



Category: Storybooks


Showing 817–840 of 1058 results

  • Smart Sidi and the Trip to Masembwa GD 2 by Ndirangu

    Original price was: KSh261.00.Current price is: KSh235.00.

    Schools are closing. Sidi and his family are going to visit Grandmother for Uncle Dan’s wedding. During the wedding, Zawadi disappears with the rings. Sidi, his mother and Aunt Rita start looking for her everywhere. Do they find Zawadi and the wedding rings?

    Longhorn Read and Discover is a new series of readers for the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) specially written to promote the tore competences and the PCIs (Pertinent and Contemporary Issues) in a fun, educative and entertaining manner. The readers come with a range of activities that will help learners boost their creativity, imagination and critical thinking.

    ISBN: 9789966641397

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  • Smart Sidi and the Trip to Masembwa GD 2 by Ndirangu

    Original price was: KSh261.00.Current price is: KSh235.00.

    Schools are closing. Sidi and his family are going to visit Grandmother for Uncle Dan’s wedding. During the wedding, Zawadi disappears with the rings. Sidi, his mother and Aunt Rita start looking for her everywhere. Do they find Zawadi and the wedding rings?

    Longhorn Read and Discover is a new series of readers for the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) specially written to promote the tore competences and the PCIs (Pertinent and Contemporary Issues) in a fun, educative and entertaining manner. The readers come with a range of activities that will help learners boost their creativity, imagination and critical thinking.

    ISBN: 9789966641397

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  • Sofi na Karisa

    Original price was: KSh244.00.Current price is: KSh220.00.

    Kila siku inakuwa na hali tofauti. Hali inaweza kuwa ya upepo, mvua, jua au baridi.
    Sofi na Karisa wanafanya mambo tofauti kwa sababu ya hali ya anga. Wao pia huvaa mavazi
    mbalimbali kwa sababu ya hali ya anga. Soma kitabu hiki. Utajua mavazi ambayo
    Sofi na Karisa huvaa kwa sababu ya hali ya anga. Utajua pia mambo wanayofanya wakati wa hali mbalimbali.

    ISBN : 9789966347763

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  • Soldier’s Wife (Moran)

    Original price was: KSh550.00.Current price is: KSh495.00.

    Pam Kanini, a contemporary girl living in the city falls in love with Jim, a soldier
    while at a friend’s wedding Theirs is love at first sight and very soon, Pam enters a new life as a soldier’s wife.
    Their marriage is rushed when Tim is deployed to Rhodesia for a peace-keeping mission. A bride of barely one week is left behind

    ISBN: 2010141002229

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  • Sorry Mother 2c by Oxford

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Starlit Readers: Beyond the Shadow (Oxford)

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    Queen Minji craves a smartphone. She is missing out on the social media frenzy that her friends are enjoying. The gadget  is a status symbol that opens up a whole of possibilities and mischief. Using her friend’s phone, Queen befriends a smooth-talking handsome man, Bon.

    He takes her on an emotional roller coaster that shakes her world .Will Queen manage to get herself out of the grip Bon has on her?


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  • Starlit Readers: Do or do

    Original price was: KSh516.66.Current price is: KSh465.00.
  • Starlit Readers: Flower of a Stump (Oxford)

    Original price was: KSh455.55.Current price is: KSh410.00.
  • Starlit Readers: The Hideaway (Oxford)

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    Kevin and Marto are on a vacation which turns out to be an adventure. On their way to an island off the coast, they make an unplanned stopover in the heart of the Tsavo which marks the beginning of a gripping adventure. They find themselves in the middle of a poaching syndicate as they try to unravel mysterious occurrences. Will they be able to get themselves out safely? The Hideaway is a thrilling story about tourism and conservation.
    Starlit Readers is a series targeting lower secondary school students. The series is also recommended for other readers looking for entertaining modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The readers in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

    ISBN: 9780195742183

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  • Starlit Readers: The Hideaway (Oxford)

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    Kevin and Marto are on a vacation which turns out to be an adventure. On their way to an island off the coast, they make an unplanned stopover in the heart of the Tsavo which marks the beginning of a gripping adventure. They find themselves in the middle of a poaching syndicate as they try to unravel mysterious occurrences. Will they be able to get themselves out safely? The Hideaway is a thrilling story about tourism and conservation.
    Starlit Readers is a series targeting lower secondary school students. The series is also recommended for other readers looking for entertaining modern stories told in a powerful and highly refreshing fashion. The readers in this series will certainly keep you turning the pages.

