Category: Lower Primary
Lower Primary
Showing 241–264 of 372 results
OUP New Progressive English Grade 1 Workbook
Original price was: KSh428.00.KSh385.00Current price is: KSh385.00.Add to cartNew Progressive Primary English Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.
ISBN: 9780195747393
OUP New Progressive English Grade 2 Workbook
Original price was: KSh511.00.KSh460.00Current price is: KSh460.00.Add to cartNew Progressive Primary English Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.
ISBN: 9780195747409
OUP New Progressive English Grade 3 Workbook
Original price was: KSh555.00.KSh500.00Current price is: KSh500.00.Add to cartNew Progressive Primary English Workbook is a unique fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well-researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.
ISBN: 9780195747416
OUP New Progressive Primary English Act Gd1 (Appr)
Original price was: KSh555.56.KSh500.00Current price is: KSh500.00.Add to cartNew Progressive Primary English Activities is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of language skills for the new competency-based curriculum. Books in the series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition of the core competence, values. and pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs). The Learner’s Book ensures coverage of the new competency-based curriculum by providing: • Units that are structured according to strands and sub-strands as outlined in the curriculum. • An integration of the four language skills — listening. speaking. reading and writing. • Real-life situations where learners can apply creativity and critical thinking skills in solving everyday problems • Numerous learner-centered activities through which the learners engage in teamwork and communication. • An application section (At home) that allows learning to take place out of class and at home. • Activities aimed at integrating the use of digital technologies in learning thereby enabling the learners to acquire digital literacy skills.
ISBN: 9780195746761
OUP New Progressive Primary English Activities Grade 2 (Revised)
Original price was: KSh594.44.KSh535.00Current price is: KSh535.00.Add to cartNew Progressive Primary English is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support acquisition of language skills for the new Competency Based Curriculum. Books in the series provide a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities will help the learners acquire core competencies, knowledge, values, skills and information …
OUP New Progressive Primary English Activities Grade 2 (Revised)Read More
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Our Lives Today Environmental Activities is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of science. social studies and agriculture skills for the new competency-based curriculum. Books in the series have a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition of the core competencies, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues (PC I s). Our Lives Today Environmental Activities Grade One provides:
- Topics that are structured according to the strands and sub-strands as outlined in the new competency-based curriculum.
- Activities that present real-life situations where learners can solve problems through creativity and critical thinking.
- Group activities that facilitate learning by discovery through teamwork and collaboration.
- Take home activities that enhance learning at home and in the community.
- Fun spots that make learning fun and exciting through songs, poems. puzzles and much more.
ISBN: 9780195746587
OUP Our Lives Today Environmental Grade 1 WorkBook
Original price was: KSh472.00.KSh425.00Current price is: KSh425.00.Add to cartOur Lives Today Environmental Activities Workbooks is a unique, fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.
This workbook offers:
* stimulating activities that are arranged from simple to challenging.
* activities that require interaction with parents, guardians and other community members. These activities involve observation, experimentation and project work.
* a self-assessment section that enables the learner to measure his or her understanding of concepts in each sub-strand.
A combined answer book is available for the Grade 1 workbooks.
ISBN: 9780195747485
OUP Our Lives Today Environmental Grade 2 Workbook
Original price was: KSh547.00.KSh493.00Current price is: KSh493.00.Add to cartOur Lives Today Environmental Activities Workbooks is a unique, fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.
ISBN: 9780195747492
OUP Our Lives Today Environmental Grade 3 Workbook
Original price was: KSh594.00.KSh535.00Current price is: KSh535.00.Add to cartOur Lives Today Environmental Activities Workbooks is a unique, fun-filled series that comprehensively covers the new competency-based curriculum. Each book in the series is well researched and skillfully written to aid acquisition of the core competencies, skills, values and attitudes.
ISBN: 9780195747508
OUP Soma Nasi Kusoma na Kuandika Gredi 1 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh522.22.KSh470.00Current price is: KSh470.00.Add to cartSoma Nasi, Kusoma na kuandika Kiswahili ni msururu wa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa upekee ili kutosheleza mahitaji ya mtalaa mpya wa Umilisi. Vitabu hivi vitamwezesha mwanafunzi kupata ufahamu wa lugha kupitia stadi za kusikiliza,
kuzungumza, kusoma na kuandika. Aidha, vina mazoezi murua ambayo yatampa mwanafunzi hamu ya kujifunza pamoja na kuwa vinakuza umilisi uliopendekezwa, maadili na pia kufahamisha kuhusu masualaibuka.
ISBN: 9780195746945
Our Faith CRE Activities Learner’s Book Grade 2 by Moran
Original price was: KSh388.88.KSh350.00Current price is: KSh350.00.Add to cartOur Faith Christian Religious Education Activities is a complete course developed to meet the requirements of the Competence-Based Curriculum. The course offers learners appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for learning Christian Religious Education Activities as a learning area. The course has been prepared after in-depth research to enable learners acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. It has plenty of activities that stimulate learning, nurture learners’ faith and talents, make the learning process enjoyable, and instill values and attitudes, based on the teachings of the Holy Bible.
