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Showing 1513–1536 of 2674 results

  • Mpumpu and the Stolen Bicycle 5d by Lex Ikon

    Original price was: KSh238.00.Current price is: KSh215.00.
  • Mrembo, the Ant Queen 1s by Likimani

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are storybooks for each class specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern child an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the child has fun that’s built to last.  Malaika is going home from school. She starts playing around an anthill. Then some very strange things happen to her.

    ISBN: 9780195737776

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  • Mshale wa Matumaini Grade 7 (Access) by John Habwe

    Original price was: KSh444.00.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    Zingo na mama yake wanakimbilia ughaibuni kufuatia mzozo wa kikabila katika nchi yao. Huko ughaibuni wanakabiliwa na matatizo mengi. Zingo anafanya bidii kuyakabili licha ya umri wake mdogo. Hata hivyo, kinachomstaajabisha na kumhuzunisha ni kuhusishwa na baba yake ambaye anatuhumiwa kuwa mhalifu wa kivita. Zingo anabaguliwa na wenzake lakini anapiga moyo konde na kuendelea na masomo yake ambayo sasa yanampa matumaini ya kuyageuza maisha yake ya karaha kuwa ya furaha. Hii ni hadithi ya huzuni inayofunua makovu ya mizozo ya kijamii hasa mizozo hiyo inavyoathiri vijana wadogo.

    ISBN: 9789914729931

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  • Msururu wa Mbayuwayu: Ipo siku by Dowa

    Original price was: KSh355.00.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Natija na faraja vyote hutoka mbali. Nikipiga darubini nyuma ninaona jinsi maisha yalivyonidunga miiba mikali kila sehemu ya mwili wangu. Zipo siku nilikuwa ninatumia mbalamwezi kutalii vitabu vyangu usiku baada ya kukosa mafuta taa. Mwangaza hafifu nilioutumia pamoja na moshi uliotoka kwenye koroboi nilipokuwa nikisoma usiku, viliyaharibu macho yangu hadi leo ninavaa miwani…

    ISBN: 9789966075888

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  • Msururu wa Mbayuwayu: Kipepeo malidadi by Nzioka

    Original price was: KSh433.00.Current price is: KSh390.00.

    Una namba zao za simu?” daktari akazidi kuniuliza kuhusu wazazi wangu.
    Niliogopa sana kurudi nyumbani. Nilitoka kiharamu, basi ningerudije bila ya kuingia matatani?
    Nikamjibu: “Sina, Hawana simu. Sikusema uwongo. Nilitasua hali halisi…
    Shullam Nzioka ni mwandishi anayefahamika kwa umilisi wake wa lugha ya Kiswahili.
    Wengi wamesifu maandishi yake wakimpa mkono wa tahania kwa kazi zake ambazo huwachangamsha
    wasomaji kwa mvuto mkubwa. Miongoni mwa vichapo vyake vingine ni Hamnazo na hadithi nyingine.

    ISBN: 9789966115126

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  • Msururu wa Mbayuwayu: Kivuli cha mauko by Nyambeka

    Original price was: KSh355.00.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Hadithi hii inayazungumzia maisha halisi ya mwandishi katika utoto na ukuaji wake.
    Akiwa mdogo yeye ndugu zake ni wajeuri, wasiopenda kuoga na wasumbufu walivyo watoto wengine wa umri mdogo katika jamii.
    Umaskini unawasakama mwandishi na familia yake. Shore ambaye ni mwanambee katika familia ya mwandishi,
    anafanikiwa kupata ajira nzuri mjini Mbuta kutokana na kisomo chake.
    Anaifaa familia yake kwa kila namna hadi pale maisha ya kila mmoja katika familia hii yanakuwa rahisi na mazuri.
    Safiri nami katika kuisoma hadithi hii ya kukata na shoka.

