



Category: Grade 1

Grade 1

Dive into a world of reading adventures with our Grade 1 book collection, now available at SchoolMall! From delightful tales of friendship to exciting adventures with beloved characters, these books are tailored to engage young readers

Showing 1–24 of 153 results

  • Atfaal IRE Activity Pupil’s book Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh655.00.Current price is: KSh590.00.

    s the main shift in Education now is moving from content based on competence based, this Atfaal IRE Activity Pupil’s Book Grade One is carefully crafted to attain this outcome. A competency-based curriculum is mainly achieved through learner-centered approaches.
    Therefore, all the activities in this book are learner-oriented where the learner takes the lead. Moreover, stimulating and fun activities are also in plenty to arouse interest and curiosity in the learners.

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  • Bookmark Environmental Activities Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh438.88.Current price is: KSh395.00.

    Environmental Activities Grade 1 is part of a new course especially developed to meet the needs of the Basic Education Curriculum Framework.
    The Learner’s Book offers:
    full compliance with the new competence-based curriculum
    varied learning activities aimed at developing the core competences and specific learning outcomes identified for Early Years Education
    – colourful illustrations and photographs that capture the attention of the learner and help the learner engage with the content
    – content presented in clear and simple English, at the level of the learner.

    The Teacher’s Guide contains:
    – useful background information for the teacher
    – teaching guidelines and hints on how to teach concepts well
    – answers to all activities in the Learners Book
    – suggestions for remedial and extension learning.

    This course has been approved for use in schools by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development.

    ISBN: 9781776002955

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  • Bookmark mathematical Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh450.00.

    Original price was: KSh750.00.Current price is: KSh667.00.
  • CBC Learners Progress Assesment Book Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh280.00.Current price is: KSh222.00.
  • Conquer Composition Vocabulary Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh456.00.

    About Conquer Composition Grade 1 Conquer Composition Grade 1 aimed at helping first-grade students develop their vocabulary and writing skills. Basic Vocabulary: Assisting students in learning and understanding key words related to writing, such as “description,” “story,” “letter,” and so on. Examples and Exercises: Providing examples of texts along with exercises to enable students to …

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    Original price was: KSh400.00.Current price is: KSh356.00.
  • Conquer Grammar Workbook Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh456.00.
  • Distinction Competency Based Encyclopaedia Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh1,288.88.Current price is: KSh1,160.00.

    Distinction Competency-Based Grade 1 Encyclopaedia is a comprehensive supplementary reference book that covers all grade one learning activities as per the New Competency-Based Grade 1 curriculum. It provides hands-on learning activities aimed at achieving the specific learning outcomes outlined in Grade 1 curriculum. The activities in this book have simple, precise and clear instructions which
    make the book exciting and easy to use. This is a deliberate effort to ensure that Grade 1 learners easily acquire the outlined core competences and values.

    ISBN: 9789966122032

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  • EAEP Akili pevu Kiswahili Angaza Gredi 1 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh561.11.Current price is: KSh505.00.

    Kiswahili Angaza ni kazi iliyosukwa na kuwambwa kwa makini na kwa kina kirefu. Imetimiza kwa ukomo wa ukamilifu mahitaji ya mtalaa mpya wenye kuzingatia umilisi, yaani, Competency-Based Curriculum, 2018. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa mtindo unaomwegemea mwanafunzi zaidi na kumfanya mwalimu awe mwelekezi tu wala si mtoaji wa elimu. Kitabu hiki kinazingatia mambo matano muhimu:
    1. Kusoma ni kutagusano; wanafunzi wanafanya Shughuli mbalimbali wakiwa peke yao, wawili wawili au katika makundi;
    2. Wanafunzi wancionza kilo somo kwa kuelezea picha au hall amo matukio wanayoyafomu huku wakijadiliana;
    3. Wanafunzi wanashiriki katika stadi nyingi za kufikiria kama vile kuchanganua, kutambuo, kubainisha, kujenga na kuhakiki;
    4. Lugha iliyotumika ni nyepesi mno no isiyokuwa no maneno mogumumagumu no misomiati ya kubaboisha;
    5. Mwanafunzi no mwanafunzi mwenzoke, pamoja na mwolimu, mzazi na hata jornii nzimo wanashirikishwa ndani ya kitobu hiki.

