Category: Storybooks
Showing 1–24 of 1058 results
A Bump on the Head: 2n by John Muitung’u
Original price was: KSh278.00.KSh250.00Current price is: KSh250.00.Add to cartMesa is a bully. He does not treat other boys very well. Find out what happens to him in the end …
ISBN: 978 019 5736373
A close Shave by Oxford
Original price was: KSh366.00.KSh330.00Current price is: KSh330.00.Add to cartThere are twelve readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course.
Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.
ISBN: 9780195734607
A fool’s money and other stories
Original price was: KSh533.33.KSh480.00Current price is: KSh480.00.Add to cartOkal wants to make money. Will he be able to? Gitonga’s donkey is flogged mercilessly. Who will come to its rescue.?Alupe agrees to eat sweet groundnut cake. What happens to him? Aluku and Naliaka set a trap to catch the night runner. How does that go? Read these stories to follow the different characters and learn important lessons about gambling, animals rights, kindness, and obidience.
A For AIDS 4h
Original price was: KSh300.00.KSh270.00Current price is: KSh270.00. -
A Hole in the Sky by Oxford
Original price was: KSh616.67.KSh555.00Current price is: KSh555.00.Add to cartTajeer and his overseas investor friends, in their search for oil, have reduced Lake Riziki to a mass of black slime and ruined the livelihoods of the many who depended on it. Now Tajeer is mowing down entire forests and choking life-giving streams to clear land for a multi-million shilling project. Things begin to go haywire when he attempts to evict Kibichi and his family from their ancestral land. Kijani, a fiery daughter of the family, will not let this happen without a fight. With a veteran’s awesome mastery of language and dramatic technique, the author gives a rare poetic fusion of his passionate commitment to his dual subject matter: the environment and the courage of a ‘fierce, fearless, fiery fighter for all that is green and fresh and full of life:
ISBN: 9780195738162
A Letter from the Island and Other Stories
Original price was: KSh322.23.KSh290.00Current price is: KSh290.00. -
A Little Kindness by Gladys Wangui
Original price was: KSh350.00.KSh315.00Current price is: KSh315.00.Add to cartTony and Tabby know that they should be kind. Their parents and teachers insist on this virtue. They also know that they should be wary of strangers. Mr Haswell is very sick. Will they be kind to him?
ISBN: 9789966347992
A Little Kindness by Gladys Wangui
Original price was: KSh300.00.KSh270.00Current price is: KSh270.00.Add to cartTony and Tabby know that they should be kind. Their parents and teachers insist on this virtue. They also know that they should be wary of strangers. Mr Haswell is very sick. Will they be kind to him?
ISBN: 9789966347992
A Note for Alice by Mureithi Maina
KSh315.00Add to cartIndeche finds himself in an awkward situation. Davis, a teenage boy gives him gifts and a letter to take to his sister, Alice. Out of curiosity, Indeche reads the note that Davis has written to Alice. He discovers Davis’ bad intention and develops a habit of telling lies both at home and to Davis as a way of protecting his sister. Will Davis discover that Indeche has been cheating him? What will Indeche do to conceal his lie?
ISBN: 9789966346490
A Rainy Day by Anne Maline
Original price was: KSh211.00.KSh190.00Current price is: KSh190.00.Add to cartA Rainy Day is a picture storybook for children that has colourful images. This book teaches children about keeping warm when it rains by wearing warm clothes and protecting themselves from the rain using umbrellas and raincoats.
ISBN: 9789966075581
A Rebirth by Florence Kirianki
Original price was: KSh455.00.KSh410.00Current price is: KSh410.00.Add to cart”Mum, why did you say I had gone to visit Grandma?” “Nancy. you ask too many questions for your age.” ‘I’m sorry, Mum. Just allow me one more question and I promise I will not ask more.” “You may ask, my daughter.” ‘When will I go back to school?” Nkatha was silent for some time. “Nancy. I need to raise five thousand shillings to give Miriti if you are to go back to school,” Nkatha said. “What has Miriti got to do with it? He’s not the head teacher!” Nancy has always kept some painful secrets locked away in her memory. It was the safest thing to do then. However, some bitter truths are now screaming to be let out for Nancy to live a fulfilling life. A trip to a retreat centre affords Nancy the chance to confront the ghosts of her past.
ISBN: 9780195744101
A Time for Change by Mary Kiio
Original price was: KSh350.00.KSh315.00Current price is: KSh315.00.Add to cartSifa’s brother, Juma, is little by Little becoming a thief. So horrible, isn’t it? Even Amani, Sifa’s friend is worried. What wilt the two girls do to help Sifa’s brother?
Moran Integrity Readers series has interesting stories that enhance integrity and life skills of the reader. You read, enjoy and learn. Stories in this series are aimed at establishing a society full of virtues.
ISBN: 97899663464438
A Trip To The Park B2
Original price was: KSh333.00.KSh300.00Current price is: KSh300.00. -
A Visit to the Dentis
Original price was: KSh322.23.KSh290.00Current price is: KSh290.00. -
A Wild Kick by Diane Omondi
Original price was: KSh261.12.KSh235.00Current price is: KSh235.00.Add to cartWhat do you do when you make a mistake? Sam and his friends are playing football near Mrs Otin’s house. By mistake, their ball breaks Mrs Otin’s window pane. What will they do?
