



Category: Lower Primary

Lower Primary

Showing 217–240 of 372 results

  • MTP Mathematical Activities Grade 3

    Original price was: KSh356.00.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Numeracy is a foundational skill that prepares the learner for number work, mathematics in higher levels of schooling and mathematical approaches in all aspects of life. Numeracy activities involve identification and value placement of mathematical numerals, basic mathematical operations as well as measuring and describing shapes.
    After use of this book, the learner will be able to
    *Demonstrate mastery of Number concepts by working out problems in day to day life.
    * Apply measurement skills to find solutions to problems in a variety of contexts.
    * Describe properties of Geometrical shapes and spatial relationships in real-life experiences.

    ISBN: 1970197321129

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  • MTP Mathematical Activities workbook for grade 2

    Original price was: KSh455.55.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    Numeracy is a foundational skill that prepares the learner for number work, mathematics in higher levels of schooling and mathematical approaches in all aspects of life. Numeracy activities involve identification and value placement of mathematical numerals, basic mathematical operations as well as measuring and describing shapes.

    After use of this book, the learner will be able to;

    Demonstrate mastery of Number concepts by working out problems in day to day life.

    Apply measurement skills to find solutions to problems In a variety of contexts.

    Describe properties of Geometrical shapes and spatial relationships in real life experiences

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  • MTP Mazoezi ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 1

    Original price was: KSh427.77.Current price is: KSh385.00.

    Kitabu hiki kinamsaidia mwanafunzi kuweza:

    Kutumia mbinu zifaazo za usikivu katika mawasiliano katika mazingira yake.

    Kudhihirisha ufasaha wa kuzungumza kwa Kiswahili.

    Kusoma kwa ufasaha na kufahamu aina zozote za maandishi ya Kiswahili.

    Kuelezea mawazo, hisia na tajiriba kwa maandishi ya mkono au mbinu nyingine yoyote ya uwasilishaji.

    Kutumia sarufi ipasayyo katika mawasiliano.

    Kutumia msamiati ufaao katika mazingira yake kuwasiliana.

    Kuonyesha ukakamavu katika kuwasitisha masuala yanayomkabili na yanayokabili mazingira yake.

    ISBN: 197019732018016

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  • MTP Mazoezi ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 2

    Original price was: KSh427.77.Current price is: KSh385.00.

    Baada ya kukitumia hiki kitabu, mwanafunzi ataweza; Kutumia mbinu zifaazo za usikivu katika mawasiliano katika mazingira yake. Kudhihirisha ufasaha wa kuzungumza Kusoma kwa ufasaha no kufahamu aina zozote za maandishi. Kuelezea mawazo, hisia na tajiriba kwa maandishi ya mkono au mbinu nyingine yoyote ya uwasilishaji. Kutumia sarufi ipasavyo katika mawasiliano. Kutumia msamiati ufaao katika mazingira …

    MTP Mazoezi ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 2Read More

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  • MTP Mazoezi ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 3 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh383.00.Current price is: KSh345.00.

    Boada ya kukitumia hiki kitabu, mwanafunzi ataweza:

    • Kutumia mbinu zifaazo za usikivu katika mawasiliano katika mazingira yoke.
    • Kudhihirisha ufasaha wa kuzungumza kwa kiswahili.
    • Kusoma kwa ufasaha na kufahamu aina zozote za maandishi ya Kiswahili.
    • Kuelezea mawazo, hisia na tajiriba kwa maandishi ya mkono au mbinu nyingine yoyote ya uwasilishaji.
    • Kutumia sarufi ipasavyo katika mawasiliano.
    • Kutumia msamiati ufaao katika mazingira yake kuwasiliana.
    • Kuonyesha ukakamavu katika kuwasilisha masuala yanayomkabili na yonayokabili mazingira yake
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  • New planet hygiene grade 1

    Original price was: KSh455.56.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    Learning for the young ones is bound to be an exciting and delightful experience with the series. coursebooks are made in line with the competency eased curriculum framework and present a range of activities that build on the competence of a child through various learning experiences. New Planet Hygiene and Nutrition Learner’s Activity knowledge and …

    New planet hygiene grade 1Read More

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  • New primary English Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh422.23.Current price is: KSh380.00.

