




Category: Storybooks


Showing 721–744 of 1058 results

  • Out of the Bush 2q by Kariuki

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Over the Fence 2k by Muitungu

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course.  There are ten storybooks for each class specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course.  Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern child an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the child has fun that’s built to last.


    ISBN: 9780195733624

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  • Paka Mtundu 1d by Musembi

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Paka na Panya by Nyakeri

    Original price was: KSh225.00.Current price is: KSh203.00.

    Chaka ni paka anayeishi kichakani. Mvua inanyesha sana na hawezi kupata chakula. Njaa inamuuma sana . Mvua inapopungua anaondoka kwenda kutafuta chakula.  Kwa bahati nzuri anamwona panya karibu na shimo lake. Panya anamsaidia paka. Anampa chakula na mahali pa kulala karibu na moto. Paka analala akiwa ameshiba.Je, Chaka atalipa wema kwa wema ?

    ISBN: 9789966341822

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  • Paka onja by Story Moja by Rebecca Nandwa

    Original price was: KSh422.00.Current price is: KSh380.00.

    Jumatatu asubuhi, Malit ameshindwa kuamka ili aende shuleni. Dada yake mdogo,
    Nashipae, anashangazwa na kulala huku kwake kwa muda mrefu. Je, ni tabia
    mpya ya Malit ama anaugua? Kwa kawaida, Malit ndiye humwamsha Nashipae kila siku.
    Nashipae anawaarifu wazazi kisha wanatambua kuwa Malit anaugua. Anapelekwa hospitalini mbiombio.
    Bi Pulei anapomfikisha mwanawe Malit hospitalini, anagundua kuwa ufisadi umekita mizizi huko.
    Mama yuko katika njia panda. Atoe hongo ili mwanawe ahudumiwe ama asitoe ili adumishe uzalendo?

    ISBN: 9789966066862

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  • Panda Ngazi: Kuku anaandika by Omusikoyo

    Original price was: KSh255.56.Current price is: KSh230.00.

    Panda Ngazi ni mfululizo wa vitabu vya kusoma vilivyoandikwa ili kutosheleza mahitaji ya wasomaji walio na uwezo wa kusoma unaotofautiana. Vitabu hivi havizingatii gredi ila kKiwango cha uwezo wa kusoma. Vimepangwa kutoka vitabu rahisi vya kusomwa na watoto wanaoanza kusoma hadi vile vyenye ugumu kiasi vya kusomwa na watoto wenye uwezo ulioimarika wa kusoma.

    Mfululizo huu una viwango kama vile mwimbuko, mwanzo, mpito na kati.

    ISBN: 9789966631145

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  • Panda Ngazi: Mbuzi anasoma

    Original price was: KSh255.56.Current price is: KSh230.00.

    Panda Ngazi ni mfululizo wa vitabu vya kusoma vilivyoandikwa ili kutosheleza mahitaji ya wasomaji walio na uwezo wa kusoma unaotofautiana. Vitabu hivi havizingatii gredi ila kiwango cha uwezo wa kusoma. Vimepangwa kutoka vitabu rahisi vya kusomwa na watoto wanaoanza kusoma hadi vile vyenye ugumu kiasi vya kusomwa na watoto wenye uwezo ulioimarika wa kusoma. Mfululizo …

    Panda Ngazi: Mbuzi anasomaRead More

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  • Passenger 141

    Original price was: KSh483.00.Current price is: KSh435.00.

    Recently there has been leakage of highly sensitive information that threatens to damage relations between two nations.
    Nyutu – code-named Stinging Bee – is assigned the task of tracking down the culprit and silencing the source. He has to travel to Mombasa to do this. Howe. er, at the airport, there is a mix-up and he boards a wrong plane – destined for
    Khartoum. On board he is mistaken for a terrorist. He has to play it safe to stay alive.
    “Very slowly move to the next seat and keep standing,” orders the stranger on the left-hand side of Nyutu. Another thickset
    gentleman moves past Nyutu to occupy the empty seat to the right. Nyutu is sandwiched. “Cooperate. The gentleman on your right will search you for arms. Keep standing.” Nyutu has to cooperate. His training tells him it would be foolish to disobey. “I have no arms.”
    StarLit Readers is a new series targeting lower secondary school students. The series is also recommended for other readers
    looking for hilarious modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The readers in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

    ISBN: 9780195738131

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  • Pigeon and the Bee Moran grade level 1 by Edwards

    Original price was: KSh455.00.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    The Goose that laid Golden Eggs The Lion and the Jackal The Lion and the Mouse The Mongoose and the Child The Pigeon and the Bee The Foolish Friend

    ISBN: 9789966344151

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  • Pigeon and the Bee Moran grade level 1 by Edwards

    Original price was: KSh456.00.Current price is: KSh410.00.
  • Piggy goes missing 5k by Muema

    Original price was: KSh300.00.Current price is: KSh270.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. The readers for each class are specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course.

    Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195738629

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  • Poor Child by David Maillu

    Original price was: KSh311.00.Current price is: KSh280.00.

    This is the story, from an established Kenyan author, of Mwende, a young girl from Koola. She tells of her wicked step-mother and hard life, how she tried to run away to Nairobi to find her father. After various misadventures she is eventually happily reunited with her father. The story has simple drawings illustrating the start of each chapter.

    ISBN: 9966465766

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  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

    Original price was: KSh344.00.Current price is: KSh310.00.

