



Category: Junior Secondary School

Junior Secondary School

Showing 49–72 of 173 results

  • Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Grade 7 by Spotlight

    Original price was: KSh822.00.Current price is: KSh740.00.

    Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi ya 7 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumwezesha mwanafunzi kumudu mtaala mpya unaolenga umilisi kwa njia sahili, yenye mvuto na ya kumjumuisha moja kwa moja kwenye shughuli za ufunzaji.

    ISBN: 9789966573360

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  • lainisha kiswahili gredi 7

    Lainisha kiswahili  Gredi ya 7 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumrahisishia mwanafunzi kuelewa na kufikia matokeo maalumu yanayotarajiwa. Kitabu hiki: -Kimeandikwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza na kujenga ujuzi na uwezo wa kutumia stadi za lugha.

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  • Log on Computer Studies 1 by KLB

    Original price was: KSh878.00.Current price is: KSh790.00.

    This Log On Computer Studies Students’ Book I introduces students to the world of computers. The course book is intended to help Form One students acquire important and necessary skills that will help them interact with computers with ease and confidence. The course book is also intended to help students develop greater depth knowledge of computer studies and aspire to work in the Information and Communication Technology ICT) industry.The course book has special features to help students develop the essential skills required in studying, practising and interacting with computers.

    ISBN: 9789966447739

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  • Longhorn Agriculture Grade 7 by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh638.00.Current price is: KSh575.00.

    Longhorn Agriculture Learner’s Book-Grade 7 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 7 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966643872

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  • Longhorn Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh722.23.Current price is: KSh650.00.

    Longhorn Agriculture Learner’s Book Grade 8 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 8 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    This book has the following key features:

    -Appealing and eye friendly design for ease of reading.

    -Use of simple language that is to the level of the learner.

    -Relevant, well drawn and full colour illustrations to ease understanding of concepts.

    -Well thought-out and engaging activities that help the learners to learn Agriculture through discovery, using hands-on activities.

    -Extended activities that will enhance the learners’ collaboration with their parents, peers and the community.

    -Presentation of content using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy with the following skills being tested: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.

    ISBN: 9789966644138

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  • Longhorn Business Studies Grade 7 by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh638.00.Current price is: KSh575.00.

    Longhorn Business Studies Learner’s Book – Grade 7 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 7 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966643858

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  • Longhorn Computer Science Grade 7 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh816.00.Current price is: KSh735.00.

    Longhorn Computer Science Learners Book-Grade 7 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 7 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966643896

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  • Longhorn Computer Science Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh877.00.Current price is: KSh790.00.

    Longhorn Computer Science Learners Book is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 8 learners. It is
    developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966644152

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  • Longhorn CRE Grade 7 by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh638.00.Current price is: KSh575.00.

    Longhorn Christian Religious Education Learner’s Book-Grade 7 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 7 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966643834

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  • Longhorn English Grade 7 by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh766.00.Current price is: KSh690.00.

    Longhorn English Learner’s Book-Grade 7 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 7 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966643735

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  • Longhorn English Learner’s Book-Grade 7 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 7 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966643735

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  • Longhorn Francais Premier Cycle Du Secondaire Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh766.00.Current price is: KSh690.00.

    Longhorn Methode de francais 8 s’adresse aux grands adolescents du premier cycle du secondaire. Ce manuel privilegie une approche par compétences grace auxquelles, l’apprenant développera des savoir-faire en interaction, l’acquisition et amélioration des compétences langagiéres, application des connaissances acquise en classe, ainsi que, des questions pertinentes et contemporaines (QPC) et des valeurs.

    Ce manuel comprend 8 unités, ancrés chacune sur un théme qui sera abordé au travers des quatre compétences. Ces unités sont composées de supports divers ; principalement, des activités tirées de la vie quotidienne et des enregistrements. La phonétique est intégrée dans chaque unite afin d’aider l’’apprenant d perfectionner sa prononciation.

    ISBN: 9789966644176

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  • Longhorn Francais Premier Cycle Grade 7 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh666.00.Current price is: KSh600.00.

    Longhorn méthode de francais 7 s’adresse aux grands adolescents du premier cycle du secondaire. Ce manuel privilégie une approche par compétences grace auxquelles, l’apprenant développera des savoir-faire en interaction, l’acquisition et amélioration des compétences langagiéres, application des connaissances acquise en classe, ainsi que, des questions pertinentes et contemporaines (QPC) et des valeurs.

    ISBN: 9789966643919

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  • Longhorn Health Education Learner’s Book Grade 7

    Longhorn Health Education Learner’s Book Grade 7 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 7 learners to understand basic Health Education concepts. The book comprehensively covers the Health Education Grade 7 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.