    The New Primary English Learner’s Activities Book for Grade 1 is part of a series designed in line with the competency-based curriculum. The book has a strong activity orientation that emphasizes the acquisition of the appropriate language skills, namely, listening and speaking; reading and writing. The key features of the book are: • content that …

    New primary English Grade 1Read More

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  • New Progressive Primary English Activities Grade 2

    Original price was: KSh593.00.Current price is: KSh534.00.
  • New progressive Primary English Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh555.55.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    New Progressive Primary English is a series specially written to provide practical experiments that support acquisition of language skills for the new Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series provide o range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities will help the learners acquire core competencies, knowledge, values, skills and information …

    New progressive Primary English Grade 1Read More

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  • Nyota ya Kiswahili Grade 2

    Original price was: KSh505.55.Current price is: KSh455.00.

    Kitabu hiki kimedhamiriwa kutumika kama mfululizo wo vitabu vya kiada kwa Gredi yo Pili. Kimeandikwo kuombotana no mtoloo mpyo. Kitobu hiki kimelenga kumwongoza mwonafunzi katika masomo yoke yo lugha ya Kiswahili kwa kutimiza moarubu yo mtolao wa kiwango husika. Ndani yoke mno mbinu bora za ujifunzaji ambazo zitawaelekeza wanafunzi kuhusu njia bora za kutimiza malengo yoo. Kimezingatia stadi zote zo kujifunza lugha, rani:
    (i) Kusikiliza
    (ii) Kuzungumza
    (iii) Kusoma
    (iv) Kuondika
    (v) Msamiati

    (vi) Sarufi

    Mwanafunzi amepewa nafasi ya kujifunza mwenyewe kutokana na picha maridhawa, hadithi, mashairi na michezo murua. Ili kuzidisha hamasisho la ujifunzaji, mwongozo maalumu umeandaliwa iii kuwapa walimu mbinu thabiti za kuuchochea ujifunzaji miongoni mwa wanafunzi. Ili kutathmini kiwango cha ujifunzaji miongoni mwa wanafunzi kitabu hiki kimetoamazoezi ya kutosha yatakoyowowezesho kupato:
    • Umilisi wa kimsingi
    • Maadili ya kimsingi
    • Uwezo wa kuyashughulikia masuala mtambuka

    Zaidi ya hayo uchochezi huo huwafahamisha namna ya kulinganisha uhusiano wa modo watiyojifunza;

    • na masomo mengine
    • na shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia ujifunzaji
    • na shughuli nyingine zilizoratibiwa za ujifunzaji

    Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa na waandishi wenye tojiriba pevu. Womekomaa kwenye stadi ya uondishi wa vitabu vya kiado.

    ISBN: 9789966511089

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  • Nyota ya Kiswahili kitabu cha mwanafunzi Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh505.00.Current price is: KSh455.00.

    Kitabu hiki kimedhamiriwa kutumika kama mfululizo wa vitabu vya ziada kwa Gredi ya Kwanza. Kimeandikwa kuambatana na mtalaa mpya. Kitabu hiki kimelenga kumwongoza mwanafunzi katika masomo yake ya lugha ya Kiswahili kwa kutimiza rnaarubu ya mtalaa wa kiwango husika. Ndani yake mna mbinu bora za ujifunzaji ambazo zitawaelekeza wanafunzi kuhusu njia bora za kutimiza malengo yao.

    Kimezingatia stadi zote za kujifunza lugha, yaani:

    (i) Kusikiliza

    (ii) Kuzungurnza

    (iii) Kusoma

    (iv) Kuandika

    (v) Msamiati

    (vi) Sarufi

    ISBN: 9789966511065

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  • OUP Everyday Hygiene & Nutrition Grade 1 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh427.00.Current price is: KSh385.00.

    Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.

    This workbook offers:

    * graded practice exercises to take care of learners of different learning abilities

    * numerous practical activities to enhance the acquisition of skills

    * various home tasks aimed at involving the family and the community in the learning process.

    A combined answer book is available for the Grade 1 workbooks.

    ISBN: 9780195747454

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  • OUP Everyday Hygiene & Nutrition Grade 2 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh477.00.Current price is: KSh430.00.

    Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.

    ISBN: 9780195747461

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  • OUP Growing in Christ CRE Activities GD2 (Appr)

    Original price was: KSh416.00.Current price is: KSh375.00.

