



Category: PP1


Showing 1–24 of 100 results

  • Atfaal IRE Activity Pupil’s Book PP1

    Original price was: KSh433.33.Current price is: KSh390.00.

    As the main shift in Education now is moving from content based to competence based, this Atfaal IRE Activity Pupil’s Book Pre-Primary One is carefully crafted to attain this outcome. A competence based curriculum is mainly achieved through learner centered approaches. Therefore, all the activities in this book are learner oriented where the learner takes …

    Atfaal IRE Activity Pupil’s Book PP1Read More

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  • Creative Activities Workbook PP1

    This is a new exciting revision workbook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum. The activities aim at enabling the learners develop fine and gross motor skills which are necessary for co-ordination of the body. The activities also aim at enhancing exploration, development of talents as well as appreciation of our cultural heritage.

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  • Distinction English Activities Pre-primary 1

    This book is designed to enable learner acquire knowledge, skills , values and attitude leading a development of holistic learning to meet expectation of the curriculum.This book is based on the Competency Based Curriculum for Pre-primary one.It will equip learners with the competencies as well as nurture core values in the process of learning.

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  • EAEP Fun with CRE Activities PP1 (Appr)

    Original price was: KSh305.55.Current price is: KSh275.00.

    EAEP is pleased to introduce the exciting and enjoyable Fun with series.

    Fun with Christian Religious Education Activities Pre-Primary 1, Pupils Book, is presented in a simple way that is easy to understand and in language that learners at this level will identify with.

    The authors of this book ensured the curriculum design is fully covered as they simplified different concepts to suit the learners level.

    The book offers among other features:

    • Relevant and well drawn full-color illustrations.
    • A variety of competency-based learning activities and,
    • Instructions to parents or guardians, that enables them to fully participate in the development of skills and values in the learners.

    This book will introduce learners to the joy of learning as they begin their journey in education.

    ISBN: 9789966562784

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  • EAEP Fun With Mathematical Act PP1 (Appr)

    Original price was: KSh361.00.Current price is: KSh325.00.

    Fun with Mathematical Activities is a comprehensive course book based on the new Competency-Based Curriculum, 2018.
    This Pre-Primary 1, Pupil’s book, is presented in a simple way. Learners at this level will enjoy using this book.
    The key features of the book include: • Relevant, well drawn full colour illustrations.
    A variety of competency-based learner-centered activities that help
    learners to develop a wide range of skills. • Suggestions for parents’ involvement in the continuous learning
    process at home. Songs and poems to help learner to understand the content and make Mathematics enjoyable.
    Indoor and outdoor activities that learners do in pairs and in groups
    as they help each other to learn. • Fun spot in every unit. The book has an accompanying Teacher’s Guide.
    The author, Patrick Kiswili, is an educational publisher with a high competence in Mathematics and Science.

    ISBN: 9789966563873

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  • Facebook combined encyclopedia wookbook pp1

    Designed specifically for Pre-Primary 1 students, this workbook covers a wide range of topics, from basic literacy and numeracy skills to fascinating facts about the world around us.

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  • First Steps Mathematical Activities Pre-primary learner’s Book

    Original price was: KSh300.00.Current price is: KSh270.00.

    First Steps Mathematical Activities is a competency based course developed to equip the learners with necessary competence, skills. values and knowledge geared towards developing the child in all aspects. The Course employs an inquiry based approach to learning in all activities which equips learners with skills and the quest to learn and discover on their own.

    The course:

    • Encourages the use of teaming materials from the learners immediate environment thus giving the learner an opportunity to appreciate the environment
    • Has a variety of activities which enable learners to captors and learn
    • Covers all the outcomes in the syllabus
    • Has activities which integrate the core competence, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues
    • Has activities to encourage parental involvement in the learning of the children
    • Has activities that enable learners to appreciate and improve their community.

    ISBN: 9789966630506

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  • First Steps Workbook – Colouring Activities – PP 1

    Original price was: KSh455.55.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    First Steps Workbooks – Colouring Activities – PP 1 Author: Rosemary Wambugu ISBN: 978 9966 631 96 1 Moran Pre-Primary Workbooks are interactive and easy-to-follow resources for Early Childhood Education. These workbooks are ideal for every Pre-primary school child

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  • High Flyer Pre-Primary Encyclopedia 1

    Original price was: KSh944.45.Current price is: KSh850.00.
  • Intensive Encyclopedia CBC Pre-Primary 1

    Original price was: KSh905.55.Current price is: KSh815.00.

    Intensive Encyclopaedia PP1 is a book developed in line with the New Competency Based Curriculum. It aims at equipping learners with hands-on skills as opposed to the knowledge based curriculum. The book is a one-stop source of learning activities for all the subjects taught in PP1.