    ISBN: 9789966075482

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  • Msururu wa Mbayuwayu: Zuhura na Zahara by Yahya Mutuku

    Original price was: KSh355.00.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Zuhura na Zahara ni pacha wanaofanana kama shilingi kwa ya pili. Wamelelewa kwa heshima na taadhima na wazazi wao lakini tabia zao hazilingani hata kidogo. Mwana wa mfalme aitwaye Chaka ni mgonjwa na hali yake ni mahututi. Ni lazima binti mmoja katika milki ya Tunu aipate dawa hiyo adimu ili mwana wa mfalme apone. Je, …

    Msururu wa Mbayuwayu: Zuhura na Zahara by Yahya MutukuRead More

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  • Msururu wa Targeter CBC Nuru ya Insha Gredi 4, 5, 6 by Targeter

    Original price was: KSh911.00.Current price is: KSh820.00.

    -Shughuli za kibinafsi zinazolenga kumfanya mwanafunzi kujiamini, kukuza ubunifu na utatuzi wa matatizo.

    -Shughuli za kikundi kadhaa zinazokusudiwa kujenga uwezo wa mawasiliano na ushirikiano.

    -Masuala mtambuko na dhana ya uraia mwema ni mambo ambayo yameshughulikiwa kwa kina.

    ISBN: 9789966016317

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  • Msuya Augua Tumbo by EAEP

    Original price was: KSh211.00.Current price is: KSh190.00.
  • Mti wa Ajabu by Nyambura Mpesha

    Original price was: KSh228.00.Current price is: KSh205.00.

    Katika nchi ya Tofali, paliondokea mti ambao ulishangaza kila mtu. Alfajiri, majani ya mti huo yaligeuka rangi na kuwa ya buluu, mchana yakawa ya kijani, alasiri yakawa njano, jioni yakawa ya hudhurungi na meusi usiku. Jinsi mti huo ulivyokua kwa kimo, ndivyo ulivyopanuka. Mti huo ulitisha. Hakuna mtu aliyethubutu kuukaribia.Siku moja vijana wawili wakakamavu waliamua kuukaribia. Je, waliangamizwa na mti huo wa ajabu au walirudi kijijini wakiwa wazima?

    ISBN: 9789966342508

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  • Mti wa Milele by Story Moja by Wangari Grace

    Original price was: KSh422.00.Current price is: KSh380.00.

    SOMA PAMOJA NA MTOTO WAKO Furahia uhondo wa kusoma pamoja na mtoto wako.
    Mtoto wako atavipenda vitabu maishani mwake na atajifundisha kwa wepesi endapo
    utazingatia hoja kumi rahisi zilizoorodheshwa hapa chini.
    1. Soma pamoja na mtoto wako katika mazingira yaliyotulia kama vile kwenye
    chumba cha kulala.
    2. Mhimize mtoto awe na mazoea ya kusoma hadithi nzima kwa kutumia
    viziada vya lugha kama vile kupandisha sauti. Asome hadithi nzima kwanza
    akilenga kuifurahia tu kisha aisome tena ili ajue yaliyomo.
    3. Mhimize mtoto ayaashirie maneno kwa vidole hasa anaposoma hadithi
    aliyokwisha kuisoma awali.
    4. Chunguza kama mtoto anaelewa aliyoyasoma kwa kumuuliza maswali rahisi
    kuhusu michoro, wahusika na hadithi kwa jumla.
    5. Kuwa na mtazamo chanya kuhusu hatua anayopiga mtoto katika usomaji
    wake. Usimvunje moyo bali umsifu kwa kila hatua anayopiga.
    6. Hakikisha kwamba mtoto anaisoma hadithi mara kadhaa.
    7. Baada ya mtoto kuzoea kusoma hadithi fulani, mhimize ajaribu kukusomea
    baadhi ya maneno ya hadithi hiyo au hadithi nzima,
    8. Mnunulie mtoto wako vitabu tofauti tofauti vya kuburudisha kama vile vitabu
    vya picha, vya kuchekesha na vya kuelimisha.
    9. Mwonyeshe mtoto wako kwamba una nia ya kufuatilia na kujua hadithi
    anazozisoma kwa kumuuliza maswali kuhusu hadithi hizo. Pia mhadithie
    hadithi ulizosoma kwenye vitabu ulivyo navyo.
    10.Uwe kielelezo bora kwa mtoto wako ili avithamini vitabu. Mwache mtoto
    wako akuone wewe ukisoma vitabu vingi.


