Showing 1033–1056 of 2644 results
Longhorn English Learner’s Grade 4 (Approved) by Kagwe
Original price was: KSh633.34.KSh570.00Current price is: KSh570.00.Add to cartLonghorn English Grade 4 Learner’s Book is a book that comprehensively and exhaustively covers the new competency-based English curriculum for primary schools. it promotes the acquisition of core competences, relevant language learning skills, positive attitudes and values. It also promotes practical application of knowledge gained in class.
The content in this book is based on general experiences of the learner as well as Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) given in the curriculum. The book promotes language learning through activities and tasks which are organised within content areas that reflect the learner’s environment and social realities in a simple but thought-provoking way. The activities and tasks also promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as acquisition of important life skills among learners to respond positively to different challenges.
ISBN: 9789966642264
Longhorn English Literacy Activities Learner’s Book Grade 1
Original price was: KSh486.00.KSh440.00Current price is: KSh440.00.Add to cartLonghorn English Literacy Activities Grade 1 Learner’s Book is a book based on the new competency-based curriculum. It promotes the acquisition of core competencies, relevant literacy skills, positive attitudes and values by learners. It also promotes practical application of the knowledge gained in class.
Content in the book is based on the general experiences of the learners as well as Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) given in the curriculum. The content is organised in simple but thought-provoking activities that promote critical thinking and problem solving skills as well as acquisition of important life skills among leamers for a responsible response to challenges in the society.
Longhorn Environmental Activ PP2 Workbook
Original price was: KSh389.00.KSh350.00Current price is: KSh350.00.Add to cartThis is a new exciting revision workbook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum. The activities aim at helping the learners acquire skills that promote safety, good health, environmental conservation and appreciation of our cultural diversity as they interact with their immediate environment.
The book:
– Has simple curriculum-based activities that help learners practise what they have learned;
– Has plenty of activities that help in the acquisition of core competences;
– Enhances learning by discovery through the activities developed based on everyday life experiences;
– Has beautiful illustrations to capture the learners’ attention and make learning enjoyable.ISBN: 9789966641212
Longhorn Environmental Activities Grade 1 Learner’s book
Original price was: KSh572.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Environmental Activities for Grade I is an approved course book that captures the expectations of the new competency-based curriculum developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). It has the following unique features that support the teaching and learning process:
Numerous learner-centred activities that promote the acquisition of knowledge.
Carefully selected illustrations and photographs that support concepts to be learnt.
A beautiful design that is easy to read and follow, with a predictable pattern that enhances learning.
Practical learning points that develop skills that learners need at this level.
Strictly adheres to the syllabus which gives it a sharp focus on all the competencies meant to be developed.
Promotes environmental conservation and sustainability by suggesting safer ways of carrying out various activities.
ISBN: 9789966640598
Longhorn Environmental Activities Learner’s Book Grade 2 by Francis MurayaGodfrey Ngatia, Esther Nafula
Original price was: KSh605.00.KSh545.00Current price is: KSh545.00.Add to cartLonghorn Environmental Activities for Grade 2 is an approved course book that captures the expectations of the new competency-based curriculum developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). It has the following unique features that support the teaching and learning process:
Numerous learner-centred activities that promote the acquisition of knowledge. Carefully selected illustrations and photographs that support concepts to be learnt.
A beautiful design that is easy to read and follow, with a predictable pattern that enhances learning.
Practical learning points that develop skills that learners need at this level.
Strictly adheres to the syllabus which gives it a sharp focus on all the competencies meant to be developed.
Promotes environmental conservation and sustainability by suggesting safer ways of carrying various activities.
ISBN: 9789966640604
Longhorn Environmental Activities for Grade 2 is an approved course book that captures the expectations of the new competency-based curriculum developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). It has the following unique features that support the teaching and learning process:
Numerous learner-centred activities that promote the acquisition of knowledge. Carefully selected illustrations and photographs that support concepts to be learnt.
A beautiful design that is easy to read and follow, with a predictable pattern that enhances learning.
Practical learning points that develop skills that learners need at this level.
Strictly adheres to the syllabus which gives it a sharp focus on all the competencies meant to be developed.
Promotes environmental conservation and sustainability by suggesting safer ways of carrying various activities.
