Category: Junior Secondary School

Junior Secondary School

Showing 97–120 of 173 results

  • Moran Agriculture Grade 7 (Approved) by Moran

    Original price was: KSh583.00.Current price is: KSh525.00.

    Moran Agriculture for Grade 7 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills, knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Agriculture Curriculum Design.

    ISBN: 9789914440355

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  • Moran Agriculture Grade 8 (Approved) by Moran

    Original price was: KSh750.00.Current price is: KSh675.00.

    Moran Agriculture for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills, knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Agriculture Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are

    mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies, skills and the quest to learn and discover.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design.

    -Mainstreams the core competencies, values, pertinent and contemporary issues, community service learning and parental/guardian engagement in the activities.

    ISBN: 9789966635310

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  • Moran Choice Mathematics Grade 8 (Approved) by Moran

    Original price was: KSh1,072.23.Current price is: KSh965.00.

    Choice Mathematics for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of the required knowledge, skills, competencies, values and attitudes presented in Mathematics Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. Ali activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary values and attitudes to explore and apply mathematical skills and concepts in their immediate environment and day-to-day experiences. :

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design.

    -Presents adequate worked-out examples to illustrate each concept.

    -Provides real life activities based on the learner’s day-to-day experiences.

    -Presents adequate practice exercises for the learner to practise the skill and concept learnt.

    ISBN: 9789966635273

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  • Moran Integrated Science Grade 8 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh688.00.Current price is: KSh620.00.

    Moran Integrated Science for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills, knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Integrated Science Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies, skills,values and the quest to learn and discover.

    This coursebook:
    – Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design

    – Mainstreams the core competencies, values, pertinent and contemporary issues and parental or guardian engagement in the

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  • Moran Love Your Neighbour CRE Grade 8 (Approved) by Moran

    Original price was: KSh750.00.Current price is: KSh675.00.

    Love your neighbour Christian Religious Education for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills,knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Christian Religious Education Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies, skills,values and the quest to learn and discover.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design

    -Mainstreams the core competencies, values, pertinent and contemporary issues and parental or guardian engagement in the

    ISBN: 9789966635372

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  • Moran Performing Arts Grade 8 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh1,200.00.Current price is: KSh1,080.00.

    Moran Performing Arts for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of the required knowledge, skills, competencies, values and attitudes presented in
    Performing Arts Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary values and attitudes to explore and apply Performing Arts skills and concepts in their immediate environment and day-to-day experiences.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design.

    -Presents adequate activities to illustrate each concept.

    -Provides real life activities based on the learner’s day-to-day experiences.

    -Presents adequate practice exercises for the learner to practise the skill and concept learnt.

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  • Moran Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh872.00.Current price is: KSh785.00.

    Moran Pre-Technical Studies for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills, knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Pre-technical Studies Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies, skills and the quest to learn and discover.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design.

    -Mainstreams the core competencies, values, pertinent and contemporary issues, community service learning and parental/guardian engagement in the activities.

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  • Moran Skills in English Grade 7 (Approved) by Moran

    Original price was: KSh777.00.Current price is: KSh700.00.

    This Learner’s Book is developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It offers appropriate skills, knowledge, values and attitudes necessary for learning English as a learning area and as a language of communication.

    ISBN: 9789966634504

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  • Moran Social Studies Grade 7 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh805.00.Current price is: KSh725.00.
  • Moran Social Studies Grade 8 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh1,205.00.Current price is: KSh1,085.00.

    Moran Social Studies for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the
    development of appropriate competencies and skills, acquisition of knowledge, nurturing of values and formation of positive attitude according to the Social Studies Curriculum Design.

    Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies, skills and the quest to learn and discover.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes in the curriculum design.

    -Mainstreams the core competencies, Community Service Learning and parental or guardian engagement in the activities.

    -Mainstreams values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues in the activities

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  • Moran Stadi za Kiswahili Grade 7 (Approved) by Moran

    Original price was: KSh800.00.Current price is: KSh720.00.

    Stadi za Kiswahili ni mfululizo wa vitabu vya kiada vya Kiswahili vilivyoandaliwa kwa kufuata Mtaala wa Kiumilisi. Kitabu hiki kina sifa kuu zifuatazo:

    -Kimeandikwa kwa Kiswahili cha kiwango cha mwanafunzi wa Gredi ya 7

    -Maswali dadisi yametumiwa kumfikirisha mwanafunzi

    -Kimejumuisha shughuli za mwanafunzi binafsi, shughuli za wanafunzi wawiliwawili na za makundi ya wanafunzi

    -Kimejumuisha mada na mada ndogo zote

    -Yaliyomo yamepangwa kulingana na mpangilio wa Kiswahili Gredi ya 7

    ISBN: 9789966634580

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  • Moran Thriving Life Skills Education Grade 7 (Approved) by Moran

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    Thriving Life Skills Education for Grade 7 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competence Based Curriculum. It presents appropriate skills, knowledge. values and attitudes essential for learning Life Skills Education for this level.

