Category: Lower Primary
Lower Primary
Showing 121–144 of 372 results
Longhorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activites Learner’s Book Grade 1
Original price was: KSh572.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Grade 1 Learner’s Book is the first of a series of three Lower Primary School books developed by Longhorn Publishers in line with the new competency-based curriculum of 2017. It comprehensively covers all the topics highlighted in the Grade 1 syllabus and gives a unique opportunity for learners to engage in the learning process and discover facts by themselves. The unique features include:
Embraces learning by discovery through numerous practical activities. Has numerous fun activities to make learning interesting and enjoyable.
Incorporates pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and learner-friendly manner. Has full-colour illustrations, photographs and an attractive design to make the book appealing. Has comprehensive summary notes to explain various concepts in the different topics.
Longhorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Learner’s Book Grade 2 by Longhorn
Original price was: KSh575.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Grade 2 Learner’s Book is the first of a series of three Lower Primary School books developed by Longhorn Publishers in line with the new competency-based curriculum of 2017. It comprehensively covers all the topics highlighted in the Grade 2 syllabus and gives a unique opportunity for learners to engage in the learning process and discover facts by themselves. The unique features include:
• Embraces learning by discovery through numerous practical activities. Has numerous fun activities to make learning interesting and enjoyable.
• Incorporates pertinent and Contemporary Issues in an interactive and learner-friendly manner. Has full-colour illustrations, photographs and an attractive design to make the book appealing.
• Has comprehensive summary notes to explain various concepts in the different topics.
ISBN: 9789966640369
Longhorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Learner’s Book Grade 3
Original price was: KSh572.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Hygiene & Nutrition Activities Grade 3 Learner’s Book is the first of a series of three Lower Primary School books developed by Longhorn Publishers in line with the new competency-based curriculum of 2017. It comprehensively covers all the topics highlighted in the Grade 3 syllabus and gives a unique opportunity for learners to engage in the learning process and discover facts by themselves. The unique features include:
• Embraces learning by discovery through numerous practical activities.
• Has numerous fun activities to make learning interesting and enjoyable.
• Incorporates pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and learner-friendly manner. Has full-colour Illustrations, photographs and an attractive design to make the book appealing.
• Has comprehensive summary notes to explain various concepts in the different topics.
ISBN: 9789966640376
Longhorn Kiswahili Mufti GD 2 by Wallah
Original price was: KSh695.00.KSh540.00Current price is: KSh540.00.Add to cartLonghorn Kiswahili Mufti, Gredi 2 (Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi) ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa mtindo wa mazoezi kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokusudiwa kujenga ujuzi wa mwanafunzi kupitia utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa. Kitabu hiki kimetimiza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mada zote za silabasi mpya ya somo la Kiswahili kwa wanafunzi wa gredi ya pili.
Vilevile, kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi ili kueleweka kwa urahisi na. wanafunzi wa gredi ya pili kutoka katika mazingira mbalimbali. Msamiati uliotumika unaafikiana vyema na uwezo wa lugha ya wanafunzi katika kiwango hiki. Kimeshughulikia masuala ibuka kama vile: usalama, maadili, lishe bora, usafiri, utangamano, maarifa ya ujasiriamali, elimu endelevu, jinsia, teknolojia na mazingira. Pia, michoro ya kuvutia imetumiwa ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufahamu yaliyomo kwa urahisi na kuweza kuyahusisha maarifa na mazingira yake.
Kitabu hiki kina mwongozo wa mwalimu ambao utampa mwalimu maelezo na maelekezo kamili kuhusiana na mbinu mwafaka za kutayarisha, kuendesha na kutathmini uwezo wa utendaji wa wanafunzi na umahiri wao katika somo la Kiswahili.
ISBN: 9789966640031
Longhorn Kiswahili Mufti Kitabu Cha Mwanafunzi Gredi 3
Original price was: KSh572.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Kiswahili Mufti, Gredi 3 (Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi) ni kitabu kilichoandikwa kwa mtindo wa mazoezi kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokusudiwa kujenga ujuzi wa mwanafunzi kupitia utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa. Kitabu hiki kimetimiza kikamilifu mahitaji ya mada zote za silabasi mpya ya somo la Kiswahili kwa wanafunzi wa gredi ya tatu.
Vilevile, kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi ili kueleweka kwa urahisi na wanafunzi wa gredi ya tatu kutoka katika mazingira mbalimbali. Msamiati uliotumika unaafikiana vyema na uwezo wa lugha ya wanafunzi katika kiwango hiki. Kimeshughulikia masuala ibuka kama vile: maadili, haki za watoto, afya bora, uraia, ujasiriamali, elimu endelevu, teknolojia na mazingira.
