the learner as well as Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) covered in the curriculum. The book promotes social skills and values through activities and tasks which are organised within content areas, and that reflect the learner’s environment and social realities in a simple but thought-provoking way.
    The activities and tasks also promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as the acquisition of important life skills among learners for a quick and careful response to challenges in society.

    ISBN: 9789966643216

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  • Longhorn Mathematics Learner’s Book Grade 5 (Approved) by T. Opul, I. Ochoo, T. Mukhuri

    Original price was: KSh677.00.Current price is: KSh610.00.

    Longhorn Mathematics Grade 5 Learner’s Book is a book that comprehensively and exhaustively covers the new Competency-Based Mathematics Curriculum for Grade 5. It promotes the acquisition of core competences, relevant social skills, positive attitudes, and values. It also promotes the practical application of knowledge gained in the classroom.

    The content in the book is based on general experiences of the learner as well as Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) covered in the curriculum. The book promotes social skills and values through activities and tasks which are organised within content areas, and that reflect the learner’s environment and social realities in a simple but thought-provoking way.
    The activities and tasks also promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as the acquisition of important life skills among learners for a quick and careful response to challenges in society.

    ISBN: 9789966643117

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  • Longhorn Methode de Francais Grade 5 (Approved) by A. Mboni, N. Nalala

    Original price was: KSh680.00.Current price is: KSh610.00.

    La méthode de français Longhorn 5 est une méthode qui met en oeuvre, d’une manière ludique, le nouveau programme d’enseignement de français fondé sur les principes d’une approche par compétences. Destinée aux apprenants au premier cycle de l’école primaire, il favorise l’acquisition des compétences générales, compétences langagières de base, d’attitudes et des valeurs positives. Il favorise également l’application des connaissances acquises en classe dans la vie quotidienne.
    La méthode propose un contenu ancré sur les expériences générales de l’apprenant ainsi que sur les questions pertinentes et contemporaines (QPC) figurant dans le programme. L’apprentissage se veut interactive ; les activités et les tâches sont étroitement liées aux expériences relevant de l’environnement de l’apprenant et de ses réalités sociales. Ceci de manière simple mais stimulante. Les activités et les tâches favorisent également le développement de la pensée critique et la créativité, ainsi que l’acquisition d’aptitudes essentielles à la vie de tous les jours.

    ISBN: 9789966643230

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  • Longhorn Mwanga wa Kiswahili Mwanafunzi Grade 5 (Approved) by K. Ngere, M. Kikwanuu, H. Kangai and Walla bin Walla

    Original price was: KSh677.00.Current price is: KSh610.00.

    Longhorn Mwanga wa Kiswahili Gredi ya 5 (Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi) ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa ustadi na umahiri mkubwa. Kimeandikwa kwa lugha nyepesi ya kiwango cha mwanafunzi wa gredi ya nne. Kitabu hiki kinatosheleza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mtaala mpya wa umilisi pamoja na malengo ya elimu ya taifa la Kenya. Kimeshughulikia wanafunzi wote wakiwemo walio na mahitaji maalum pamoja na wanaoishi kwenye mazingira mbalimbali. Kitabu hiki kitamwangazia na kumwezesha mwanafunzi:
    • kuwa na uwezo wa kuwasiliana na wenzake,
    • kujiamini na kujithamini,
    • kuwaza kwa kina na kupata suluhu ya matatizo,
    • kuwa raia mwadilifu na mzalendo,
    • kutumia vifaa mbalimbali vya kidijitali.
    Upekee wa kitabu hiki ni kuwashirikisha wanafunzi kwa kiwango kikubwa katika ujifunzaji. Mlezi pia ameshirikishwa hasa katika mazoezi ya ziada. Mwishoni mwa kila mada kuu kuna zoezi la kuzichangamsha akili za wanafunzi ili kukumbuka waliyosoma.
    Kitabu hiki kina mwongozo wa mwalimu ambao utamwelekeza mwalimu katika kutekeleza wajibu wake. Bila shaka, mwanga wa kitabu hiki utaangaza na kukikuza Kiswahili angavu miongoni mwa wanafunzi. Waandishi wa kitabu hiki ni walimu na watahini wenye ujuzi wa kutosha katika ufundishaji wa Kiswahili kwa miaka mingi.

    ISBN: 9789966643155

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  • Mastering Computers Book 5 (Smartbrains)

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    Mastering Computers Book 5 introduces the learner beyond hardware part of the computer. It helps the learner understand the
    way computer works in a very basic and easy way.

    ISBN: 2010108000144

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  • Mentor Agriculture Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by A.SAID, G.WAWERU, H.KIMARU, J.GATHOGO, J.KIARIE, R.MASINDE

    Original price was: KSh633.34.Current price is: KSh570.00.

    Mentor Agriculture Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency-Based Curriculum and Grade Five Agriculture Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Upper School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values, and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry-based and learner-centered to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values, and Pertinent and Contemporary issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear, and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Upper School Education.

    ISBN: 9789966012579

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  • Mentor Art and Craft Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by C.K.MAVYALA, M.O.RABUDI

    Original price was: KSh633.34.Current price is: KSh570.00.

    Mentor Art and Craft Learner’s Book is fully designed in line with the Competency-Based Curriculum and Grade Five Art and Craft Curriculum Design. It adequately helps the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the upper school level. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values, and attitude for lifelong learning. The activities are presented through an inquiry-based approach and a language that is simple and clear making learning interesting and fun. The book has been authored by the most experienced teachers with a wide range of knowledge in teaching upper school.

    ISBN: 9789966012531

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  • Mentor CBC Atlas Grade 4-6. by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh1,222.00.Current price is: KSh1,100.00.

    Mentor CBC ATLAS is in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It is the most ideal ATLAS for learners and teachers in upper primary. This ATLAS effectively provides information on Counties in Kenya, Kenya and Eastern Africa as required by the Competency Based Curriculum. It also provides information on physical features, political boundaries, population distribution and economic activities.

    This ATLAS is an essential tool for teachers and learners in Grade Four,Five and Six. The information in this ATLAS is presented in an easy-to-follow manner. Learners require minimum guidance to use this ATLAS.

    ISBN: 9789966012227

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