ISBN: 9789966346513
Ability in Disability
Original price was: KSh211.12.KSh190.00Current price is: KSh190.00.Add to cartJoy was born with only one arm. She liked watching other children play but was afraid to join them. Joy started to participate in sports after she was inspired by a newspaper article about a sports hero born without the left leg. She was selected to take part in the International Paralympics sports event. Read to find out how she performed in the competition.
ISBN: 9789966075666
Adhabu ya Joka by Bitugi Matundura
Original price was: KSh450.00.KSh405.00Current price is: KSh405.00.Add to cartFuraha ya kila mwanandoa huwa ni kupata mtoto …Kibuka na Kalimuzo wanaishi kwa miaka kumi na miwili bila kujaaliwa kupata mtoto. Maadamu Mungu si Athumani, hatimaye wanajaaliwa kupata mtoto wa kiume wanayemwita Ziro. Je, mtoto huyu alikuwa chanzo cha furaha au huzuni kwa wazazi wake? Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo ni methali yenye mashiko makuu katika maisha ya Ziro. Analelewa katika mazingira ya kuenpekezwa sana na wazazi wake kiasi cha kumfanya kuishia kuwa samaki ambaye hakukunjwa angali mbichi. Je, Ziro anabadilika hatimaye? Hii ni hadithi ya kuwaonya vijana dhidi ya uhalifu kama vile wizi kwani Ziro anapata adhabu ya joka anapoiba sanduku lililodhaniwa kuwa na pesa nyingi sana.
ISBN: 9789966362131
Adhabu ya Mbuzi 5a by Maanga
Original price was: KSh238.89.KSh215.00Current price is: KSh215.00. -
Adventure in Mombasa by Juma Bustani
Original price was: KSh311.00.KSh280.00Current price is: KSh280.00. -
Afanyaye Ubaya Hulipwa 3c by Oxford
Original price was: KSh278.00.KSh250.00Current price is: KSh250.00. -
Ahaa! Roda by Nyambeka
Original price was: KSh355.00.KSh320.00Current price is: KSh320.00.Add to cartRoda ni msichana mdogo ambaye ana ndoto ya kufanikiwa maishani – ndoto ya kuwa jaji. Maisha katika kijiji cha Tupe si rahisi hata kidogo. Kwanza anatoweka asijulikane alipo. Pili mama yake anauawa kinyama na watu wasiojulikana. Baada ya mazishi ya mama yake, mjomba wake Bwana Kilemba anamchukua ili kumtunza. Mke wake Bibi Mnuna yuaonekana kutopendezwa na hatua hiyo. Anageuka kuwa katili kwake Roda. Je, Roda ataweza kuitimiza ndoto yake mikononi mwa Mnuna? Usisubiri kuambiwa uisome hadithi hii.
ISBN: 9789966075628
Ahsante ya Punda 6d by Walibora
Original price was: KSh350.00.KSh315.00Current price is: KSh315.00.Add to cartAhsante ya Punda 6d ni kitabu ktnacholenga wanafunzi wa Darasa to Sita katika shule za msingi ili kuendeleza na kukuza uwezo wao wa kusoma. Miongoni mwa sifa za kipekee za kitabu hiki ni:
- masimulizi rahisi ya hadithi kwa njia ya tamthlia na mbinu rejeshi.
- kuingiza ucheshi katika maandishi kupitia dayolojia, misemo, methali, taharuki, kejeli, chuku, utani, wimbo, vichekesho, majina ya majazi na picha za rangi zenye kusisimua.
- kuwapitisha na kuwalea wanafunzi katika mazingira ya maisha ya nyumbani na kijijiini na matatizo yoke, ujirani, mahakamani na mambo ya kisheria, stadi za maisha, uwajibikaji, kazi, utu, uaminifu, uadilifu, ushirikiano, haki za binadamu, kuishi kwa utangamano na amani.
Mradi wa Kusoma ni mfulutizo wa vitabu vya ziada ambao unaambatana na kozi a Kiswahiti Sanifu.
ISBN: 9780195734553
Ajali ya Keki na Hadithi Nyingine
Original price was: KSh533.33.KSh480.00Current price is: KSh480.00.Add to cartMpango wa Leshan, Aida na marafiki zao unatumbukia nyongo baada ya ajali ya keki. Je, wa kulaumiwa ni nani? Wataendelea na mpango wao au watautupilia mbali? Unafikiri mbuzi kisirani anayeleta hasara anafaa kufanyiwa nini? Soma hadithi hizi ufahamu jinsi Aida na nduguye Leshan pamoja na marafiki zao wanavyokabiliana na changamoto mbalimbali huku wakijifunza umuhimu wa kushirikiana, Kuheshimiana na kudumisha upendo katika jamii.
Ajali ya keki na hadithi nyingine ni mkusanyiko wa hadithi za kusisimua zinazolenga kukuza maadiliya upendo pamoja na heshima miongoni mwa wasomaji.
Akiba ya Wema na Hadithi Nyingine by Timothy M. Arege
Original price was: KSh505.56.KSh455.00Current price is: KSh455.00.Add to cartDiwani ya Akiba ya Wema ni mkusanyo wa hadithi za waandishi kutoka Afrika Mashariki. Hadithi hizi zinazungumzia masuala kama vile ndoa, familia, elimu, ajira, wema na utendakazi. Hizi ni hadithi zinazoonyesha umahiri wa watunzi wake. Mkusanyo huu una hadithi zenye mvuto na vionjo anuwai kimuundo na kimtindo.
ISBN: 9789914729979