    ISBN: 9789966562821

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  • EAEP Great Minds Maths Activities GD1 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh533.00.Current price is: KSh480.00.

    Great Minds Maths Activities GD1, Pupils Book, is a comprehensive course based on the new Competency-Based Curriculum, 2018 for primary schools. This course has been developed to enable learners apply the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in their daily use of language. This Grade 1 book is presented in a simple manner. Learners at this level will enjoy using it. here, the teacher becomes a facilitator of learning and not simply a source of knowledge.

    The key features of this book include:

    • A simple approach to language and presentation that is easy to follow.
    • Relevant, well drawn full-color illustrations.
    • A variety of competency-based learner-centered activities that help the learners to develop a wide range of skills.
    • Suggestions for parents and teachers to be involved in the continuous learning process.
    • Songs and poems that help the learners to understand the content within this book.
    • Indoor and outdoor activities that learners do in pairs and in groups as they help each other to learn.

    ISBN: 9789966563897

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  • English Aid Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh550.00.Current price is: KSh511.00.
  • English Aid Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh511.11.Current price is: KSh460.00.

    English Aid Activity book Grade 1 by Patel English Aid Activity book Grade 1

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  • Enjoy Mathematical activities Learner’s book grade 1

    Original price was: KSh405.55.Current price is: KSh365.00.

    Enjoy Mathematical Activities is a primary school course developed in line with the requirements of the competency based curriculum. The course employs an inquiry based approach to learning which equips learners with skills, knowledge and values, and the quest to explore and discover by themselves.

    The course:

    emphasises on enquiry based approach to learning and problem solving techniques

    has carefully graded Mathematical language that enhances understanding

    has a variety of hands-on activities which enable learners to explore and put their skills to practice

    is learner centred with to-do tasks that make learning and performance of Mathematical Activities enjoyable

    involves learners in techniques of observation, discussion and drawing conclusions from Mathematical Activities

    is written and developed by skilled educators with apt experience in the competence-based curriculum

    The teacher’s guidebooks have been written in an easy to understand format, with guiding procedure on how to guide learners through the activities in each lesson. They address the competencies. pertinent and contemporary issues, values and other requirements stipulated in the syllabus.

    ISBN: 9789966630568

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  • Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh366.66.Current price is: KSh330.00.

    OUP Everyday Hygiene & Nutrition Activities grade 1(Approved) by Oxford Learner’s Book – Grade I Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition Activities is a new series for the new competency-based curriculum. It is specially written to provide practical experiences that equip learners with the basic knowledge. skills and attitudes that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The books in the …

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  • Falcon English Activities Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh622.22.Current price is: KSh560.00.

    Falcon English Activities Learner’s Book Grade 1 by Antony Otieno, Benjamin Mwenda Falcon English Activities Learner’s Book is: User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow. Written in simple but articulate language. Boldly illustrated, making learning a visual delight. Comprehensive and covers the curriculum, sufficiently addressing the relevant skills and intended learning outcomes. Concise, with sufficient learning experiences …

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  • Falcon English Activities Learner's Book Grade 1

    Falcon English Activities Learner’s Book is:

    • User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow.
    • Written in simple but articulate language.
    • Boldly illustrated, making learning a visual delight.
    • Comprehensive and covers the curriculum, sufficiently addressing the relevant skills and intended learning outcomes.
    • Concise, with sufficient learning experiences and revision activities.
    • Helpful in promoting positive values and attitudes. Current, covering the Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) affecting learners today.
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  • Focus on CRE Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh405.55.Current price is: KSh365.00.

