





Showing 2593–2616 of 2644 results

  • Visionary Home Science Learner’s Grade 4 by KLB

    Original price was: KSh388.00.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    KLB Visionary Home Science Grade Four Learner’s Book has been designed with the aim of equiping the learner with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed in day-to-day life. The concepts presented build on the competencies introduced in Grade Five and the early years of learning.

    ISBN: 9789966655806

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    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.
  • Vituko vya Gogo Mbugani

    Original price was: KSh466.00.Current price is: KSh420.00.

    Hadithi za Kusisimua Zinazofundisha Stadi za Maisha

    Hii ni hadithi kwa watoto wenye umri wa miaka 8-9 (Gredi 4). Ni kitabu kinachowasaidia watoto kujifunza jinsi ya kuongoza

    Mbuzi kwa jina Go-go anapotelea katika mbuga ya wanyama ya Nairobi. Anakumbwa na hofu akikumbuka wanyama hatari wa porini wanaoweza kumgeuza kitoweo. Mbuzi Go-go hana budi kutumia akili la sivyo apatwe na makubwa. Je, Mbuzi Go-Go atafanya nini ili arejee kwao salama salamini?

    Edwin Mokaya
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  • Vituko Vya Meja na Hadithi Nyingine

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh450.00.

    Leshan na Aida wanajipata mashakani baada ya kusingiziwa kulichafua darasa lao. Je, nani anayelichafua darasa la wanafunzi wa gredi ya tatu na kuvuruga amani? Nani ndiye mshindi katika mchezo wa taka unaoongozwa na Aida ?

    Soma ufahamu jinsi Aida na Leshan  wanavyokumbana na changamoto wanapoachiwa Joni wamtunze.


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  • Vituko vya Panya: Panya mjanja mtegoni by Yahya Mutuku

    Original price was: KSh211.00.Current price is: KSh190.00.

    Panya Mjanja Mtegoni ni kitabu  cha tatu katika msururu wa Vituko vya Panya. Panya Mjanja, kwa mara nyingine, anadhihirisha kwamba ujanja wake ungalipo. Amefungiwa mtegoni kwa tamaa yake. Je, atafaulu kujinasua?”

    ISBN: 9789966788689

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  • Vituko Vya Sugura 4d by Pauline Kea

    Original price was: KSh294.00.Current price is: KSh260.00.

    Vituko vya Sungura 4d ni kitabu kinachotenga wanafunzi wa Darasa la Nne katika shule za msingi ili kuendeleza na kukuza uwezo wao wa kusomo. Miongoni mwa sifa za kipekee za kitabu hiki ni:

    • masimulizi rahisi ya hadithi za kale kwa njia ya shairi.
    • kuingiza ucheshi katika maandishi kupitia utambaji wa hadithi, ukariri wa beti za shairi, semi, tashihisi na picha za rangi zenye kusisimua.
    • kuwapitisha na kuwalea wanafunzi katika mazingira ya kusaidiana na kushirikiana wakati wa shida, stadi za maisha. uwajibikaji, utu, uvumilivu, uadilifu, haki, kuishi kwa utangamano na amani.

    Mradi wa Kusoma ni mfululizo wa vitabu vya ziada ambao unaambatana na kozi ya Kiswahili Sanifu .

    ISBN: 9780195734508

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    Original price was: KSh222.00.Current price is: KSh200.00.
  • Walk to Recovery

    Original price was: KSh450.00.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    Weaverbird Series aims at entertaining young readers with vivid, delightful stories. The stories in this series are well-written with characters that are amusing and true to life. Walk to Recovery is the story of a boy, Alex, who walks on a rotten bridge. The bridge collapses and Alex tumbles into the river. In the accident, Alex’s leg is seriously injured. We begin to wonder how the once active boy will live without one of his legs. It is an exciting story, full of suspense, as Alex moves from hurdle to hurdle. It is the story every young reader will want to read through.

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  • Wanyama wa Nyumbani 1b by Catherine Wanjiku

    Original price was: KSh227.00.Current price is: KSh205.00.

    Watu wanaishi na wanyama wa aina tofauti nyumbani. Wanyama wa nyumbani ni wazuri. Wanyama hao wanawasaidia watu kupata vitu mbalimbali. Watu nao wanawasaidia wanyama hao kukaa mahali pazuri na salama. Wanyama hao pia wanapewa vyakula na maji. Wanyama hutoa sauti za aina tofauti. Soma kitabu hiki. Utawajua wanyama wa nyumbani na umuhimu wake kwetu,pia utajua sauti zao.

    ISBN: 9789966347671

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  • Warthog’s Tail

    Original price was: KSh444.00.Current price is: KSh400.00.


    This story is for children aged 7-8 years (Grade 3). It is a book that teaches children to be brave even when they are scared.

    In African plains, you often see warthogs. They stay in families or small groups and trot one behind the other in a straight line. They have long, thin tails with a black tuft of hair at the end. They hold their tails straight up behind them. The tufts act like tiny flags. They help a warthog family stay together. The black tuft also serves as a warning signal in case of danger. So what happens when Little Warthog cannot hold up its tail?

    Kenny Mann

    ISBN: 9789966621221

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    Original price was: KSh55.00.Current price is: KSh50.00.
  • We come in Peace by David Mulwa

    Original price was: KSh438.00.Current price is: KSh395.00.