    ISBN: 9789914998009

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  • Jifunze Kiswahili kitabu cha kwanza by Muriithi

    Original price was: KSh444.00.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kuwasaidia watoto kusoma Lugha ya Kiswahili, kuwawezesha kushikananisha Vokali na konsonanti kwa njia ya urahisi. Mazoezi kwa kusikiliza, kusoma na kuandika yanaendelea katika kitabu hiki.

    ISBN: 996698710X                                                                                        

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  • KLB Skillgrow Christian Religious Activities Pre-Primary Learner’s Workbook 1

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Christian Religious Activities is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in society.
    KLB Skillgrow Pre-Primary 1 Christian Religious Activities Learner’s Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competency-Based Curriculum Design. The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely.

    This Workbook has employed a child-centered approach where all experiences are centered on the child’s interests, knowledge, and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education. Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them. Every lesson has something to draw from day-to-day occurrences. This Learner’s Workbook has, therefore, used illustrations from familiar situations that are created to help learners understand more difficult Biblical concepts.

    Gender equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase the association of certain tasks with specific gender. For example, both boys and girls are involved in household chores, playing musical instruments, and actively participating in church activities. The principle of inclusivity has been taken care of by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of society.

    This Learner’s book is basically a Workbook with numerous practical activities within and at the end of every lesson to enable the learners to practice doing on their own. The simple exercises like modeling, coloring, singing, and reciting memory verses are integrated within the lessons so as to make learning interesting and participatory.

    ISBN: 9789966651952

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  • KLB Skillgrow Environmental Activities Pre-Primary Learner’s Workbook 1

    Original price was: KSh338.88.Current price is: KSh305.00.

    Environmental Activities Pre-Primary I Learner’s Workbook has been comprehensively written to meet the requirements of the new competency-based curriculum. The content is guided strictly by the specific learning outcomes and suggested learning experiences. This learner’s workbook has used a variety of learning activities including homework, parental involvement, outdoor activities, observations, singing, reciting poems, colouring and drawing.All these learning activities are meant to task the learner to discover the knowledge on their own and apply what they have learnt in solving simple problems around them.

    ISBN: 9789966651938

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  • Klb Skillgrow Ire Activities Pre-Primary 1 Learner’s Woorkbook

    Original price was: KSh261.11.Current price is: KSh235.00.

    Islamic Religious Activities is a learning area aimed of equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, competencies and desired attitudes that enhance morals, values and spiritual development This will enable the learner live a morally upright life acceptable in the society. Skillgrow Islamic Religious Activities Pre-Primary 1 Learner’s Workbook has been developed in line with the …

    Klb Skillgrow Ire Activities Pre-Primary 1 Learner’s WoorkbookRead More

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    Original price was: KSh444.00.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    KLB Skillgrow Language Activities for Pre-Primary 1 is a learning area aimed at developing knowledge, skills and attitudes in language at the learners level. The title employs a hands on learner-centered approach, which enables learners to develop the required skills and competencies through self-discovery. Resources used in presenting concepts are derived from the learner’s immediate environment. This is to help the learner relate the learning points to real life situations. The title has o variety of illustrations made in full colour. Several activities are also included making the learner fully involved in the learning process. The text and instructions to the learner are presented in a simple language appropriate to the target audience.

    ISBN: 9789966651846

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  • KLB Skillgrow Mathematical activities Pre-primary Learner’s Workbook 1

    Original price was: KSh310.00.Current price is: KSh280.00.

    KLB Skillgrow Mathematical Activities for Pre-Primary 1 is a learning area aimed at developing knowledge, skills and attitudes in numeracy at the learners level. The title employs a hands on learner-centered approach, which enables learners to develop the required skills and competencies through self-discovery. Resources used in presenting concepts ore derived from the learner’s immediate environment. This is to help the learner to relate the learning points to real life situations. The title has o variety of illustrations mode in full colour. Several activities are also included making the learner fully involved in the learning process. The text and instructions to the learner ore presented in a simple language appropriate to the level of the learner.

    The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has approved this Leaner’s Workbook and the accompanying Teacher’s Guides for use in early years education in schools.


    ISBN: 9789966651907

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  • KLB Skillgrow Mathematical Activities Pre-Primary Learner’s Workbook 2

    Original price was: KSh310.00.Current price is: KSh280.00.

    KLB Skiligrow Mathematical Activities for Pre-Primary 2 is a learning area aimed at developing knowledge, skills and attitudes in numeracy at the learners level. The title employs a hands-on learner-centered approach, which enables learners to develop the required skills and competencies through self-discovery. Resources used in presenting concepts are derived from the learner’s immediate environment. This is to help the learner to relate the learning points to real life situations. The title has a variety of illustrations made in full colour. Severciactivities ore also included making the learner fully involved in the learning process. The text and instructions to the learner are presented in a simple language appropriate to the level of the learner.