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  • Longhorn Integrated Science Grade 7 by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh705.00.Current price is: KSh635.00.

    Longhorn Integrated Science Learner’s Book — Grade 7 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 7 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966643797

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  • Longhorn Integrated Science Grade 8 by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh944.00.Current price is: KSh850.00.

    This is a new, concise and comprehensive coursebook written for Grade 8 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    This book has the following key features:

    -Appealing and eye-friendly design for ease of reading.

    -Use of simple language that is to the level of the learner.

    -Relevant, well drawn and full-colour illustrations to ease understanding of concepts.

    -Well thought-out and engaging activities that help the learners to learn Integrated Science through discovery, using hands-on activities.

    -Extended activities that will enhance the learners’ collaboration with their parents, peers and the community.

    -Presentation of content using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy with the following skills being tested: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.

    ISBN: 9789966644114

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  • Longhorn Kiswahili Grade 7 by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh644.00.Current price is: KSh580.00.

    Hiki ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa ustadi, umahiri mkubwa na kwa lugha ya kiwango cha mwanofunzi wa gredi ya saba. Kitabu hiki kinatosheleza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mtaala mpya wa umilisi pamoja na malengo ya elimu ya taifa la Kenya. Kimeshughulikia wanafunzi wote wakiwemo walio na mahitaji maalum pamoja na wanaoishi kwenye mazingira mbalimbali.

    ISBN: 9789966643759

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  • Longhorn Mathematics Grade 7 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh833.00.Current price is: KSh750.00.

    Longhorn Mathematics Learner’s Book — Grade 7 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 7 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies envisaged in the curriculum.

    ISBN: 9789966643773

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  • Longhorn Mathematics Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh888.00.Current price is: KSh800.00.

    Longhorn Mathematics Learner’s Book – Grade 8 is a new, concise and comprehensive course book written for Grade 8 learners. It is developed in line with the Kenya Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). The aim is to give learners opportunities to develop a wide range of skills and competencies outlined in the curriculum.

    This book has the following key features:

    – Appealing and eye-friendly design for ease of reading.

    – Use of simple language that is to the level of the learner.

    – Relevant, well drawn and full colour illustrations to ease understanding of concepts.

    -Well thought-out and engaging activities that help the learners to learn Mathematics through discovery using plenty of examples and exercises.

    – Extended activities that will enhance the learners’ collaboration with their parents and the community.

    – Presentation of content using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy with the following skills being tested: remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating.

    ISBN: 9789966644091

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  • Longhorn Mwanga wa Kiswahili Grade 7 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh744.00.Current price is: KSh670.00.

    Hiki ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa ustadi, umahiri mkubwa na kwa lugha ya kiwango cha mwanofunzi wa gredi ya saba. Kitabu hiki kinatosheleza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mtaala mpya wa umilisi pamoja na malengo ya elimu ya taifa la Kenya. Kimeshughulikia wanafunzi wote wakiwemo walio na mahitaji maalum pamoja na wanaoishi kwenye mazingira mbalimbali.

    ISBN: 9789966643759

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  • Longhorn Mwanga Wa Kiswahili Grade 8 (Approved) by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh833.00.Current price is: KSh750.00.

    Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa ustadi, umahiri mkubwa na kwa lugha ya kiwango cha mwanafunzi wa Gredi ya Nane. Kitabu hiki kinatosheleza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mtaala wa kiumilisi pamoja na malengo ya elimu ya taifa la kenya.Kimeshughulikia wanafunzi wote wakiwemo walio na mahitaji maalumu pamoja na wanaoishi kwenye mazingira mbalimbali.

    ISBN: 9789966644077

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  • Mentor Agriculture Grade 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh577.00.Current price is: KSh520.00.

    Mentor Agriculture Grade 7 Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and the Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge and develop skills, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun.The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching learners in Junior Secondary School.

    ISBN: 9789914735024

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  • Mentor Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh744.00.Current price is: KSh670.00.

    Mentor Agriculture Grade 8 Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum
    Design. It will adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for Grade 8 Agriculture. The book has a
    variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, develop skills and core competencies, nurture values, address
    pertinent and contemporary issues and form positive attitude towards Agriculture.

    The language used is simple, clear and precise to make learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching of Agriculture.

    ISBN: 9789914735109

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  • Mentor Business Studies Grade 7 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh733.00.Current price is: KSh660.00.

    Mentor Business Studies Grade 7 book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and the Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Upper School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Junior Secondary School.

    ISBN: 9789966012142

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