    ISBN: 9789966001726

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  • MTP Agriculture Grade 7 (Approved) by MTP

    Original price was: KSh583.00.Current price is: KSh525.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary, the learner should be able to:

    -Participate actively in activities for conservation of agricultural environment.

    -Use scarce agricultural resources through innovative practices to contribute towards health, nutrition and food security.

    -Grow crops and rear animals as profitable agricultural enterprises through sustainable and ethical practices for self-reliance and economic development.

    -Apply existing and emerging technology in agriculture, digital and media resources to enhance sustainable agricultural practices. .

    -Appreciate agriculture as a worthy niche for hobby, career development, further education and training.

    ISBN: 9789914730920

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  • MTP Agriculture Learner’s Grade 4 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh455.00.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    By the end of upper primary, the learner should be able to:

    1. Participate actively in agricultural activities for environmental conservation.

    2. Use scarce agricultural resources through innovative practices to contribute towards food security.

    3. Rear small domestic animals as a profitable agricultural enterprise for self-sustainability and economic development.

    4. Apply technological skills, digital and media resources to enhance sustainable agricultural practices.

    5. Appreciate agriculture as a worthy niche for hobby, career development, further education and training.

    ISBN: 9789966827807

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  • MTP Agriculture Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by N. Gitonga

    Original price was: KSh633.00.Current price is: KSh570.00.

    By the end of upper primary, the learner should be able to:
    • Participate actively in agricultural activities for environmental conservation.
    • Use scarce agricultural resources through innovative practices to contribute towards food security.
    • Rear small domestic animals as a profitable agricultural enterprise for self-sustainability and economic development.
    • Apply technological skills, digital and media resources to enhance sustainable agricultural practices.
    • Appreciate agriculture as a worthy niche for hobby, career development, further education and training.

    ISBN: 9789966822741

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  • MTP Agriculture Learner’s Grade 6 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh638.00.Current price is: KSh575.00.

    By the end of upper primary, the learner should be able to:

    -Participate actively in agricultural activities for environmental conservation.

    -Use scarce agricultural resources through innovative practices to contribute towards food security.

    -Rear small domestic animals as a profitable agricultural enterprise for self-sustainability and economic development.

    -Apply technological skills, digital and media resources to enhance sustainable agricultural practices.

    -Appreciate agriculture as a worthy niche for hobby, career development, further education and training.

    ISBN: 9789914987133

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  • MTP Art and Craft Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by M. Okumbe and C. Ondieki

    Original price was: KSh633.00.Current price is: KSh570.00.

    • Express feelings, ideas, emotions, and experiences through picture-making activities for self expression.
    • Appreciate and apply creative techniques used in indigenous Kenyan crafts within their social context and cultures.

    • Apply environmental conservation values of re-use and recycle of materials for creative purposes.
    • Create Artworks, to share their ideas, thoughts, feelings, and experiences for learning and enjoyment.
    • Use technology as a learning tool to explore creative ideas in the process of making artwork.
    • Develop self-confidence and sense of achievement through making and responding to artworks of self and others.
    • Apply appropriate presentation and exhibition skills in enhancement of their 2D and 3D artworks.

    ISBN: 9789966822789

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  • MTP Business Studies Grade 7 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh672.00.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary, the learner should be able to:

    -Make effective use of financial literacy skills for prudent financial decision making, generation of income and creation of wealth for sustainable development.

    -Understand business and its environment in addressing economic issues in the society.

    -Practise basic business and entrepreneurial skills for the development of self and society.

    -Act with integrity and apply knowledge, critical understanding and technology to environmental concerns and ethical issues as both opportunities and constraints for businesses.

    -Recognize role of government in business and respond to community, national and global economic issues, as an informed and responsible citizen.

    -Develop an awareness of the nature and significance of basic skills of keeping business financial records, innovation and change within the context of business activities.

    -Exhibit understanding of pertinent and contemporary issues in business and the society.

    -Develop a foundation for further studies in careers related to Business Studies.

    ISBN: 9789914987164

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  • MTP CRE Activities Grade 2 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh422.22.Current price is: KSh380.00.