    We Come in Peace 

    Then the captain looked at me and said, “Quick!” I looked to my left and saw … a river of blood, my blood! It flowed, washing the deck of the Man-of-War in a crimson tide. Then I lost consciousness. I did not wake up until I found myself here …

    Mulwa subverts the story of slave trade as we know it. In this highly gripping read, he weaves a riveting plot that moves back and forth in time-from ancient times to the present-with amazing ease.

    StarLit Readers is a new series targeting lower secondary school students. The series is also recommended for other readers looking for hilarious modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The readers in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

    ISBN: 9780195736960

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  • Wema Hauozi (Access) by Timothy M Arege

    Original price was: KSh483.00.Current price is: KSh435.00.

    Wema Hauozi ni tamthilia fupi inayochunguza mgonganokati ya wenye tamaa ya kutenda maovu na wenye kero dhidi ya tamaa hiyo. Mgongano huu una madhara makubwa kwa wenye ujasiri wa kukemea maovu hayo lakini yote hayo ni kwa muda tu. Kumbe ipo siku juhudi za kuuzika wema hushindwa na badala yake mbegu ya wema huchipuza na kuzagaza matawi yake kwa kila kiumbe kuona. Tamthilia hii yenye ucheshi imeandikwa kwa ufundi mkubwa unaokuacha ukiwa unajiuliza maswali ya kufikirisha ufikapo mwishoni.

    Dkt. Timothy M. Arege ni mwandishi wa tamthilia, mashairi na hadithi fupi. Tamthilia zake nyingine ni Chamchela, Mstahiki Meya, Kijiba cha Moyo, Majira ya Utasa, Duara, Si Shwari na Bembea ya Maisha. Kwa sasa Arege ni Mhadhiri Mkuu katika Idara ya Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Kenyatta.

    ISBN: BK00000011309

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  • Wema Kasande by Wema Kasande

    Original price was: KSh388.00.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    Wema Kasande anapojiunga na shule ya upili anapata changamoto nyingi. Wanafunzi wenzake wanamcheka na kumkosesha amani. Yupo pia mwanafunzi mmoja ambaye anamdharau kwa sababu anatoka katika familia maskini. Hata hivyo, kwa msaada wa Roselyne, anagundua kwamba kuna njia rahisi ya kukabiliana na matatizo yake. Je, Roselyne ni nani na anafanya nini ili kumwokoa Wema kutokana na hali yake?

    Wema Kasande ni kisa cha kusisimua kuhusu mvulana anayepambana kuirejesha hali yake ya kujiamini aliyopokonywa na jamii yake huku akijitahidi kuyaboresha maisha yake na yale ya familia yake. Kisa hiki kitawafaa wasomaji kutambua kwamba hali ngumu hazidumu na kwamba bidii na nidhamu huleta nafuu ya maisha.

    ISBN: 9789966141934

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  • Wema wa Sofi na Hadithi Nyingine by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Sofi ni msichana ambaye kuzaliwa kwake ni kwa ajabu sana. Baada ya kuzaliwa, anakutana na hatari kwenye ulimwengu wa watu katili. Kwanza, wasichana wa rika lake wanamwonea wivu kutokana na urembo aliojaaliwa. Pili, jina Sofi linamtia Malkia Malkan wasiwasi usio kifani. Malkia Malkan amemtuma Sofi na wenzake kwenye msitu wa mbali akiwa na lengo la …

    Wema wa Sofi na Hadithi Nyingine by QueenexRead More

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    Original price was: KSh738.00.Current price is: KSh665.00.
  • Wendo tours Nairobi County by (Omwocha)

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Wendo Wanani is a pupil at Kaptiket Primary school in Kericho County.
    She has never been to Nairobi. She takes part in an essay writing competition titled ‘Kenya, my Beautiful Land,
    and is invited to Nairobi for the finals.
    Together with nine other pupils from different schools across the country,
    Wendo’s reward is to tour the city under the sun – Nairobi. From parks to statues,
    museums to roads she has never heard about, Wendo is on a discovery mission.

    ISBN: 9789966140104

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  • Werevu Wa Juma 2c By Oxford

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    Hiki ni kitabu kinachonuiwa kuendeleza msingi wa kusoma na kukuza uwezo wa kusoma wa wanafunzi wa darasa la pili katika shule za msingi.

    ISBN: 9780195730609

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  • Wet all over 2e by Oxford

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are ten readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195730388

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  • What a big Bang! 5c by Oxford

    Original price was: KSh327.00.Current price is: KSh295.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are ten readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195729351

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  • When no one is Watching by Moran

    Original price was: KSh300.00.Current price is: KSh270.00.

    Do you behave properly even when no one is watching you? Richard is an adolescent boy who is confronted with so many temptations. First, he tries to cheat in an exam after failing to revise. Also, Angela, his classmate tries to lure him into indulging in premarital sex with her. Although he is only fourteen years, he goes driving on the highway where he is caught by the traffic police. Will Richard pass these tests of life?

    ISBN: 9789966346544

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  • Where Are My Shoes? 1U

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Where is Hare? Book 4 by Bracey

    Original price was: KSh250.00.Current price is: KSh225.00.
  • Where is My Laptop? 3u

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    Minayo has a new laptop. She likes using it. One day, she could not find it.


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