ISBN: 9789966640604
Longhorn Environmental Activities Learner’s Book Grade 3
Original price was: KSh522.00.KSh470.00Current price is: KSh470.00.Add to cartLonghorn Environmental Activities for Grade 3 is an approved course book that captures the expectations of the new competency-based curriculum developed by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). It has the following unique features that support the teaching and learning process:
Numerous learner-centred activities that promote the acquisition of knowledge.
Carefully selected illustrations and photographs that support concepts to be learnt.
A beautiful design that is easy to read and follow, with a predictable pattern that enhances learning.
Practical learning points that develop skills that learners need at this level.
Strictly adheres to the syllabus which gives it a sharp focus on all the competencies meant to be developed.
Promotes environmental conservation and sustainability by suggesting safer ways of carrying out various activities.
ISBN: 9789966640611
Longhorn Environmental Activities Learner’s book Pre-primary 1
Original price was: KSh544.44.KSh490.00Current price is: KSh490.00.Add to cartLonghorn Environmental Activities for Pre-Primary I Learner’s Book is a new coursebook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum for pre-primary education. It aims at enabling learners to explore. experiment and interact with the immediate environment It also enables learners to acquire skills that promote good health, safety, environmental conservation and appreciation of our rich cultural diversity.
The book:
enhances learning by discovery through numerous activities based on everyday life experiences:
incorporates pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and child-friendly manner;
has simplified curriculum-based activities that help learners in the acquisition of core competencies.
is beautifully illustrated to hold the child’s attention and make learning stimulating and enjoyable.
ISBN: 9789966640758
Longhorn Environmental Activities Learnrer’s Book PP2 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh472.00.KSh425.00Current price is: KSh425.00.Add to cartLonghorn Environmental Activities Learnrer’s Book PP2 (Approved)
by Longhorn
Longhorn Environmental Activities for Pre-Primary 2 Learner’s Book is a new coursebook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum for pre-primary education. It aims at enabling learners to explore. experiment and interact with the immediate environment. It also enables learners to acquire skills that promote good health, safety, environmental conservation and appreciation of our rich cultural diversity.
The book:
• enhances learning by discovery through numerous activities based on everyday life experiences.
• incorporates pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and child-friendly manner.
• has simplified curriculum-based activities that help learners in the acquisition of core competences.
• is beautifully illustrated to hold the child’s attention and make learning stimulating and enjoyable.
ISBN: 9789966640772
Longhorn Environmental Activities Pre-Primary 1 Workbook
Original price was: KSh389.00.KSh350.00Current price is: KSh350.00.Add to cartThis is a new exciting revision workbook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum. The activities aim at helping the learners acquire skills that promote safety, good health, environmental conservation and appreciation of our cultural diversity as they interact with their immediate environment.
ISBN: 9789966641205
Longhorn Francais Premier Cycle Du Secondaire Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn
Original price was: KSh766.00.KSh690.00Current price is: KSh690.00.Add to cartLonghorn Methode de francais 8 s’adresse aux grands adolescents du premier cycle du secondaire. Ce manuel privilegie une approche par compétences grace auxquelles, l’apprenant développera des savoir-faire en interaction, l’acquisition et amélioration des compétences langagiéres, application des connaissances acquise en classe, ainsi que, des questions pertinentes et contemporaines (QPC) et des valeurs.
Ce manuel comprend 8 unités, ancrés chacune sur un théme qui sera abordé au travers des quatre compétences. Ces unités sont composées de supports divers ; principalement, des activités tirées de la vie quotidienne et des enregistrements. La phonétique est intégrée dans chaque unite afin d’aider l’’apprenant d perfectionner sa prononciation.
ISBN: 9789966644176
Longhorn Francais Premier Cycle Grade 7 (Approved) by Longhorn
Original price was: KSh666.00.KSh600.00Current price is: KSh600.00.Add to cartLonghorn méthode de francais 7 s’adresse aux grands adolescents du premier cycle du secondaire. Ce manuel privilégie une approche par compétences grace auxquelles, l’apprenant développera des savoir-faire en interaction, l’acquisition et amélioration des compétences langagiéres, application des connaissances acquise en classe, ainsi que, des questions pertinentes et contemporaines (QPC) et des valeurs.
ISBN: 9789966643919
Longhorn Happy Hannah and the Wheelchair by Mwebi
Original price was: KSh261.00.KSh235.00Current price is: KSh235.00.Add to carthannah is a very sad little girl. She cannot walk. She needs a wheelchair to move around but she does not have one. Her parents are not able to get her a wheelchair. Does Hannah finally get a wheelchair?
