Category: Storybooks


Showing 577–600 of 1058 results

  • Moran Bible stories: Hannah and Tabitha by Sabwa

    Original price was: KSh305.00.Current price is: KSh275.00.

    God is not selfish. These stories teach us that God answers our prayers. Hannah did not have child. What did God do? Tabitha was a very kind person. What did God do when she died?

    ISBN: 9789966346285

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  • Moran Bible stories: the day of Pentecost by Sabwa

    Original price was: KSh305.00.Current price is: KSh275.00.

    Do you know that the Holy Spirit is God? God the Holy Spirit will always be with us. The Holy Spirit is our helper. He came to the disciples on the day of Pentecostal. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the disciples were able to teach Lydia and others. Lydia accepted to be baptised. Through the Holy Spirit, we now know about God. Read on and find out:

    • Why did God send us the Holy Spirit? 
    •  What made Lydia to believe in God?

    ISBN: 9789966346391

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  • Moran Bible stories: Zachaeus the short man by Moran

    Original price was: KSh305.00.Current price is: KSh275.00.

    Zacchaeus is a very short man. He is a tax-collector. He is dishonest and people do not like him. He has no friends and lives alone. One day, Zacchaeus hears that Jesus is in Jericho. Everybody is talking about Jesus and Zacchaeus feels that he should see Him. Zacchaeus goes out to join the crowd so that he can see Jesus. But he is too short. He cannot see Jesus. What will Zacchaeus do in order to see Jesus? What will Jesus tell Zacchaeus? Find out from the story.

    ISBN: 9789966346322

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  • Moran classic readers: A tale of two cities by Charles Dickens

    Original price was: KSh455.56.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    Written by Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities is both a tale of adventure and a beautiful love story.

    Set in the cities of London and Paris before and during the French Revolution, it describes the brutal treatment of the French aristocracy towards the French people. But after the revolution, came several years of massacre, murder and great suffering.

    Amidst these terrible and tragic events, a former French aristocrat falls deeply in love with a young woman, who had fled France to live in London.

    A Tale of Two Cities

    tragedy and dangers of hatred and the power of true love, outstanding courage and great sacrifice.

    ISBN: 9789966344861

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  • Moran classic readers: Great Expectations

    Original price was: KSh455.55.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is the experiences of the orphan Pip. He tells the story of his life, the experiences from the time he is a boy till he grows into a young man.

    It is a profound story of tragedy and great triumph and offers the reader, a glimpse into the city of London and how people lived at that time.

    Great Expectations is also the gripping adventure of Pip who, like any young person today, hopes to make something of his life. With insight and honesty, Charles Dickens captures the struggles of a boy’s journey into manhood, his successes and failures and the beauty and ugliness of human nature.

    ISBN: 9789966344915

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  • Moran Integrity readers: A taste of bitterness by Moran

    Original price was: KSh388.89.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    In A Taste of Bitterness. Imelda is confronted with very tough choices On one hand, there are the classmates who expect her to join them in bullying other students in school, and on the other, she doesn’t want to spoil her relationship with the school because her mother works there as a cleaner to raise her fees. What will Imelda do? Momentarily, her mother is accused of stealing and she is arrested. Investigations reveal that it is the mother of Imelda’s best friend that actually committed the crime. Will Imelda keep their friendship?

    ISBN: 9789966346575

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  • Moran Integrity Readers: Cyber Crazy Level 3

    Original price was: KSh350.00.Current price is: KSh315.00.

    That will corrupt your mind and behaviour!” Jim had always heard this said about pornography but had never bothered to pay attention to this warning. Now it is not only killing his relationship with himself but also with his school mates,
    teachers and family. Is he alone in this? What will he do to save himself and others?
    Moran Integrity Readers series has interesting stories that enhance integrity and life skills of the reader. You read,
    enjoy and learn. Stories in this series are aimed at establishing a society full of virtues.

    ISBN: 9789966348012

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  • Moran Integrity Readers: Hyena Learns a Lesson lv1 by Khadija Issa

    Original price was: KSh261.00.Current price is: KSh235.00.
  • Moran Integrity Readers: Knock at the door by Moran

    Original price was: KSh300.00.Current price is: KSh270.00.

    Mother has cooked a lot of maandazi. They are for visitors. Debo feels that the maandazi are hers. Will Debo let the visitors eat the maandazi?

    ISBN: 9789966347879

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  • Moran Integrity Readers: My Friend Jade level 3 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh350.00.Current price is: KSh315.00.

    Clara seems to have lost her focus in life. Jade, her friend knows this weakness and is ready to steer Clara’s life. Jade introduces Clara to Ken, a young man in high school. Clara falls in Jade’s trap. Soon Clara begins to dream about having a good life without having to go to school. What …

    Moran Integrity Readers: My Friend Jade level 3 by MoranRead More

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  • Moran Integrity Readers: the Spy boys level 1

    Original price was: KSh300.00.Current price is: KSh270.00.