Kadhalika, michoro ya kuvutia imetumiwa ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufahamu yaliyomo kwa urahisi na kuweza kuyahusisha maarifa na mazingira.ISBN: 39789966640048
Longhorn Kusoma na Kuandika Grade 1 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh500.00.KSh450.00Current price is: KSh450.00.Add to cartKusoma na kuandika katika Kiswahili, Gredi 1 ni kimoja miongoni mwa vitabu vipya
vilivyoandikwa kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokuza ujuzi wa wanafunzi kupitia kwa utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa.
Kitabu hiki kinawawezesha wanafunzi kupata maarifa ya kimsingi,
stadi zifaazo za kusoma na kuandika, mienendo miema na maadili ya kimaisha
pamoja na utumizi kamili wa maarifa wanayoyapata darasani.
Shughuli na mazoezi katika kitabu hiki zimejikita kwenye uzoefu wa wanafunzi wa kila siku
pamoja na masuala ya kisasa na ibuka kama yalivyofafanuliwa kwenye mtaala mpya.
Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na inayoibua tafakari tanduizi ili
kukuza ujuzi wa kutafakari na kuimarisha stadi za kimaisha za usuluhishaji wa matatizo ili kukidhi
mahitaji ya wanafunzi katika jamii. -
Longhorn Kusoma na kuandika Katika Kiswahili Kitabu cha mwanafunzi Gredi 3
Original price was: KSh500.00.KSh450.00Current price is: KSh450.00.Add to cartKusoma na kuandika katika Kiswahili, Gredi ya 3 ni kimoja miongoni mwa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokuza ujuzi wa wanafunzi kupitia kwa utendaji na uvumbuzi
wa maarifa.Kitabu hiki kinawawezesha wanafunzi kupata maarifa ya kimsingi, stadi zifaazo za kusoma na kuandika, mienendo mema na maadili ya kimaisha pamoja na utumizi kamili wa maarifa wanayoyapata darasani.
Shughuli na mazoezi katika kitabu hiki zimejikita kwenye uzoefu wa wanafunzi wa kila siku pamoja na masuala na ibuka kama yalivyofafanuliwa kwenye mtaala mpya. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na inayoibua tafakari ili kukuza ujuzi wa mwanafunzi na kuimarisha stadi za kimaisha za kutatua matatizo ya wanafunzi katika jamii.ISBN: 9789966640161
Longhorn Kusoma na Kuandika Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Grade 2 by Hezekiel Gikambi, Henry T. Indindi, Danson Khasiani, Rachel Maina.
Original price was: KSh500.00.KSh450.00Current price is: KSh450.00.Add to cartKusoma na Kuandika katika Kiswahili, Gredi 2 ni kimoja miongoni mwa vitabu vipya vilivyoandikwa kwa kuzingatia mtaala mpya unaokuza ujuzi wa wanafunzi kupitia kwa utendaji na uvumbuzi wa maarifa.
Kitabu hiki kinawawezesha wanafunzi kupata maarifa ya kimsingi, stadi zifaazo za kusoma na kuandika, mienendo miema na maadili ya kimaisha pamoja na utumizi kamili wa maarifa wanayoyapata darasani.
Shughuli na mazoezi katika kitabu hiki zimejikita kwenye uzoefu wa wanafunzi wa kila siku pamoja na masuala ya kisasa na ibuka kama yalivyofafanuliwa kwenye mtaala mpya. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na inayoibua tafakari tanduizi iii kukuza ujuzi wa kutafakari na kuimarisha stadi za kimaisha za usuluhishaji wa matatizo iii kukidhi mahitaji ya wanafunzi katika jamii.ISBN: 9789966640154
Longhorn Mathematics Activities Grade 2
Original price was: KSh575.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Mathematics Activities Grade 2 Learner’s Book is a new, concise and comprehensive book that has been developed in line with the new competence-based Curriculum for Grade 2.
It is the book of choice to many leaners and teachers in that it:
• Strictly follows the competence-based learning approach that emphasises mastery of concepts.
• Presents concepts and content through very interactive learner-centered activities set in the learner’s environment.
• Involves the learner in the learning process through active participation and activities.
• Uses a very simple language to communicate concepts and content clearly.