Longhorn Read and Discover is a new series of readers for the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) specially written to promote the tore competences and the PCIs (Pertinent and Contemporary Issues) in a fun, educative and entertaining manner. The readers come with a range of activities that will help learners boost their creativity, imagination and critical thinking.
ISBN: 9789966641755
Longhorn Happy Hannah Goes to School by Amos Oz
Original price was: KSh260.00.KSh235.00Current price is: KSh235.00.Add to cartHannah is very happy. She loves her new wheelchair. She can finally go to school. Mother wheels Hannah to school. What does Happy Hannah learn as she goes to school for the first time?
Longhorn Read and Discover is a new series of readers for the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) specially written to promote the tore competences and the PCIs (Pertinent and Contemporary Issues) in a fun, educative and entertaining manner. The readers come with a range of activities that will help learners boost their creativity, imagination and critical thinking.
ISBN: 9789966641762
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Longhorn Health Education Learner’s Book Grade 7 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 7 learners to understand basic Health Education concepts. The book comprehensively covers the Health Education Grade 7 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.
Longhorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activites Learner’s Book Grade 1
Original price was: KSh572.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Grade 1 Learner’s Book is the first of a series of three Lower Primary School books developed by Longhorn Publishers in line with the new competency-based curriculum of 2017. It comprehensively covers all the topics highlighted in the Grade 1 syllabus and gives a unique opportunity for learners to engage in the learning process and discover facts by themselves. The unique features include:
Embraces learning by discovery through numerous practical activities. Has numerous fun activities to make learning interesting and enjoyable.
Incorporates pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and learner-friendly manner. Has full-colour illustrations, photographs and an attractive design to make the book appealing. Has comprehensive summary notes to explain various concepts in the different topics.
Longhorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Learner’s Book Grade 2 by Longhorn
Original price was: KSh575.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Grade 2 Learner’s Book is the first of a series of three Lower Primary School books developed by Longhorn Publishers in line with the new competency-based curriculum of 2017. It comprehensively covers all the topics highlighted in the Grade 2 syllabus and gives a unique opportunity for learners to engage in the learning process and discover facts by themselves. The unique features include:
• Embraces learning by discovery through numerous practical activities. Has numerous fun activities to make learning interesting and enjoyable.
• Incorporates pertinent and Contemporary Issues in an interactive and learner-friendly manner. Has full-colour illustrations, photographs and an attractive design to make the book appealing.
• Has comprehensive summary notes to explain various concepts in the different topics.
ISBN: 9789966640369
Longhorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Learner’s Book Grade 3
Original price was: KSh572.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Grade 3 Learner’s Book is the first of a series of three Lower Primary School books developed by Longhorn Publishers in line with the new competency-based curriculum of 2017. It comprehensively covers all the topics highlighted in the Grade 3 syllabus and gives a unique opportunity for learners to engage in the learning process and discover facts by themselves. The unique features include:
• Embraces learning by discovery through numerous practical activities.
• Has numerous fun activities to make learning interesting and enjoyable.
• Incorporates pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and learner-friendly manner. Has full-colour Illustrations, photographs and an attractive design to make the book appealing.
• Has comprehensive summary notes to explain various concepts in the different topics.
ISBN: 9789966640376
Longhorn Integrated Science Grade 7 by Longhorn
Original price was: KSh705.00.KSh635.00Current price is: KSh635.00.Add to cartLonghorn Integrated Science Learner’s Book — Grade 7 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 7 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.
ISBN: 9789966643797
Longhorn Integrated Science Grade 8 by Longhorn
Original price was: KSh944.00.KSh850.00Current price is: KSh850.00.Add to cartThis is a new, concise and comprehensive coursebook written for Grade 8 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.
This book has the following key features:
-Appealing and eye-friendly design for ease of reading.
-Use of simple language that is to the level of the learner.
-Relevant, well drawn and full-colour illustrations to ease understanding of concepts.
-Well thought-out and engaging activities that help the learners to learn Integrated Science through discovery, using hands-on activities.
-Extended activities that will enhance the learners’ collaboration with their parents, peers and the community.
-Presentation of content using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy with the following skills being tested: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.
