



Category: Junior Secondary School

Junior Secondary School

Showing 73–96 of 173 results

  • Mentor Business Studies Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh833.00.Current price is: KSh750.00.

    Business Studies Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade Eight Business Studies Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for Business Studies Grade 8.

    The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, develop skills and Core Competencies, nurture Values, address Pertinent and Contemporary Issues and form positive attitude for everyday life. The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Business Studies.

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  • Mentor CRE Grade 7 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh733.00.Current price is: KSh660.00.

    Mentor CRE Grade 7 (Approved)

    by Mentor

    ISBN: 9789966012128

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  • Mentor CRE Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh911.00.Current price is: KSh820.00.

    Christian Religious Education (CRE) Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade Eight Christian Religious Education (CRE) Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for Christian Religious Education (CRE) Grade 8.

    The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, develop skills and Core Competencies, nurture Values, address Pertinent and Contemporary Issues and form positive attitude for everyday life. The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Christian Religious Education (CRE).

    ISBN: 9789914735192

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  • Mentor English Grade 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh800.00.Current price is: KSh720.00.

    Mentor English Grade 7 Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and the Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary School Education.

    -The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge and develop skills, values and attitude for everyday life.

    -The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCs).

    -The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun.

    -The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching learners in Junior Secondary School.

    -The book supports classroom teaching and can also be used at home under key parental guidance.

    ISBN: 9789914735079

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  • Mentor English Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh1,022.00.Current price is: KSh920.00.

    English Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and the Grade Eight English Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for English
    Grade 8.The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values and attitude
    for everyday life.

    The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies,Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching English.

    ISBN: 9789914735000

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  • Mentor French Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh766.00.Current price is: KSh690.00.
  • Mentor Health Education Grade 7 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh688.00.Current price is: KSh620.00.

    Mentor Health Education Grade 7 Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and the Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge and develop skills, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching learners in Junior Secondary School.

    ISBN: 9789966012173

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  • Mentor Home Science Grade 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh688.00.Current price is: KSh620.00.

    Mentor Home Science Grade 7 Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and  the Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire …

    Mentor Home Science Grade 7 by MentorRead More

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  • Mentor Home Science Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh911.00.Current price is: KSh820.00.

    This is to adequately help the learner achieve the specific learning outcomes for Home Science Grade 8, The book has a
    variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. This book addresses Pertinent and Contemporary Issues for everyday life. The lanquage used is simple and clear, thereby making learning interesting and fun.

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  • Mentor Integrated Science Grade 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh688.00.Current price is: KSh620.00.

    Mentor Integrated Science Grade 7 Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and the Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge and develop skills, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching learners in Junior Secondary School .

    ISBN: 9789914735031

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  • Mentor Integrated Science Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh911.00.Current price is: KSh820.00.

    Integrated Science Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade Eight Integrated Science Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner achieve specific learning outcomes for Integrated Science Grade 8.

    The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, develop skills and Core Competencies, nurture Values, address pertinent and contemporary issues and form positive attitude for everyday life. The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun.

    ISBN: 9789914735246

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  • Mentor Kielekezi cha Kiswahili Gredi 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh822.00.Current price is: KSh740.00.

    Kielekezi cha Kiswahili Gredi ya 7 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumrahisishia mwanafunzi kuelewa na kufikia matokeo maalumu yanayotarajiwa.

    Kitabu hiki:

    -Kimeandikwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza na kujenga ujuzi na uwezo wa kutumia stadi za lugha; Kusikiliza na Kuzungumza, Kusoma, Kuandika na Sarufi.

    -Kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na kutoa mifano mwafaka katika mazingira tofautitofauti.

    -Kimeshughulikia masuala mtambuko kama vile: uraia, utangamano, elimu ya amani, stadi za maisha, mazingira, elimu ya maendeleo endelevu, teknolojia na afya bora.

    -Kina mazoezi muhimu ya kumtathmini mwanafunzi na pia kujitathmini.

    -Kina Zoezi la Tathmini mwishoni mwa kila sura ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufanya marudio zaidi.

    -Kimeandikwa na waandishi wenye tajriba kubwa katika ufundishaji wa somo la Kiswahili katika shule bora nchini Kenya. Wanaelewa vyema mahitaji ya mwanafunzi na mwalimu katika somo la Kiswahili na mtaala wa kiumilisi.

    ISBN: 9789914735055

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  • Mentor Kielekezi cha Kiswahili Gredi 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh1,022.23.Current price is: KSh920.00.