• Provides concise notes and numerous examples on each concept to enhance mastery
• Provides a practice exercise for each concept to give learners an opportunity to practice, and to assess their mastery of concepts.
• Contains full-colour illustrations that clearly portray objects and concepts in their natural setting.
• Has an accompanying Teacher’s guide books that guides the teacher on the pedagogical approaches appropriate for implementing the new competence-based curriculum. It also provides answers to exercises and activities.
The book is designed and developed by a team of well-known and respected Mathematics educators with many years of teaching experience and curriculum development.ISBN: 9789966640420
Longhorn Mathematics Activities learner’s book Grade 1
Original price was: KSh572.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Mathematics Activities Grade I Learner, concise end comprehensive book developed in line with the new competency-based Curriculum for Grade I. It is the book of choice to many learners and teachers in that it
- Strictly follows the competency-based learning approach that emphasizes mastery of concepts.
- Presents concepts and content through very interactive learner-centered activities set in the learner, environment
- involves the learner in the learning process through active participation and activities.
- Uses a very simple language to communicate concepts and comment clearly.
- Provides concise notes and numerous examples of each concept to enhance mastery
- Provides a practice exercise for each concept to give learners an opportunity to practice, and to assess their mastery of concepts.
- Contains full-color illustrations that clearly portray objects and concepts in their natural setting,
- Guides the teacher on the pedagogical approaches appropriate for implementing the new competency-based curriculum.
- The guide also provides answers to exercises and activities.
ISBN: 9789966640413
Longhorn Mathematics Activities learner’s book Grade 3
Original price was: KSh572.00.KSh515.00Current price is: KSh515.00.Add to cartLonghorn Mathematics Activities Grade 3 Learner, concise end comprehensive book developed in line with the new competency-based Curriculum for Grade 3. It is the book of choice to many learners and teachers in that it
Strictly follows the competency-based learning approach that emphasizes mastery of concepts.
Presents concepts and content through very interactive learner-centered activities set in the learner, environment
involves the learner in the learning process through active participation and activities.
Uses a very simple language to communicate concepts and comment clearly.
Provides concise notes and numerous examples of each concept to enhance mastery
Provides a practice exercise for each concept to give learners an opportunity to practice, and to assess their mastery of concepts.
Contains full-color illustrations that clearly portray objects and concepts in their natural setting,
Guides the teacher on the pedagogical approaches appropriate for implementing the new competency-based curriculum.
The guide also provides answers to exercises and activities.
ISBN: 9789966640437
Longhorn Smart Score Encyclopaedia GD1 (Vol1)
Original price was: KSh839.00.KSh755.00Current price is: KSh755.00.Add to cartLonghorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grades 1-3 series is designed to give learners opportunities to do more practice on the competences envisaged in the new Competence-Based Curriculum for Kenyan Primary Schools.
The coverage of work for each subject in a volume is structured into three terms. Each term’s work includes:
- An opening Assessment to assess the learner’s entry behavior at the start of a term.
- Well thought-out Activities, Summary Notes, Examples, Practice/Revision Exercises.
- Mid Term, End of Term and End of Year Assessments.
- Answers to all Practice/Revision Exercises and Assessments.
ISBN: 9789966642141
Longhorn Smart Score Encyclopaedia GD1 (Vol2)
Original price was: KSh839.00.KSh755.00Current price is: KSh755.00.Add to cartLonghorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grades 1-3 series is designed to give learners opportunities to do more practice on the competences envisaged in the new Competence-Based Curriculum for Kenyan Primary Schools.
The coverage of work for each subject in a volume is structured into three terms. Each term’s work includes:
- An opening Assessment to assess the learner’s entry behavior at the start of a term.
- Well thought-out Activities, Summary Notes, Examples, Practice/Revision Exercises.
- Mid Term, End of Term and End of Year Assessments.
- Answers to all Practice/Revision Exercises and Assessments.
ISBN: 9789966642158
Longhorn Smart Score Encyclopaedia GD2 (Vol 1)
Original price was: KSh839.00.KSh755.00Current price is: KSh755.00.Add to cartLonghorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grades 1 – 3 series is designed to give learners opportunities to do more practice on the competences envisaged in the new Competence- Based Curriculum for Kenyan Primary Schools.