ISBN: 9789966644114
Original price was: KSh522.22.KSh470.00Current price is: KSh470.00. -
Longhorn Kiswahili Grade 7 by Longhorn
Original price was: KSh644.00.KSh580.00Current price is: KSh580.00.Add to cartHiki ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa ustadi, umahiri mkubwa na kwa lugha ya kiwango cha mwanofunzi wa gredi ya saba. Kitabu hiki kinatosheleza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mtaala mpya wa umilisi pamoja na malengo ya elimu ya taifa la Kenya. Kimeshughulikia wanafunzi wote wakiwemo walio na mahitaji maalum pamoja na wanaoishi kwenye mazingira mbalimbali.
ISBN: 9789966643759
Longhorn Kiswahili Mufti GD 2 by Wallah
Original price was: KSh695.00.KSh540.00Current price is: KSh540.00.Add to cartLonghorn Kiswahili Mufti, Gredi 2 (Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi) ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa mtindo wa mazoezi kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokusudiwa kujenga ujuzi wa mwanafunzi kupitia utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa. Kitabu hiki kimetimiza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mada zote za silabasi mpya ya somo la Kiswahili kwa wanafunzi wa gredi ya pili.
Vilevile, kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi ili kueleweka kwa urahisi na. wanafunzi wa gredi ya pili kutoka katika mazingira mbalimbali. Msamiati uliotumika unaafikiana vyema na uwezo wa lugha ya wanafunzi katika kiwango hiki. Kimeshughulikia masuala ibuka kama vile: usalama, maadili, lishe bora, usafiri, utangamano, maarifa ya ujasiriamali, elimu endelevu, jinsia, teknolojia na mazingira. Pia, michoro ya kuvutia imetumiwa ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufahamu yaliyomo kwa urahisi na kuweza kuyahusisha maarifa na mazingira yake.
Kitabu hiki kina mwongozo wa mwalimu ambao utampa mwalimu maelezo na maelekezo kamili kuhusiana na mbinu mwafaka za kutayarisha, kuendesha na kutathmini uwezo wa utendaji wa wanafunzi na umahiri wao katika somo la Kiswahili.
ISBN: 9789966640031
Longhorn Kiswahili Mufti Kitabu Cha Mwanafunzi Gredi 3
Original price was: KSh572.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Kiswahili Mufti, Gredi 3 (Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi) ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa mtindo wa mazoezi kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokusudiwa kujenga ujuzi wa mwanafunzi kupitia utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa. Kitabu hiki kimetimiza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mada zote za silabasi mpya ya somo la Kiswahili kwa wanafunzi wa gredi ya tatu.
Vilevile, kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi ili kueleweka kwa urahisi na wanafunzi wa gredi ya tatu kutoka katika mazingira mbalimbali. Msamiati uliotumika unaafikiana vyema na uwezo wa lugha ya wanafunzi katika kiwango hiki. Kimeshughulikia masuala ibuka kama vile: maadili, haki za watoto, afya bora, uraia, ujasiriamali, elimu endelevu, teknolojia na mazingira.
Kadhalika, michoro ya kuvutia imetumiwa ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufahamu yaliyomo kwa urahisi na kuweza kuyahusisha maarifa na mazingira.ISBN: 39789966640048
Longhorn Kusoma na Kuandika Grade 1 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh500.00.KSh450.00Current price is: KSh450.00.Add to cartKusoma na kuandika katika Kiswahili, Gredi 1 ni kimoja miongoni mwa vitabu vipya
vilivyoandikwa kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokuza ujuzi wa wanafunzi kupitia kwa utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa.
Kitabu hiki kinawawezesha wanafunzi kupata maarifa ya kimsingi,
stadi zifaazo za kusoma na kuandika, mienendo miema na maadili ya kimaisha
pamoja na utumizi kamili wa maarifa wanayoyapata darasani.
Shughuli na mazoezi katika kitabu hiki zimejikita kwenye uzoefu wa wanafunzi wa kila siku
pamoja na masuala ya kisasa na ibuka kama yalivyofafanuliwa kwenye mtaala mpya.
Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na inayoibua tafakari tanduizi ili
kukuza ujuzi wa kutafakari na kuimarisha stadi za kimaisha za usuluhishaji wa matatizo ili kukidhi
mahitaji ya wanafunzi katika jamii.