Queenex English Activities Grade 5 (Approved) by AGOLA
KSh666.00 Original price was: KSh666.00.KSh600.00Current price is: KSh600.00.
ISBN: 9780195749106
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OUP Kiswahili Dadisi Grade 5 Kitabu cha mwanafunzi (Approved) by J. Ndege, P. Kea, E. Osoro, Z. Mucheria
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Katika Kiswahili Dadisi, Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, Gredi ya 5, utapata:
• mada zilizopangwa kwa kuzingatia muainisho wa mtalaa mpya.
• mifano halisi ya miktadha ambapo lugha hutumika.
• mazoezi ya kuwahamasisha wanafunzi kuendeleza ujifunzaji nje ya darasa na yale yenye kuwashirikisha katika shughuli za
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• jinsi ya kuwashirikisha wazazi na walezi ili kuimarisha uwajibikaji.
• vifungu vya kumburudisha na kumfikirisha mwanafunzi katika sehemu ya ‘Burudika’.
Kiswahili Dadisi, Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi kina Mwongozo wa Mwalimu ambao pia una mazoezi na maelekezo tosha ambayo mwalimu atahitaji ili kumwongoza mwanafunzi aweze kufaulu katika mtalaa huu wa umilisi.ISBN: 9780195749052
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Kitabu hiki
• Kimeshughulikia mada kwa njia inayomwezesha mwanafunzi kushiriki kikamilifu katika ujifunzaji.
• Mada na shughuli za darasani zimeteuliwa kwa uangalifu kumjengea mwanafunzi umilisi wa aina mbalimbali. Mada hizi zinalenga kuimarisha umilisi wa kusikiliza kwa makini, kuzungumza kwa ujasiri, kusoma kwa ufasaha na kuandika vyema.
• Kuna mazoezi na mijarabu kama vile shughuli kwa mwanafunzi, shughuli ya vikundi, kazimradi, shughuli ya nyumbani na michezo ili kumwezesha mwalimu kupima umilisi wa mwanafunzi kwenye stadi mbalimbali za lugha.
• Picha halisi na michoro ya kuvutia inamsaidia mwanafunzi katika uelewa wa mada.
• Kinalenga kumsaidia mwanafunzi kutumia vifaa vya teknolojia kama vile video, redio, tabuleti katika kurahisisha ujifunzaji.
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• The science element presents activities that guide the learner through explanations and predictions about nature and the universe.
• The application of technological element introduces the learner to elementary technological concepts and the application of digital literacy in learning and solving problems.This Learner’s Activity Book (LAB) for Grade Five comprehensively covers Grade Five Science and Technology curriculum design. The learning activities help the learner acquire the following core competencies:
• Communication and collaboration
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• Digital literacy
• Communication and collaboration
• Problem-solving
• Citizenship
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