




Category: Storybooks


Showing 241–264 of 1058 results

  • Hare and the Big Ones

    Original price was: KSh238.00.Current price is: KSh215.00.
  • Hare is Bad Book 3 by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh250.00.Current price is: KSh225.00.
  • Hare is Here Book 1 by Bracey

    Original price was: KSh250.00.Current price is: KSh225.00.

    The lively stories in the scheme are written in simple English with a carefully controlled vocabulary. The stories appeal to the young reader’s imagination and lay the foundation for a love of reading.

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  • Hare Tonga and his Friends by Tarihi

    Original price was: KSh388.00.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    Hare Tonga lived with his friends. He liked jumping all the time. One day he jumped and hit a stick. The stick pushed a stone. The stone hit a big rock. It almost fell on his three friends. His wife went to the river but never returned home. Figure out what happened…

    ISBN: 9789914406436

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  • Hare’s House Book 2 by Bracey

    Original price was: KSh250.00.Current price is: KSh225.00.

    The lively stories in the scheme are written in simple English with a carefully controlled vocabulary. The stories appeal to the young reader’s imagination and lay the foundation for a love of reading. This illustrated handbook to the Longhorn reading scheme provides in its lesson notes additional material to aid the learning of the basic skills of word recognition and comprehension through all kinds of children’s activities.

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    Original price was: KSh550.00.Current price is: KSh495.00.
  • Hassan the Genie 6d by Oxford

    Original price was: KSh344.00.Current price is: KSh310.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are ten readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.


    ISBN: 9780195729368

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  • Hazina Bora 2C by Ken Walibora

    Original price was: KSh383.00.Current price is: KSh345.00.
  • Head without a body by Otieno

    Original price was: KSh255.00.Current price is: KSh230.00.

    The Head Without a Body is a beautiful new book filled with enriching lessons and morals. The story not only tells how young minds can easily be manipulated but also enlightens children, parents, teachers and all other caregivers about children’s rights and privileges.

    Kokto, a 12-year-old boy, is excited about working in order to buy a pair of shoes he saw in a shoe shop. He therefore easily accepts Jamlick’s suggestions that he would take him somewhere where he could start working immediately. A few days later, Jamlick advises that Kokto changes jobs and takes up one that would earn him quick money so that he could get the pair of shoes faster. In his second job and excited about prospects, he does as instructed by Professor. Kokto, having been found in an unlicensed business, is led to the police station.

    The book is ideal for readers in classes 6 – 8.

    ISBN: 9789966100733

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  • Healer of Soles 5d by Oxford

    Original price was: KSh327.00.Current price is: KSh295.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are ten readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195729344

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  • Health books: Let’s fight Tuberculosis by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh322.23.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Tuberculosis affects many people despite global efforts to eradicate it. It is one of the most easily spread diseases as it spreads through the air. This book looks at the disease, its symptoms, its effects, and more importantly how to protect oneself from being infected. It also explores the care for TB patients and how …

    Health books: Let’s fight Tuberculosis by QueenexRead More

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  • Hedaya na Wenzake by Tarihi

    Original price was: KSh388.00.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    Hidaya na rafiki yake Musa wanasomea katika shule ya Msingi ya Jitegemee.Shuleni kuna Mwalimu Zawadi. Huwapa wanafunzi wazuri zawadi mbalimbali… Hidaya na Musa watapata zawadi gani?

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  • Hekaya za Abunuwas na Hadithi Nyingine

    Original price was: KSh577.00.Current price is: KSh520.00.

    30 Swahili stories told and written down by Africans’. A good Swahili reader, with a glossary of infrequent words. Hekaya za Abunuwasi ni mkusanyo wa hadithi fupi zinazosimulia habari za Abunuwas. Hadithi hizi hazina uhusiano na Abu Nuwas, mshairi Mwarabu aliyeishi Baghdad mnamo mwaka 800 BK

    ISBN: 333090993

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  • Hekaya za Hekima By Moran

    Original price was: KSh522.00.Current price is: KSh470.00.
  • Hekaya za Nyanya

    Original price was: KSh256.00.Current price is: KSh230.00.
  • Heko na haki by Nyambeka

    Original price was: KSh211.00.Current price is: KSh190.00.

    Hadithi hii inawahusu Heko, Haki na marafiki 200 Sudi na Bidii.
    Watoto hawa wote licha ya kushiriki kwenye michezo yao kwa pamoja wanawatii wazazi wao na kila mtu
    wanaheshimiana na wanakua kulingana na wakati na umri wOO. Nina imani kuwa kila mmoja atakapoisoma
    hadithi hii ataifurahia. Je, wewe waupenda mchezo upi?
    Tom Nyambeka (Mtatago) si mgeni katika uga wa uandishi. Miongoni mwa kazi zake nyingine ni pamoja na Ahaa!
    Roda, kivuli cha Mauko na Bintu na Bintutu.