    Focus on Christian Religious grade 1 by Joyce W Kimaita, George Owich Muga Focus on Christian Religious Education Activities for Grade One is part of a series of primary school C.R.E. course books. This book is designed to cover the revised Christian Religious Education in the new Competency-Based Curriculum. The key features of this book are: • …

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  • Focus on Hygiene and Nutrition Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh322.22.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    FOCUS on hygiene and nutrition is based on hygiene and nutrition activities learning area for Graded 1.the  Book has been developed for the learner and has a variety of activities that the learners can do to enhance their ability to practice hygiene and healthy living.The activities are incorporated In a way that learners will enjoy doing them as they learn. A variety of pictures has also been Incorporated In the relevant places to enhance readability and a better understanding of the concepts. the activities are aligned with the curriculum designs. learning points have also been provided under ‘what I have learned’. to summarize the sub-strand.

    ISBN: 9789966012913

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  • Foundation Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh333.33.Current price is: KSh300.00.

    This is the first Learner’s Rook in the Foundation Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Series for Early Years Education. It is a course hook designed specifically for use by Grade I learners. The main objective of this subject is to equip learners with basic knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The …

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    Christian Religious Education Activities Learner’s work book is designed to enable a learner acquire knowledge, skills, values and attitude leading to development of Holistic learning to meet the expectations of the society. The book is based on the Competency Based Curriculum for Grade one. It will equip a learner with the competences as well as …


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  • Great minds Encyclopaedia Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh1,161.11.Current price is: KSh1,045.00.
  • Growing in Christ CRE Activities Grade1

    Original price was: KSh344.00.Current price is: KSh310.00.

    The Growing in Christ competency-based series is specially written to provide practical experiences that will build the learners’ knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, as well as equip them with values, skills and attitudes that will assist them to live well with self and others. Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition of the core competences and values as well as an appreciation of pertinent and contemporary issues. The Learner’s Book ensures coverage of the New Competency-based Curriculum by providing:
    • Content that is structured according to the curriculum design.
    • A Let us do a section that carries individual and collaboration activities through which the learners create new learning.
    • Real-life situations that require learners to apply creativity and critical thinking skills in solving everyday problems.
    • An In the Bible section that summarizes the content of Bible verses.
    • A Take home section that encourages learners to learn from the home environment as well as apply what they have learnt.
    • An I wonder section, which encourages learners to imagine a different world and thus appreciates the Word of God, themselves and others. Together, the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the New Competency-based Curriculum.

    Oxford, your companion for success!

    ISBN: 9780195746709

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  • Hatua za Kiswahili Rasmi Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi ya 1

    Original price was: KSh672.22.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    Hatua za kiswahili Rasmi, Kitabu cha mwanafunzi ni mfululizo wa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa ufundi kwa kufuata mtalaa mpya unaosisitiza umilisi. Vitabu hivi vitamwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza weledi wake katika stadi za kusikiliza na kuzungumza, sarufi na matumizi ya lugha, kusoma na kuandika. Vitabu hivi vina sifa zifuatazo:
    • Mada kuu zilizopangwa kwa kuzingatia ruwaza ya mtalaa ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 1 ili kurahisisha utumiaji
    • Vipindi vilivyopangwa kushughulikia mada ndogo mbalimbali kulingana na ruwaza ya mtalaa.
    • Picha na michoro iliyochorwa kwa rangi za kupendeza ili kuvutia usomaji na ujifunzaji.
    • Maswali dodoso yanayochochea uwezo wa mwanafunzi kufikiria na kudadisi masuala mbalimbali.
    • Kazi za ziada na majaribio yanayomhusisha mwanafunzi binafsi, wanafunzi wawiliwawili na wanafunzi kwenye makundi katika shughuli ainaaina.
    • Mradi wa nyumbani unaowahusisha wazazi na walezi katika ujifunzaji wa Kiswahili na pia kukuza uwajibikaji.
    • Hadithi na utajiri wa shughuli nyingine zinazokuza umilisi wa kimsingi wa lugha ya Kiswahili
    na zilizooanishwa na masuala mtambuko, maadili chanya miongoni mwa masuala mengine.
    • Matumizi ya teknolojia kwa mfano kusikiliza sauti redioni na unasaji sauti kwa kutumia simu na vifaa vingine vya kiteknolojia

    ISBN: 2010127000753

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