    Moran classic readers: Pride and Prejudice

    In one of the most universally loved and admired English novels, a country squire of no great means must marry off his five vivacious daughters. Jane Austen’s art transformed this effervescent tale of rural romance into a witty, shrewdly observed satire of English country life. A selection of the Common Core State Standards Initiative.


    ISBN: 9789966345035

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  • Princess and the pea by Ladybird level 1

    Original price was: KSh233.00.Current price is: KSh210.00.

    A prince wants to marry a real princess so the queen devises a true test based on one pea and a lot of mattresses

    ISBN: 9780723275152

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  • Prize for Malit by Story Moja ISBN: 9789966066374

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh450.00.
  • Punda Kisimani

    Original price was: KSh423.00.Current price is: KSh380.00.

    Punda wa mkulima anateleza na kuanguka kisimani. Mkulima anajaribu kumwokoa bila mafanikio. Majirani wanamhimiza mkulima amwache punda aangamie kisimani.Punda anatambua njama hiyo na kutibua njama zao. soma hadithi upate ukweli.


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  • Pupa za Bupa 3e by Pauline Kea

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Queenex A Bright Child Knows Opposite Things by Ekas Books

    Original price was: KSh244.45.Current price is: KSh220.00.

    Books in this series

    – Does good stays fit
    – Shows good habits
    – Acts in a polite way
    – Plays well shares things
    – Gets ready for school
    – Knows opposite things

    ISBN: 978996614077

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  • Queenex Bad Rat and the Tortoise by Sarah Nyaboke

    Original price was: KSh211.00.Current price is: KSh190.00.

    As Bad Rat was walking to the farm, he saw something strange. He saw one big stone and two small stones moving.
    He thought it was very strange for a stone to walk. When he moved closer, the stones stopped moving.
    When he kicked them, they just rolled over.
    The following day, Bad Rat found that of the potatoes in his farm were gone.
    He decided that he was not going to sleep that night. He would stay awake and catch the thief who stole his potatoes.
    Read this interesting story to find out whether Bad Rat will catch the potato thief.

    ISBN: 9789966788733

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  • Queenex Cain and Maria Visit the Farm

    Original price was: KSh244.45.Current price is: KSh220.00.

    The beautifully illustrated African Phonics Readers consists of nine decodable stories. Each story introduces target letters, starters, sight words, rhyming words and minimal pairs where applicable. These books allow for teaching of specific skills and strategies that are necessary for reading proficiency.

    The series will assist the reader to develop literacy skills in the classroom and a habit of reading in the libraries and other sections of society including the home environment.

    ISBN: 9789966115553

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  • Queenex Chakula cha Biko na Hadithi Nyingine 1C

    Original price was: KSh322.23.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Queenex hadithi za ziada ni msururu wa hadithi zinazofuata mfumo mpya wa elimu. Mfumo huu wa elimu unadhamiria kuhakikisha kuwa matokeo ya mafunzo ni ujenzi wa umilisi utakaomwezesha mwanafunzi kutumia ujuzi wake kujiendeleza shuleni, nyumbani na katika jamii.
    Kitabu hiki ni cha wanafunzi wa Gredi ya kwanza na kimejumuisha hadithi za kusisimua, picha za kuvutia na msamiati. Hadithi hizi zitamwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza maadili, umilisi wa lugha na pia kuelewa masuala mtambuko. Mada kuu zilizozingatiwa katika kitabu hiki ni:
    – Usafi wa mwili
    – Usafi wa mazingira
    – Vyakula vya kiasilia
    – Shuleni

    ISBN: 9789966141132

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  • Queenex Dona and Jack do Tricks

    Original price was: KSh244.44.Current price is: KSh220.00.

    The beautifully illustrated African Phonics Readers consists of nine decodable stories. Each story introduces target letters, starters, sight words, rhyming words and minimal pairs where applicable. These books allow for teaching of specific skills and strategies that are necessary for reading proficiency.

    The series will assist the reader to develop literacy skills in the classroom and a habit of reading in the libraries and other sections of society including the home environment.

    ISBN: 9789966115461

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  • Queenex Gamba La Kobe na Hadithi Nyingine 3B

    Original price was: KSh322.22.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Queenex hadithi za ziada ni msururu wa hadithi zinazofuata mfumo mpya wa elimu. Mfumo huu wa elimu unadhamiria kuhakikisha kuwa matokeo ya mafunzo ni ujenzi wa umilisi utakaomwezesha mwanafunzi kutumia ujuzi wake kujiendeleza shuleni, nyumbani na katika jamii. Kitabu hiki ni cha wanafunzi wa Gredi ya Tatu na kimejumuisha hadithi za kusisimua, picha za kuvutia …

    Queenex Gamba La Kobe na Hadithi Nyingine 3BRead More

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  • Queenex Hello Miss Moppy Monkey by Mali

    Original price was: KSh211.00.Current price is: KSh190.00.

    Happy Tales is a collection of Read-Aloud stories that is compiled to entertain kids
    The stories are presented in a new pattern, interwoven with funny thymes to sustain the interest of kids throughout. The language is also made very simple, so as to enable the kids to
    understand the stories easily and quickly
    Some highlights of the Happy Tales’ series:  a personal interaction between the storyteller and the kids to render a
    The joyful experience of reading and to create a sense of involvement. • each story conveys a moral,
    which is easily understandable by the children

    ISBN: 9789966788764

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