The course:
- Encourages the use of learning materials from the learner’s immediate environment thus giving the learner an opportunity to appreciate the environment
- Has a variety of activities which enable learners to explore and learn
- Covers all the outcomes in the syllabus
- Has activities which integrate the core competences, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues
- Has activities to encourage parental involvement in the learning of the children
ISBN: 9789966630681
Our Faith CRE activities learner’s book Grade 3 by Moran
Original price was: KSh356.00.KSh320.00Current price is: KSh320.00.Add to cartOur Faith Christian Religious Education Activities is a complete course developed to meet the requirements of the Competence-Based Curriculum. The course offers learners appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for learning Christian Religious Education Activities as a learning area. The course has been prepared after in-depth research to enable learners acquire the necessary knowledge. skills, values and attitudes. It has plenty of activities that stimulate [earning, nurture learners’ faith and talents, make the learning process enjoyable, and instill values and attitudes, based on the teachings of the Holy Bible. The course: Encourages the use of learning materials from the learner’s immediate environment thus giving the learner an opportunity to appreciate the environment
Has a variety of activities which enable learners to explore and learn
Covers all the outcomes in the syllabus
Has activities which integrate the core competences, values. and pertinent and contemporary issues
Has activities to encourage parental involvement in the learning of the children
Has activities that enable learners to appreciate and improve their community.
ISBN: 9789966630407
Our Lives Today Environmental Activities Grade 2
Original price was: KSh466.66.KSh420.00Current price is: KSh420.00.Add to cartOur Lives Today Environmental Activities is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of science, social studies and agriculture skills for the new competency-based curriculum. Books in the series have a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at the acquisition of the core competencies, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues (PC’s).
Our Lives Today Environmental Activities grade 3 by Oxford
Original price was: KSh477.00.KSh430.00Current price is: KSh430.00.Add to cartOur Lives Today Environmental Activities is a series specially written to provide practical experiences that support the acquisition of science, social studies and agriculture skills for the new competency based curriculum. Books in the series have a range of activities that learners will find exciting and motivating. The activities are aimed at acquisition of the core competencies, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIs).
ISBN: 978 019 574660 0
Phoenix Falcon English Activities grade 2(Approved by Antony Otieno
Original price was: KSh633.33.KSh570.00Current price is: KSh570.00.Add to cartFalcon English Activities Learner’s Book is:
- User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow.
- Written in simple but articulate language.
- Boldly illustrated, making learning a visual delight.
- Comprehensive and covers the curriculum, sufficiently addressing the relevant skills and intended learning outcomes.
- Concise, with sufficient learning experiences and revision activities.
- Helpful in promoting positive values and attitudes.
- Current, covering the Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PC’s) affecting learners today. Fa/con English Activities Series is written by experienced teachers with a track record of assisting learners to realise excellent performance and learning outcomes.
ISBN: 9789966479129
Phoenix Falcon English activities Grade 3 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh439.00.KSh390.00Current price is: KSh390.00.Add to cart
Falcon English Activities Learner’s Book Grade 3 is.
• User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow
• Written in simple but articulate language
• Boldly illustrated making learning a visual delight
Comprehensive and covers the curriculum sufficiently addressing the relevant skills and intended learning outcomes
Concise, with sufficient learning experiences and revision activities
• Helpful in promoting positive values and attitudes
• Current, covering the pertinent and Contemporary Issues PCs) affecting learners
Falcon English Activities Series is written by experienced teachers with a track
record of assisting learners excellent performance and learning outcomes
Benjamin Mwenda is currently an English teacher in one of the most
renowned schools in the country with 15 years of teaching experience
across three primary schools, Mwenda has also authored the Summit Revision Composition Series,
commended for its comprehensive approach towards composition writing in
primary schools Antony Otieno is a highly experienced English language teacher
with teaching experience of over 17 years. He has taught in top public and private schools in Saya Mombasa,
voi and Malindi. He has also authored Summit Revision English,
which has been lauded for its comprehensive approach towards
grammar comprehension and composition writing in primary schoolsISBN: 9789966479143
Phoenix Hatua za Kiswahili Rasmi GD2 (Approved) by Momanyi, Mutuku”
Original price was: KSh672.22.KSh605.00Current price is: KSh605.00.Add to cartHatua za Kiswahili Rasmi, Kitabu cha mwanafunzi ni mfululizo wa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa ufundi kwa kufuata mtalaa mpya unaosisitiza umilisi. Vitabu hivi vitamwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza weledi wake katika stadi za kusikiliza na kuzungumza, sarufi na matumizi ya lugha, kusoma na kuandika. Vitabu hivi vina sifa zifuatazo:
Mada kuu zilizopangwa kwa kuzingatia ruwaza ya mtalaa ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 2 ili kurahisisha utumiaji.