    ISBN: 9789966115010

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  • Hell in the backyard and other stories by Kiteto

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    The family orchard that turns into hell one rainy holiday.
    The lary pupil dreaming of being school captain until brought to reality by his grandmother
    The city girl who is so full of herself until cut to size by her parents. The creative girl who grows food for her family in sacks.
    Rehema Kiteto and Kelvin J. Shachile have combined forces to compile this
    the collection that is sure to keep the middle and upper primary reader glued to the pages.
    The stories revolve around real situations that pupils face at school and elsewhere and are
    written in a language appropriate for their

    ISBN: 9789966140197

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  • Hen who lost her special eggs by Story Moja by Nthoki

    Original price was: KSh466.00.Current price is: KSh420.00.

    The hen wants to be a mama. But she cannot find her special eggs. What will she do?
    What level is your reader? Try to match your child to their reading ability or slightly higher.
    Here are the indicators:

    ISBN: 9789966620071

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  • Heri Subira

    Original price was: KSh661.00.Current price is: KSh595.00.

    Sabra alihisi kwamba alikuwa ameuvuta uvumilivu wake ukafika  mwisho … Alistahimili vya kutosha lakini ikawa hali ya ‘likikatwa kono linamea guu’. Je, mtu huhitajika kusubiri kiasi gani ili apate heri? ..

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  • Hidaya (EAEP) by Juma Namlola Mohamed

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    “Binti yangu amepata malezi mema zaidi. Ni mmoja kati ya watoto waliofundishwa nidhamu. Umri wake pia ni mdogo na anajiona kwamba hajatimia. Vilevile, sisi tuna maarifa yetu, ukitaka kumshika kuku unammwagia punje mojamoja. Naamini
    ukiwa na subira kidogo, utafaidi tamu …”  Je, subira ya Bwanapesa itamfaidi?

    Juma Namlola ni mhariri wa habari katika shirika la Nation Media Group akiwa na ujuzi wa miaka 23 kama mwanahabari.
    Amewahi kuwa mhariri wa habari, Radio Salaam na mwendesha kipindi cha Msasa wa Lugha katika runinga ya QTV. Mbali na
    Hidaya, riwaya zake nyingine ni Kinamasi Jangwani na Kula Kwa Mheshimiwa. Pia, ni mshairi wa miaka mingi, mwandishi na
    mwelekezaji wa michezo ya kuigiza.

    ISBN: 9789966567253

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  • Hidaya Yangu

    Original price was: KSh705.00.Current price is: KSh635.00.

    Hidaya Yangu
    ISBN: 978 9966 63 133 6
    Mwandishi: John Habwe
    Hidaya Yangu ni hadithi ya Dena ya kujisaka ili kujielewa anapojipata anatapatapa katika ulimwengu uliojaa masaibu mengi, ubaguzi na maudhi ya kutokuwa na mama wala baba.
    Ni hadithi ya kuchukiza, kuliza na hata Kutamausha. Hata hivyo, Dena anasimama kidete na kupigana dhidi ya changamoto za maisha kufa kupona. Anakataa kukubali kushindwa licha ya doa la usuli wake. Ni hadithi inayosisitiza ukweli kwamba Mungu akikupa kilema hukupa na mwendo pia.
    Ni hadithi iliyo na mvuto mkubwa unapoisoma, Inasisimua, inadara, inahoji na wakati huo huo inakushawishi na kukupa ari ya kuisoma tena na tena. Imesimuliwa kiufundi ili kuangazia kinaya na hadaa ziandamazo maisha ya mwanadamu kila uchao.

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  • Hilltop Melodies

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.
  • Holes of Shame by Maina

    Original price was: KSh344.00.Current price is: KSh310.00.

    Moran Integrity Readers: Holes of Shame

    ISBN: 9789966346568

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  • Homa ya nyumbani na hadithi nyingine

    Original price was: KSh567.00.Current price is: KSh510.00.
    Ken WaliboraSaid Ahmed Mohamed
    Phoenix Publishers Limited, 2015 – 180 pages

    Fasihi ni kioo cha jamii. Hadithi fupi, kama utanzu wa fasihi, huweka wazi masuala na matukio katika jamii kiasi cha jamii kueleweka na kutambulika. Uhusiano miongoni mwa wanajamii husawiriwa kupitia mienendo, mazungumzo, matendo na fikira ya wahusika. Hali ambayo huwafanya wapenzi wa fasihi, haswa hadithi fupi, kujua jinsi jamii yao ilivyo, na kwa hivyo, kuendeleza maadili ama kupogoa jambo lolote linaloenda kombo. Mkusanyiko huu wa Homa ya Nyumbani na Hadithi Nyingine ni wa pekee na hauna mwenza wala mshindani.

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