    Rodo is always doing something naughty. Adam and Jona run into Rodo when he is doing something bad. Rodo has broken the school rules and he should learn a lesson. What has Rodo done?

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  • Moran Integrity Readers: The Tissue Boy by Edward Mwangi

    Original price was: KSh388.89.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    Category : Moran Integrity Readers Author : Edward Mwangi ISBN : 978 9966 348 13 5

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  • Moran Integrity Readers: We could help

    Original price was: KSh350.00.Current price is: KSh315.00.

    It seems that most people do not know where rubbish should be disposed. They also do not see the litter around them. Deborah can see this, but will she be able to help keep the county clean? Moran Integrity Readers series has interesting stories that enhance integrity and life skills of the reader. You read. …

    Moran Integrity Readers: We could helpRead More

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  • Moran Integrity Readers: We could help by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh300.00.Current price is: KSh270.00.

    It seems that most people do not know where rubbish should be disposed. They also do not see the litter around them. Deborah can see this, but will she be able to help keep the county clean?

    Moran Integrity Readers series has interesting stories that enhance integrity and life skills of the reader. You read. enjoy and learn. Stories in this series are aimed at establishing a society full of virtues.

    ISBN: 9789966347916

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  • Moran Integrity Readers: When no one is Watching by Moran 1 review

    Original price was: KSh350.00.Current price is: KSh315.00.

    Do you behave properly even when no one is watching you? Richard is an adolescent boy who is confronted with so many temptations. First, he tries to cheat in an exam after failing to revise. Also, Angela, his classmate tries to lure him into indulging in premarital sex with her. Although he is only fourteen years, he goes driving on the highway where he is caught by the traffic police. Will Richard pass these tests of life?

    ISBN: 9789966346544

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  • Moran Living Health: Game Scare Level 1-3 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Bako loves video games. He plays video games all day long. One day, he decides to  play his favourite game, ‘Quests in the Ancient  Castle’. He imagines that he is the main hero. A wizard comes to help him. Read more to find out if Bako wins or lose the lesson he learns at the end.

    ISBN: 9789966631572

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  • Moran Living Health: Sweet Chinara Level 1-3 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh283.00.Current price is: KSh255.00.

    Kelly the crocodile loves water. She cannot help but waste it. Then, one day, she finds out that there is no water left to waste! Will Kelly bring back the water or find another way to save the day? Read on to find out.

    ISBN: 9789966631565

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  • Moran Our World Readers: Chiku and the factory

    Original price was: KSh322.23.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Chiku and her friends live in the forest. However, their happy home is in ruins when a factory comes up next to it. Together, Chiku and her friends come up with a plan to save their home and make the air clean again.

    Read the story to  find out!


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  • Moran Our World Readers: Eto Makes a Splash Level 1-3 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh322.22.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    It is a dry season and Ginika, the little sparrow is upset when all her friends begin leaving the forest because the water in the lake is drying up. Eto, the giraffe thinks of an idea to help save the forest and his friends! Let us read and find out what he does to  save the forest.

    ISBN: 9789966631480

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  • Moran Our World Readers: Kelly Saves the Day Level 1-3 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh283.00.Current price is: KSh255.00.

    Kelly the crocodile loves water. She cannot help but waste it. Then, one day, she finds out that there is no water left to waste! Will Kelly bring back the water or find another way to save the day? Read on to find out.

    ISBN: 9789966631459

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  • Moran Our World Readers: Rob the Recycler Level 1-3 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh283.00.Current price is: KSh255.00.

    When Rob’s friend Daudi comes for a visit, he is shocked to see a messy house. Daudi teaches.his friend a thing or two about reusing and recycling, and turns Rob the raccoon into Rob the recycler! Read on to find out how he does so.

    ISBN: 9789966631442

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  • Moran Our World Readers: Sadiki to the Rescue Level 1-3 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh283.00.Current price is: KSh255.00.

    Sadiki the penguin is fascinated by the new arrivals in town, just like everyone else. Soon enough, everyone is trying to be like the new arrivals. However, their actions are causing climate trouble in Snowland. Will Sadiki come to the rescue? Read the story to find out.

    ISBN: 9789966631466

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  • Moran Our World Readers: Wambua and Ralph’s Handiwork Level 1-3 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Wambua is a young dog with a bad habit. He is very careless with electricity. His brother Ralph teaches him a lesson one day by switching off the lights. Will Wambua finally learn his lesson? Read the story to find out! ISBN: 2010141002927

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  • Moran Our World Readers: Wambua and Ralph’s Handiwork Level 1-3 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh283.00.Current price is: KSh255.00.

    Wambua is a young dog with a bad habit. He is very careless with electricity. His brother Ralph teaches him a lesson one day by switching off the lights. Will Wambua finally learn his lesson? Read the story to find out!

    ISBN: 9789966631473

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