- Vipindi vilivyopangwa kushughulikia mada ndogo mbalimbali kulingana na ruwaza ya mtalaa.
- Picha na michoro iliyochorwa kwa rangi za kupendeza ili kuvutia usomaji na ujifunzaji.
- Maswali dodoso yanayochochea uwezo wa mwanafunzi kufikiria na kudadisi masuala mbalimbali.
- Kazi 2a ziada na majaribio yanayomhusisha mwanafunzi binafsi, wanafunzi wawiliwawili na wanafunzi kwenye makundi katika shughuli aina aina.
- Mradi wa nyumbani unaowahusisha wazazi na walezi katika ujifunzaji wa Kiswahili na pia kukuza uwajibikaji.
- Hadithi na utajiri wa shughuli nyingine zinazokuza umilisi wa kimsingi wa lugha ya Kiswahili na zilizooanishwa na masuala mtambuko, maadili chanya miongoni mwa masuala mengine.
- Matumizi ya teknolojia kwa mfano kusikiliza sauti redioni na unasaji sauti kwa kutumia simu na vifaa vingine vya kiteknolojia.
ISBN: 9789966479303
Phoenix Hatua za Kiswahili Rasmi GD3 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh633.00.KSh570.00Current price is: KSh570.00.Add to cartHatua za Kiswahili Rasmi, Kitabu cha mwanafunzi ni mfululizo wa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa ufundi kwa kufuata mtalaa mpya unaosisitiza umilisi. Vitabu hivi vitamwezesha mwanafunz: kukuza weledi wake katika stadi za kusikiliza na kuzungumza, sarufi na matumizi ya lughakusoma na kuandika. Vitabu hivi vina sifa zifuatazo:
– Mada kuu zilizopangwa kwa kuzingatia ruwaza ya mtalaa ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 3 ili kurahisisha utumiaji.
– Vipindi vilivyopangwa kushughulikia mada ndogo mbalimbali kulingana na ruwaza ya mtalaa.
– Picha na michoro iliyochorwa kwa rangi za kupendeza ili kuvutia usomaji na ujifunzaji.
– Maswali dodoso yanayochochea uwezo wa mwanafunzi kufikiria na kudadisi masuala mbalimbali.
– Kazi za ziada na majaribio yanayomhusisha mwanafunzi binafsi, wanafunzi wawiliwawili na wanafunzi kwenye makundi katika shughuli ainaaina.
– Mradi wa nyumbani unaowahusisha wazazi na walezi katika ujifunzaji wa Kiswahili na pia kukuza uwajibikaji.
– Hadithina utajiri wa shughuli nyingine zinazokuza umilisi wa kimsingi wa lugha ya Kiswahili na zilizooanishwa na masuala mtambuko, maadili chanya miongoni mwa masuala mengine.
– Matumizi ya teknolojia kwa mfano kusikiliza sauti redioni na unasaji sauti kwa kutumia simu na vifaa vingine vya kiteknolojia.
ISBN: 9789966479327
Phoenix Summit Environmental act GD3 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh417.00.KSh375.00Current price is: KSh375.00.Add to cartSummit Environmental Activities Learner’s Book Grade 3 is:
– User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow.
– Written in simple but articulate language.
– Boldly illustrated, making learning a visual delight.
– Comprehensive and covers the curriculum, sufficiently addressing the relevant skills and intended learning outcomes. “
– Concise, with sufficient learning experiences and revision activities.
– Helpful in promoting positive values and attitudes.
– Current, covering the Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) affecting learners today.
Summit Environmental Activities Series is written by experienced teachers with a track record of assisting learners realise excellent performance and learning outcomes.
ISBN: 9789966479204
Phoenix Summit Environmental Act Grade 2 (Approved) by Zilpher Oracha, Zachary Oduri, Violet Nkatha
Original price was: KSh633.33.KSh570.00Current price is: KSh570.00.Add to cartSummit Environmental Activities Learner’s Book is:
- User-friendly, colourful, elaborate and easy to follow.
- Written in simple but articulate language.
- Boldly illustrated, making learning a visual delight.
- Comprehensive and covers the curriculum, sufficiently addressing the relevant skills and intended learning outcomes.
- Concise, with sufficient learning experiences and revision activities.
- Helpful in promoting positive values and attitudes.
- Current, covering the Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs) affecting learners today.
- Summit Environmental Activities Series is written by experienced teachers with a track record of assisting learners realise excellent performance and learning outcomes.
ISBN: 9789966479167
Phoenix Summit Hygiene and Nutrition Grade 1
Original price was: KSh544.44.KSh490.00Current price is: KSh490.00. -
Premier C.R.E Activities Workbook Grade 2
Original price was: KSh433.33.KSh390.00Current price is: KSh390.00. -
Premier Environmental Workbook Grade 1
Original price was: KSh433.34.KSh390.00Current price is: KSh390.00. -
Premier Hygiene and Nutrition Workbook Grade 1
Original price was: KSh433.34.KSh390.00Current price is: KSh390.00.