    ISBN: 9780195742183

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  • Stars in the Air 3a by Oxford

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Stories from Maasai land by Ole Munke

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    he Maasai is a community with a very rich culture and history.
    The seven stories in this collection are just but part of the many that were told to children as they sat with their grandparents around the fireplace after the evening meal in their bread shaped houses. The author weaves them with the skill that makes them as relevant today as they were those many years ago. They are targeted at learners seeking to improve language
    skills and learn about African cultures
    David Ole Munke is a lecturer at Maasai Mara University and author of The Maasai Language:
    an introduction and five other e-books all with a Maasai culture theme. He Uves with his family near the world
    famous Maasai Mara game reserve in Narok County and has over ten years’ experience working as a community development officer among the Maasai.

    ISBN: 9789966140005

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  • Storymoja Amani’s Trip and Other Stories 2B

    Original price was: KSh466.67.Current price is: KSh420.00.


    Amani’s trip and other stories is a collection of three interesting stories. You will not only find them fun to read, but also learn values such as unity, peace and responsibility.

    Prepare to go on this interesting adventure with Amani, her brother Hodari and her friends from school.

    ISBN: 9789966623621

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  • Storymoja Bingwa wa Kitaifa by Storymoja

    Original price was: KSh533.33.Current price is: KSh480.00.

    “Janet aliitazama tarakilishi iliyokuwa mbele yake na kuogopa. Alikuwa amesoma matini ya Maria ya Somo la Tarakilishi kutoka madarasa ya awali ili kujitayarisha kwa_ kipindi hicho, lakini ilionekana kana kwamba kila kitu alichojifunza kilitoweka na kuacha akili yake wazi. Aliitazama mashine hiyo kisha akashika tama! Alitazama juu na chini na kutamka ombi kimoyomoyo …Muda huo huo, mwalimu wao wa Somo la Tarakilishi aliingia darasani. Kila mmoja akasimama …”

    Janet amejiunga na shule mpya iliyoko Nairobi ili kusomea Somo la Tarakilishi. Kwa kuwa amelelewa kijijini, Janet hana mwao kuhusu somo hilo. Je, anaishia vipi kuibuka mshindi katika mashindano ya kupiga chapa?

    ISBN: 9789966623645

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  • Storymoja Ejaka in Trouble and Other Stories 2A by Storymoja

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh450.00.

    Ejaka in Trouble and Other Stories is a collection of stories creatively written to promote the values of unity, love and respect among young readers.

    Join Ejaka, his sister Akiru and their friend Brian for unending series of adventures full of important life lessons. Whether at their grandparents’ home, at school or at home the choices that the trio make have consequences eventually make them more respectful, teaches them to work together and show kindness to one another.

    ISBN: 9789966623577

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  • Storymoja Know More Kiswahili GD2

    Original price was: KSh666.66.Current price is: KSh600.00.

    Know More Kiswahili Activities Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi wa Gredi 2 kimeandikwa kwa kuzingatia yaliyomo kwenye ruwaza ya mtaala mpya wa kiumilisi ili kumfaa mwanafunzi kutekeleza shughuli mbalimbali za ujifunzaji. Shughuli zilizopendekezwa katika kitabu hiki zitamwezesha mwanafunzi kuwa na umilisi wa stadi mbalimbaii. Sifa zake kuu  Vipengee vyote vya mada mbalimbali kwa mujibu wa ruwaza ya …

    Storymoja Know More Kiswahili GD2Read More

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  • Storymoja Life series: Words over Weapons by Story Moja

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.
  • Storymoja Life skills series: Courage Song

    Original price was: KSh555.55.Current price is: KSh500.00.
  • Storymoja Life skills series: Mwende by Story Moja

    Original price was: KSh533.33.Current price is: KSh480.00.