    ISBN: 9789966634481

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  • Moran Trendy Business Studies Grade 8 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh672.00.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    Trendy Business Studies for Grade 8 is a coursebook developed in line with the Competency Based Curriculum. It facilitates the development of appropriate competencies, skills, knowledge, values and attitudes presented in the Business Studies Curriculum Design. Content in this book is presented in a manner that engages the learner and stimulates curiosity during learning. All activities are mindfully formulated to equip the learner with the necessary competencies, skills and the quest to learn and discover.

    This coursebook:

    -Covers all the specific learning outcomes presented in the curriculum design

    -Uses teaching and learning resources available in the learner’s immediate environment

    -Mainstreams core competencies and values as well as pertinent and contemporary issues

    -Involves parents or guardians in the learning process

    -Utilises digital literacy to give the learner deeper understanding

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  • MTP Agriculture Grade 7 (Approved) by MTP

    Original price was: KSh583.00.Current price is: KSh525.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary, the learner should be able to:

    -Participate actively in activities for conservation of agricultural environment.

    -Use scarce agricultural resources through innovative practices to contribute towards health, nutrition and food security.

    -Grow crops and rear animals as profitable agricultural enterprises through sustainable and ethical practices for self-reliance and economic development.

    -Apply existing and emerging technology in agriculture, digital and media resources to enhance sustainable agricultural practices. .

    -Appreciate agriculture as a worthy niche for hobby, career development, further education and training.

    ISBN: 9789914730920

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  • MTP Business Studies Grade 7 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh672.00.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary, the learner should be able to:

    -Make effective use of financial literacy skills for prudent financial decision making, generation of income and creation of wealth for sustainable development.

    -Understand business and its environment in addressing economic issues in the society.

    -Practise basic business and entrepreneurial skills for the development of self and society.

    -Act with integrity and apply knowledge, critical understanding and technology to environmental concerns and ethical issues as both opportunities and constraints for businesses.

    -Recognize role of government in business and respond to community, national and global economic issues, as an informed and responsible citizen.

    -Develop an awareness of the nature and significance of basic skills of keeping business financial records, innovation and change within the context of business activities.

    -Exhibit understanding of pertinent and contemporary issues in business and the society.

    -Develop a foundation for further studies in careers related to Business Studies.

    ISBN: 9789914987164

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  • MTP English Grade 7 (Approved) by MTP

    Original price was: KSh777.00.Current price is: KSh700.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary School level, the learner should be able to:

    -Listen and respond appropriately to relevant information in a variety of contexts.

    -Read a wide variety of texts fluently, accurately, and interpretively for lifelong learning.

    -Develop critical thinking skills for life.

    -Read and analyse literary material and relate them to real life experiences.

    -Develop a lifelong interest in reading on a wide range of subjects.

    -Use grammatical forms to communicate appropriately in different settings.

    -Write texts legibly, creatively, and cohesively to empower them for life.

    -Apply digital literacy skills to enhance proficiency in English.

    -Appreciate the role of English as a medium for creativity and talent development.

    ISBN: 9789914730913

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  • MTP English Grade 8 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh838.00.Current price is: KSh755.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary School level, the learner should be able to:

    -Listen and respond appropriately to relevant information in a variety of contexts.

    -Read a wide variety of texts fluently, accurately, and interpretively for lifelong learning.

    -Develop critical thinking skills for life.

    -Read and analyse literary works and relate them to real life experiences.

    -Develop a lifelong interest in reading on a wide range of subjects.

    -Use grammatical forms to communicate appropriately in different settings.

    -Write texts legibly, creatively, and cohesively to empower them for life.

    -Apply digital literacy skills to enhance proficiency in English.

    -Appreciate the role of English as a medium for creativity and talent development.

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  • MTP Home Science Grade 7 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh672.00.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary School, the learner should be able to:

    -adopt a healthy lifestyle through nutritional habits for the wellness of self and others,

    -apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and values acquired in meal planning, food preparation, cooking and presentation, equatably and responsibly to improve daily living in the family and community,

    -apply the principles of consumer education for personal financial management,

    -develop skills in fabric choice for construction of garments and household articles,

    -adopt healthy hygienic practices at personal and household level,

    -build a foundation for further education, career and training,

    -appreciate the importance of a healthy environment for the wellbeing of self and others.