    Kielekezi cha Kiswahili Gredi ya 8 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumrahisishia mwanafunzi kuelewa na kufikia matokeo maalumu

    Kitabu hiki:

    -Kimeandikwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza na kujenga ujuzi na uwezo wa kutumia stadi za lugha; Kusikiliza na Kuzungumza, Kusoma, Kuandika na Sarufi.

    -Kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na kutoa mifano mwafaka katika mazingira tofautitofauti.

    -Kimeshughulikia masuala mtambuko kama vile: uraia, utangamano, elimu ya amani, stadi za maisha, mazingira, elimu ya maendeleo endelevu, teknolojia na afya bora.

    -Kina mazoezi muhimu ya kumtathmini mwanafunzi na pia kujitathmini.

    -Kina maswali ya tathmini mwishoni mwa kila sura ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufanya marudio zaidi.

    -Kimeandikwa na waandishi wenye tajriba kubwa katika ufundishgji wa somo la Kiswahili katika shule bora nchini Kenya. Wanaelewa vyema mahitaji ya mwanafunzi na mwalimu katika somo la Kiswahili na Mtaala wa Kiumilisi.

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  • Mentor Le Francais en Mouvement (French) Grade 7

    Original price was: KSh666.00.Current price is: KSh600.00.

    Mentor Le Francais en Mouvement Grade 7 a été concgu pour répondre
    aux attentes du curriculum basé sur les compétences sur la conception de
    programmes d’études en frangais de sixieme année. Il s’agit d’aider
    adéquatement l’apprenant a atteindre les résultats d’apprentissage
    spécifiques pour l’enseignement supérieur. Le livre propose une variété
    d’activités qui aideront l’apprenant a acquérir et 4 développer les
    connaissances, les compétences, les valeurs et les attitudes pour la vie
    quotidienne. Les activités sont basés sur ‘enquéte et ils sont centrés sur
    l‘apprenant pour aider l’apprenant 4 développer aussi des compétences

    Le langage utilisé est simple, clair et précis rendant l’apprentissage
    intéressant et amusant.

    ISBN: BK00000008002

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  • Mentor Life skills Education Grade 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh577.00.Current price is: KSh520.00.

    Mentor Life Skills Education Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade Seven Life Skills Education Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Upper School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Upper School Education.

    ISBN: 9789966012067

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  • Mentor Life skills Education Grade 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh666.00.Current price is: KSh600.00.

    Mentor Life Skills Education Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade Seven Life Skills Education Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Upper School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Upper School Education.

    ISBN: 9789966012067

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  • Mentor Mathematics Grade 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh933.34.Current price is: KSh840.00.

    Mentor Mathematics Grade 7 book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and the Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Upper School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun.The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Junior Secondary School.

    ISBN: 9789966012166

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  • Mentor Mathematics Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh1,022.00.Current price is: KSh920.00.

    Mentor Mathematics Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and
    Grade Eight Mathematics Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values and attitude for everyday life.

    The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Junior Secondary Schools.

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  • Mentor Pre-Technical Studies Grade 7 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh688.00.Current price is: KSh620.00.

    Mentor Pre-Technical Studies Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade Seven Pre-Technical Studies Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary School Education.

    The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun.

    ISBN: 9789966059104

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  • Mentor Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh911.00.Current price is: KSh820.00.

    Mentor Pre -Technical Studies Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade Eight Pre-Technical Studies Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary Education.

    The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, develop skills and core competencies, nurture values, address pertinent and contemporary issues and form positive attitude for everyday life. The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching of Pre-technical Studies.

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  • Mentor Social Studies Grade 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh733.00.Current price is: KSh660.00.

    Mentor Social Studies Grade 7 Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and the Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge and develop skills, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching learners in Junior Secondary School.

    ISBN: 9789914735048

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  • Mentor Social Studies Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh1,022.00.Current price is: KSh920.00.

    Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade’8 has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade 8 Social Studies Curriculum design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve specific learning outcomes for social studies Grade 8.

    The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge, develop skills and Core Competencies, nurture Values, address Pertinent and Contemporary Issues and form positive attitude for everyday life. The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun.

    ISBN: 9789914735222

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  • Mentor Visual Arts Grade 7 by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh577.00.Current price is: KSh520.00.

    Mentor Visual Arts Grade 7 Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and the Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Junior Secondary School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire knowledge and develop skills, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching learners in Junior Secondary School.

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  • Mentor Visual Arts Grade 8 (Approved) by Mentor

    Original price was: KSh744.00.Current price is: KSh670.00.
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