    After the use of this book, the learner will be able to; Demonstrate awareness of the love of God as their sole Creator and heavenly Father. Appreciate the Holy Bible as the word of God and apply it in their daily life for holistic living. Appreciate the life of Jesus Christ by applying His teachings …

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  • MTP CRE Activities workbook for grade 1

    Original price was: KSh467.00.Current price is: KSh420.00.

    After use of this book, the learner will be able to;

    Demonstrate awareness of the love of God as their sole.

    Creator and heavenly Father.

    Appreciate the Holy Bible as the word of God and apply it in their daily life for holistic living.

    Appreciate the life of Jesus Christ by applying His teachings in their relationships with others.

    Apply Christian Values in their interaction with others from diverse backgrounds to form healthy relationships.

    Appreciate the Church as a place of serving God and instilling a sense of responsibility in the learner.

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  • MTP CRE Learner’s Grade 6 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh672.00.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    General Learning Outcomes:

    1. Demonstrate an awareness of God as the sole Creator by

    protecting, preserving and conserving the environment.

    2. Recognize the Bible and apply its teachings for responsible living.

    3. Apply the teachings of Jesus Christ in his/her interactions with

    others to form harmonious relationships.

    4. Practice Christian values in order to make informed moral decisions

    and choices relevant to social-economic, technological, environmental

    and political issues.

    5. Analyse the role of the Church in contributing towards positive

    transformation of the society.

    6. Apply moral teachings in the use of digital devices and social

    media platforms for wellbeing of self and others.

    7. Appreciate God’s revelation to human kind so as to respond in

    faith by fostering peaceful co-existence and good relationships.

    ISBN: 9781114987180

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  • MTP English Activities Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh583.00.Current price is: KSh525.00.

    By using this book the learner should be able to

    – Listen and respond appropriately to relevant information in a variety of contexts.

    – Express self confidently using the language structures and the vocabulary acquired for interaction with others.

    – Read with comprehension, a variety of short texts of about 200 words fluently and accurately.

    – Read with comprehension a variety of texts for information and pleasure.

    – Write simple sentences legibly and neatly to express ideas and feelings.

    – Demonstrate the appropriate use os simple language use of simple language structure and basic punctuation marks to communicate effectively.

    ISBN: 1970197321136

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  • MTP English Activities Grade 2

    Original price was: KSh511.11.Current price is: KSh460.00.

    By using this book the learner should be able to – Listen and respond appropriately to relevant information in a variety of contexts. – Express self confidently using the language structures and the vocabulary acquired for interaction with others. – Read with comprehension, a variety of short texts of about 200 words fluently and accurately. …

    MTP English Activities Grade 2Read More

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  • MTP English Grade 7 (Approved) by MTP

    Original price was: KSh777.00.Current price is: KSh700.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary School level, the learner should be able to:

    -Listen and respond appropriately to relevant information in a variety of contexts.

    -Read a wide variety of texts fluently, accurately, and interpretively for lifelong learning.

    -Develop critical thinking skills for life.

    -Read and analyse literary material and relate them to real life experiences.

    -Develop a lifelong interest in reading on a wide range of subjects.

    -Use grammatical forms to communicate appropriately in different settings.

    -Write texts legibly, creatively, and cohesively to empower them for life.

    -Apply digital literacy skills to enhance proficiency in English.

    -Appreciate the role of English as a medium for creativity and talent development.

    ISBN: 9789914730913

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  • MTP English Grade 8 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh838.00.Current price is: KSh755.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary School level, the learner should be able to:

    -Listen and respond appropriately to relevant information in a variety of contexts.

    -Read a wide variety of texts fluently, accurately, and interpretively for lifelong learning.

    -Develop critical thinking skills for life.

    -Read and analyse literary works and relate them to real life experiences.

    -Develop a lifelong interest in reading on a wide range of subjects.

    -Use grammatical forms to communicate appropriately in different settings.

    -Write texts legibly, creatively, and cohesively to empower them for life.

    -Apply digital literacy skills to enhance proficiency in English.

    -Appreciate the role of English as a medium for creativity and talent development.

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