Mentor English Literacy Activities grade 2
Original price was: KSh600.00.KSh533.00Current price is: KSh533.00.
KSh600.00 Original price was: KSh600.00.KSh533.00Current price is: KSh533.00.
The book provides different sections such as My Bible, Let us sing, Now I know, Digital session, Take home and Check yourself to ensure coverage of the Competency-Based Curriculum.
* Â Simple activities such as singing, storytelling, composing and reciting poems, drawing, composing poems and role-play have been integrated to make learning interesting and participatory.
* Learner-centered approaches, discovery and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competencies, values, Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls).
* A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.
ISBN: 9789966572288 SKU: 2010130000470
Know More Art and Craft Learner’s Book for Grade 1 is written in conformity to the new competency-based curriculum design to assist learners carry out various interactive learning activities.
The book provides learners with opportunities to develop core competencies, values, skills and attitudes.
Longhorn Kiswahili Mufti ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa mtindo wa mazoezi kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokusudiwa kujenga ujuzi wa mwanafunzi kupitia utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa. Kitabu hiki kimetimiza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mada zote za silabasi mpya ya somo la Kiswahili kwa wanafunzi wa gredi ya kwanza
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