    The Kenya Institute of Curriculumn Development (KICD) has approved ttlis Leaner’s Workbook and the accompanying Teacher’s Guides for use in early years education in schools.

    SKU: 2010117001679

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  • KLB Skillgrow Mazoezi ya Lugha Hatua ya 1

    Original price was: KSh311.00.Current price is: KSh280.00.

    KLB Skillgrow Mazoezi ya Lugha Hatua ya Kwanza (Kaaba cha Mwanafunz0 ni kitabu mojawapo kati ya vitabu vinavyochapishwa na Kenya Literature Bureau vya msururu wa Skillgrow. Msururu huu wa vitabu umezingatia Mtalaa wa kiumilisi wa mwaka wa 2017 wa masomo ya shule za Nasari.

    Kitabu hiki kimekusudiwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza uwezo wa kutumia stadi zote nne za lugha ya Kiswahili; Kusikiliza, Kuzungumza, Kusoma na kujiandaa Kuandika. Kupitia stadi hizi, mwanafunzi anakuza uwezo wake wa lugha.

    Toleo hili limejumuisha mambo muhimu ambayo yanachangia ujifunzaji wa sasa ambayo ni masuala mtambuko, maswali dadisi, masuala ya jinsia, picha murua za kuchangamsha na kuibua hamu ya kudadisi kwa mwanafunzi na mbinu tofauti za kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza uwezo wake wa kujifunza. Mazingira halisi ya mwanafunzi yamezingatiwa katika kukuza kazi hii. Hili linamwezesha mwanafunzi kujifunza katika hali halisi. Lugha sahili imetumika ili kurahisisha kuelewa kwa mada zote katika kitabu hiki.

    ISBN: 9789966651884

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  • lets learn maths

    This book helps your child lay down firm foundation as your child prepares for primary school.In this book the child learns about:

    • The names and the shapes of numbers from 1-10
    • Learn the one to one correspodence of numbers with objects
    • Create and recognise patterns
    • Work with the concept of length,weight surface and capacity
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  • Longhorn CRE Activities PP1 (Appr)

    Original price was: KSh472.00.Current price is: KSh425.00.

    Longhorn CRE Activities for Pre-Primary 1 Learner’s Book is a new coursebook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum for pre-primary education. It aims at equipping learners with spiritual, intellectual and moral development that helps them to deal with various challenges in life. It also helps learners to develop awareness and appreciation of God and His beautiful creation.

    The book:

    • enhances learning by discovery through numerous activities based on everyday life experiences;
    • incorporates pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and child-friendly manner;
    • has simplified curriculum-based activities that help learners in the acquisition of core competences.
    • is beautifully illustrated to hold the child’s attention and make learning stimulating and enjoyable.

    ISBN: 9789966640796

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  • Longhorn CRE Activities PP1 (Appr)

    Original price was: KSh472.00.Current price is: KSh425.00.

    Longhorn CRE Activities for Pre-Primary 1 Learner’s Book is a new coursebook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum for pre-primary education. It aims at equipping learners with spiritual, intellectual and moral development that helps them to deal with various challenges in life. It also helps learners to develop awareness and appreciation of God and His beautiful creation.

    The book:

    • enhances learning by discovery through numerous activities based on everyday life experiences;
    • incorporates pertinent and contemporary issues in an interactive and child-friendly manner;
    • has simplified curriculum-based activities that help learners in the acquisition of core competences.
    • is beautifully illustrated to hold the child’s attention and make learning stimulating and enjoyable.

    ISBN: 9789966640796

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  • Longhorn CRE Activities PP1 (Appr)

    Original price was: KSh544.44.Current price is: KSh490.00.

    Longhorn CRE Activities for Pre-Primary 1 Learner’s Book is a new coursebook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum for pre-primary education. It aims at equipping learners with spiritual, intellectual and moral development that helps them to deal with various challenges in life. It also helps learners to develop awareness and …

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  • Longhorn CRE Activities Pre-primary 1 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh389.00.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    This is a new exciting revision workbook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum. The activities in the book aim at helping the learners to develop awareness and appreciation of God and His creation. The activities also equip the learners with spiritual, intellectual and moral development needed to deal with various challenges in life.

    ISBN: 9789966641267

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  • Longhorn Creative Activities Pre-Primary 1 Workbook

    Original price was: KSh389.00.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    This is a new exciting revision workbook that has been developed in line with the new competency-based curriculum. The activities aim at enabling the learners develop fine and gross motor skills which are necessary for co-ordination of the body. The activities also aim at enhancing exploration, development of talents as well as appreciation of our cultural heritage.

    ISBN: 9789966641243

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