    Norah Mwende who is an orphan lives with her auntie, Mutheu. Mwende is on the verge of starting a romantic friendship with Stephen at her school. Things, however, take an ugly turn when Mrs Kaveke, the discipline mistress at Mwende’s school, informs Auntie Mutheu about Mwende and Stephen’s behaviour at school. Auntie Mutheu in a …

    Storymoja Life skills series: Mwende by Story MojaRead More

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  • Storymoja Zawadi series-The Scary trip and other stories by Story Moja by Muthoni Wa Gichuru

    Original price was: KSh533.00.Current price is: KSh480.00.

    Zawadi Series Stories that teach life skills

    These are series of stories for children aged 12 -14 years (Standard 7-8). They help teenage  children handle  challenges.

    In an attempt to ‘impress’ her Standard Seven peers at Gachie Primary School, Zawadi defies her mother. She wears a very short dress to school. Her classmates cheer and jeer her at the same time. Her mother discovers her scheme and reports her to the headteacher. In anger, Zawadi flees to her aunt in Dandora. However, the sudden journey is not as smooth as she anticipates. Read the thrilling story to find out Zawadi’s ordeals and how she overcomes them.

    ISBN: 9789966066534

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  • Storymoja: Big Rat and other Stories 3C by M K Tarus

    Original price was: KSh533.33.Current price is: KSh480.00.

    Big Rat is enjoying a meal of fried termites and carrot soup when Kitty, the little mongoose, knocks on his door. Big Rat

    refuses to open the door saying he is not ready to share his food with strangers. Will Big Rat be loving enough to let Kitty into his house?

    When Kitty’s parents drown in the flooded river, she seeks help from Big Rat and King Cobra. Will the animals unite and help Kitty’s parents?

    King Cobra’s Birthday is approaching and he needs Big Rat to cook at the party. Is Big Rat willing to forgive King Cobra and help him with the cooking?

    Big Rat and Other Stories helps the reader explore the importance of treating people with love, respecting everyone and living together in unity.

    ISBN: 9789966623393

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  • Storymoja: Chura Jasiri

    Original price was: KSh444.44.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    Vyura wawili, Hana na Chanya wanakabiliwa na shida moja. Hata hivyo, wana fikra tofauti kuhusu jinsi ya kujiokoa. Je ni nani atafuata mawazo yake na kunusurika? Kwa nini? Soma hadithi upate jibu

    ISBN: 9789966620934

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  • Storymoja: Jasusi na Hadithi Nyingine 5B by Muthoni Wa Gichuru

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    Je, Unakumbuka siku yako ya kwanza kuendsha baiskeli? Unawezaje kupata shilingi milioni moja? Unahitaji ujuzi gani kumfunza asiyejua klusoma wala kuandika? Unaamini kuwakila king’aacho si dhahabu? Ni nini madhara ya uvutaji sigara? Je, unawezakufanya nini endapo rafiki yako mmoja ametoweka ghafla? Je, wewe umechangia nini shuleni mwenyu?

    Soma hadithi hii ile kufuatilia zawadi na ndugu zake wanaposhiriki kwenye visa vya kusisimua na kujifunza mambo muhimu kuhusuutiifu,ujasiri na kujiamini.

    ISBN: 9789966623928

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  • Storymoja: Karamu ya Nyani na Kobe 3B by Stanley Gazemba

    Original price was: KSh466.00.Current price is: KSh420.00.

    Urafiki wa Nyani na Kobe ni wa kupigiwa mfano pale msituni. Marafiki hawa wawili wana ushirikiano mkubwa hadi pale Nyani anapomwandalia mwenzake karamu. Je, ni matukio gani yanayofanyika karamuni? Kobe atamwandalia karamu rafikiye Nyani pia au atauvunja urafiki wao?

    ISBN: 9789966623164

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