    The Growing in Christ competency-based series is specially written to provide practical experiences that will build the learners’ knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, as well as equip them with values, skills and attitudes that will assist them live well with self and others. Books in this series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition of the core competences and values as well as an appreciation of pertinent and contemporary issues.

    The Learner’s Book ensures coverage of the New Competency-based Curriculum by providing:

    • Content that is structured according to the curriculum design.
    • A Let us do section that carries individual and collaboration activities through which the learners create new learning.
    • Real-life situations that require learners to apply creativity and critical thinking skills in solving everyday problems.
    • An In the Bible section that summarizes the content of Bible verses.
    • A Take home section that encourages learners to learn from the home environment as well as apply what they have learnt.
    • An I wonder section, which encourages learners to imagine a different world and thus apreciate the Word of God, themselves and others.


    Together, the Learner’s Book and the Teacher’s Guide provide learners and teachers with all they need to succeed in the New Competency-based Curriculum.

    ISBN: 9780195746716

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  • OUP Growing in Christ CRE Grade 1 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh444.44.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    Growing in Christ CRE Activities Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that cormprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.

    ISBN: 9780195747515

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  • OUP Growing in Christ CRE Grade 2 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    Growing in Christ CRE Activities Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.

    ISBN: 9780195747522

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  • OUP Growing in Christ CRE Grade 3 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    Growing in Christ CRE Activities Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.

    ISBN: 9780195747539

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  • OUP Kiswahili Dadisi Grade 1 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh427.00.Current price is: KSh385.00.

    Kiswahili Dadisi, Mazoezi ya Lugha, Workbook ni mfululizo wa kipekee wa vitabu vya mazoezi katika mfumo mpya wa umilisi, Vitabu hivi vinaelekeza kikamilifu kufanya mazoezi ya lugha kwa njia ya kufurahisha na kuelimisha. Kila kitabu katika mfululizo huu kimefanyiwa utafiti wa kina na kuandikwa kwa ustadi ili kuwasaidia wanafunzi kupata umitisi wa msingi, ujuzi, maadili na kuwa na mitazamo bora maishani.

    ISBN: 9780195747362

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  • OUP Kiswahili Dadisi Grade 2 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh511.11.Current price is: KSh460.00.

    Kiswahili Dadisi Mazoezi ya Lugha Workbook ni mfululizo wa kipekee wa vitabu vya mazoezi katika mtataa mpya wa umilisi. Kila kitabu katika mfululizo huu kimefanyiwa utafiti wa kina na kuandikwa kwa ustadi ili kuwasaidia wanofunzi kupata umilisi wa kimsingi, ujuzi, maadili na kuwa na mitazamo bora maishani. Vitabu hivi vinatoa utaratibu mwafaka wa kufanya mazoezi ya lugha kwa njia nyepesi na ya kueleweka.

    ISBN: 9780195747379

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  • OUP Kiswahili Dadisi Grade 3 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    Kiswahili Dadisi Mazoezi ya Lugha Workbook ni mfululizo wa kipekee wa vitabu vyo mazoezi katika mtalaa mpya wa umilisi. Kila kitabu katika mfululizo huu kimefanyiwa utafiti wa kina na kuandikwa kwa ustadi ili kuwasaidia wanafunzi kupata umilisi wa kimsingi, ujuzi, maadili na kuwa na mitazamo bora maishani. Vitabu hivi vinatoa utaratibu mwafaka wa kufanya mazoezi ya lugha kwa njia nyepesi na ya kueleweka.

    ISBN: 9780195747386

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  • OUP Let’s do Mathematics Activities Grade 2 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh511.00.Current price is: KSh460.00.

    Let’s Do Mathematics Activities Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.

    ISBN: 9780195747430

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  • OUP Let’s do Mathematics Activities Grade 2 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh511.11.Current price is: KSh460.00.

    Let’s Do Mathematics Activities Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes. ISBN: 9780195747430

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  • OUP Let’s do Maths Activities Grade 1 Workbook by OUP Kenya

    Original price was: KSh477.77.Current price is: KSh430.00.

    Let’s Do Mathematics Activities Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.

    ISBN: 9780195747423

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  • OUP Let’s do Maths Activities Grade 3 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    Let’s Do Mathematics Activities Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.

    This workbook offers:

    * step-by-step examples to help the learners easily acquire Mathematics skills

    * graded practice exercises to take care of learners of different learning abilities

    * numerous practical activities to enhance the acquisition of skills.

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