    ISBN: 9789914730968

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  • MTP Home Science Grade 8 (Approved) by MTP

    Original price was: KSh838.00.Current price is: KSh755.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary School, the learner should be able to:

    1. adopt a healthy lifestyle through nutritional habits for the wellness of self and others,

    2. apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and values acquired in meal planning, food preparation, cooking and presentation, equitably and responsibly to improve daily living in the family and community.

    3. apply the principles of consumer education for personal financial management,

    4. develop skills in fabric choice for the construction of garments and household articles,

    5. adopt healthy hygienic practises at personal and household levels,

    6. build a foundation for further education, career and training,

    7. appreciate the importance of a healthy environment for the well-being of self and others.

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  • MTP Integrated Science Grade 7 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh672.00.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary, the learner should be able to:

    -Acquire scientific knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to make informed choices on career pathways at senior school.

    -Select, improvise and safely use basic scientific tools, apparatus, materials and chemicals effectively in everyday life.

    -Explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment for learning and sustainable development.

    -Practice relevant hygiene, sanitation and nutrition skills to promote good health.

    -Apply the understanding of body systems with a view to promote and maintain good health.

    -Develop capacity for scientific inquiry and problem solving in different situations.

    -Appreciate and use scientific principles and practices in everyday life.

    -Apply acquired scientific skills and knowledge in everyday life.

    ISBN: 9789914730852

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  • MTP Performing Arts Grade 7 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh672.00.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    By the end of Junior Secondary, the learner should be able to:

    -Perform music, dance, theatre, elocution and film works for self and cultural expression.

    -Perform different genres of music, dance, theatre, elocution and film to promote diverse cultural knowledge.

    -Create musical, theatrical, elocution and film artworks within specified guidelines for enjoyment and appreciation.

    -Perform alone and with others for. individual development, self-fulfilment and enjoyment.

    -Evaluate music, dance, theatre, elocution and film works to make meaningful connections to local and international communities.

    -Use locally available materials to make musical instruments, costumes, scenery and props for use in performance.

    -Use available technology to enhance learning and develop creativity in music, dance, theatre, elocution and film.

    -Use music, dance, theatre, elocution and film to address pertinent and contemporary issues in society.

    ISBN: 9789914730999

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  • One Planet Knowing God CRE Grade 7 (Approved) by One Planet

    Original price was: KSh838.00.Current price is: KSh755.00.

    Knowing God Christian Religious Education (CRE) Learner’s Book for Grade 7 has the following unique features:

    -Starter activity with key inquiry questions at the beginning of every concept in a sub strand to guide learning.

    -Bible reading section that guides learners to acquire knowledge of the Bible and appreciate lessons derived from Bible readings.

    -Variety of learner-centred Activities that deliver a rich learning experience which makes learning interesting and meaningful.

    -Lessons learnt section with notes that emphasize key points in each concept learnt.

    -Home activity section with, varied activities that promote parental engagement as learners apply at: home what they have learnt. They also learn more about concepts from their parents, guardians and other family members.

    -Summary section that provides key points on the concepts learnt.

    -Read and answer this question activities to enable the learners to think deeply about what they have learnt and why it matters to them. This way, they get to appreciate every concept they learn about.

    -Self-assessment and Peer assessment activities to promote self and peer assessment by learners. ..

    -Imagine section that guides learners to appreciate the need to practise what they learn.

    -What  I will do section that stimulates a positive attitude and guides learners to commit themselves to acquiring desired behaviour.

    -Key words section that highlights the main terms covered in a sub strand and guides learners to build on their vocabulary.

    -Assessment section with varied assessment items after every sub strand.

    -Extended activity section with varied assessment items at the end of each strand.

    ISBN: 9789914410419

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  • One Planet Roots English Grade 7 (Approved) by One Planet

    Original price was: KSh872.00.Current price is: KSh785.00.

    Roots English employs a learner-friendly approach to help learners acquire the language skills and knowledge outlined in the Competency-Based Curriculum. This book has a wide range of activities that learners will find engaging and motivating to help them acquire the core competencies, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues (PCls).

    ISBN: 9789914410556

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  • Active Integrated Science is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating.
    The activities are aimed at acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs).

    ISBN: 9789914441604

    Active Integrated Science is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating.
    The activities are aimed at acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs).

    ISBN: 9789914441604

    Active Integrated Science is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of skills for the Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series have a wide range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating.
    The activities are aimed at acquisition and appreciation of the core competencies, values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs).

    ISBN: 9789914441604

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