SKU: 2010133001069
Longhorn Smart Score Encyclopaedia GD2 (Vol 2)
Original price was: KSh839.00.KSh755.00Current price is: KSh755.00.Add to cartLonghorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grades 1 – 3 series is designed to give learners
opportunities to do more practice on the competences envisaged in the new CompetenceBased
Curriculum for Kenyan Primary Schools. The six books in the Series are:
– Longhorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grade 1 Volume 1
– Longhorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grade 1 Volume 2
– Longhorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grade 2 Volume 1,
– Longhorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grade 2 Volume 2
– Longhorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grade 3 Volume 1
– Longhorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grade 3 Volume 2 -
Longhorn Smart Score Encyclopaedia GD3 (Vol 1)
Original price was: KSh838.88.KSh755.00Current price is: KSh755.00.Add to cartLonghorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grades 1-3 series is designed to give learners opportunities to do more practice on the competences envisaged in the new Competence-Based Curriculum for Kenyan Primary Schools.
The coverage of work for each subject in a volume is structured into three terms. Each term’s work includes:
- An opening Assessment to assess the learner’s entry behavior at the start of a term.
- Well thought-out Activities, Summary Notes, Examples, Practice/Revision Exercises.
- Mid Term, End of Term and End of Year Assessments.
- Answers to all Practice/Revision Exercises and Assessments.
ISBN: 9789966642189
Longhorn Smart Score Encyclopaedia GD3 (Vol 2)
Original price was: KSh878.00.KSh790.00Current price is: KSh790.00.Add to cartLonghorn Competence-Based Smart Score Encyclopaedia Grades 1-3 series is designed to give learners opportunities to do more practice on the competences envisaged in the new Competence-Based Curriculum for Kenyan Primary Schools.
The coverage of work for each subject in a volume is structured into three terms. Each term’s work includes:
- An opening Assessment to assess the learner’s entry behavior at the start of a term.
- Well thought-out Activities, Summary Notes, Examples, Practice/Revision Exercises.
- Mid Term, End of Term and End of Year Assessments.
- Answers to all Practice/Revision Exercises and Assessments.
ISBN: 9789966642196
Made Familiar CBC Mathematical Activitiees Workbook Pre Primary 1
Original price was: KSh777.77.KSh700.00Current price is: KSh700.00.Add to cartCBC Made Familiar Mathematical Activities empowers young learners to dive into the exciting world of problem-solving. These carefully designed activities not only build a solid foundation for logical thinking and problem-solving but also foster accuracy and critical thinking. Plus, they nurture essential skills in classification, numbers, and measurement, ensuring your child’s holistic development. The hands-on …
Made Familiar CBC Mathematical Activitiees Workbook Pre Primary 1Read More
Mastering computers book 1 smartbrains
Original price was: KSh555.55.KSh500.00Current price is: KSh500.00.Add to cartMastering Computers Book 1 (Smartbrains) by IT Panel Mastering Computers is a book intended for use by pre-primary pupils. It has been thoroughly researched on and introduces pupils to the simplest and most basic ways of computers.
Mastering Computers Book 2 (Smartbrains)
Original price was: KSh555.55.KSh500.00Current price is: KSh500.00.Add to cartMastering Computers is a book intended for use by pre-primary pupils. It has been thoroughly researched on and introduces pupils to the simplest and most basic ways of computers. ISBN: 9780996671828
Mazoezi na marudio Mufti Grade 1
Original price was: KSh455.55.KSh410.00Current price is: KSh410.00. -
Mentor Art and Craft Activities Grade 1
Original price was: KSh511.11.KSh460.00Current price is: KSh460.00.Add to cartMENTOR Art and Craft Activities Grade 1 workbook is fully in line with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).The book is easy to use and contains a variety of learning activities. It makes learning fun for a Lower Primary Learner. This book has been authored by teachers with a wide experience in Early Years Education in leading schools across Kenya.
Mentor Art and Craft Activities Grade 2
Original price was: KSh511.11.KSh460.00Current price is: KSh460.00.Add to cartMENTOR Art and Craft Activities Grade 2 workbook is fully in line with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). The book is easy to use and contains a variety of learning activities. It makes learning fun for a Lower Primary Learner. This book has been authored by teachers with a wide experience in Early Years Education in leading schools across Kenya.
ISBN: 9789966012036
Mentor Art and Craft Activities Grade 3 by Mentor
Original price was: KSh488.00.KSh440.00Current price is: KSh440.00.Add to cartMENTOR Art and Craft Activities Grade 3 workbook is fully in line with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).The book is easy to use and contains a variety of learning activities. It makes learning fun for a Lower Primary Learner. This book has been authored by teachers with a wide experience in Early Years Education in leading schools across Kenya.
ISBN: 978996601202