

Category: Storybooks


Showing 865–888 of 1058 results

  • Take the Small Box 3q by Kariuki

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are twelve storybooks for each class specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern child an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the child has fun that’s built to last. Hare and Hyena go to the big city. They see many good things. Tortoise teas them how to get the good things. However, Hyena does not obey Tortoise …

    ISBN: 9780195736427

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  • Tamaa ya Panya by Meenye

    Original price was: KSh233.00.Current price is: KSh210.00.

    Bi Paka na Bi Panya ni marafiki wa dhati. Siku moja, Bi Panya agundua pango lililo na chakula kitamu ajabu. Je urafiki wao utadumu ingawa chakula cha Bi Panya ni kitamu kuliko cha Bi Paka?

    ISBN: 2010143000435

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  • Tatu milks a Cat 1W by Muutu

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course.

    The storybooks for each class are specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern child an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the child has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195741698

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  • Tausi na majuto katika kisa cha gaidi lii by Chege

    Original price was: KSh356.00.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Lii ni gaidi sugu anayelihangaisha taifa. Anawatekanyara vijana na kuwafunza jinsi ya
    kuua na kufanya vitendo vya ugaidi. Serikali imejaribu kumkomesha lakini imeshindwa.
    Nani ataweza kumkomesha? Soma hadithi ujionee jinsi kijana mmoja wa mitaani anasaidia kumkomesha gaidi huyo sugu.
    Karang’ae Chege ni mwandishi aliyebobea katika uandishi wa vitabu vya hadithi vya kusisimua.
    Miongoni mwa vichapo vyake vingine ni Safari ya Mabwe ambacho pia kimechapishwa na Queenex Publishers.

    ISBN: 9789966075512

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  • Tesi na Mwalimu Paka

    Original price was: KSh444.00.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    Hii ni hadithi kwa watoto wenye umri wa miaka 6-7 (Gredi 1&2). Ni kitabu kinachofundisha watoto kusema ukweli kila wakati licha ya hali hiyo.

    Mwalimu Paka ana wanafunzi wenye bidii masomoni. Tesi ni mmoja wa wanafunzi hao. Anawatuza wanafunzi wake kwa bidii zao. Katika harakati ya kuwatuza, pesa zake zinapotea.Je,ni Tesi ama ni nani aliyezichukua pesa hizo.Je, pesa hizo zitapatikana?

    David Nyaga

    ISBN: 9789966621054

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  • The Adventures of Thunder by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh350.00.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Wwesonga Ongulu hates just being an ordinary boy like his brother. He believes he is actually THUNDER itself roaring up there in the skies, and therefore goes out to do things that lesser boys cannot dare. Will he succeed? Find out what he does to live up to his thunderous name… and the thunderous trouble he finds himself int

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  • The american dream:Keynote primary English by Ken Walibora

    Original price was: KSh438.00.Current price is: KSh395.00.

    “You mean you’ve never dreamt that you went to America?” “No!” I answered. He looked shocked. He said if I hadn’t dreamt the American Dream, there was something terribly wrong with me. The American Dream is the thirteenth story in a series of supplementary class readers to be used with Keynote English series, our rewarding Primary English course designed for the new syllabus. The class readers will be useful with any course book and can also be read for pleasure outside the classroom setting.

    ISBN: 9789966368690

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  • The Bike Thief by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    Someone has been stealing the children’s bikes at Gloria Estate, yet there is security day and night. Moss’ bike is the fifth now to go missing. Who could it be? The estate children set out to investigate. They ask Fundi Francis, their bike repairer for advice. Is there something that he knows? As it gets harder to catch the bike thief, Mike comes up with a clever plan. Read the story to find out what happens.


    ISBN: 9789966075642

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  • The Bird that Sang to Warriors

    Original price was: KSh444.00.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    This story is for children aged 6-7 years (Grade 2). It is a book that teaches children conflict resoluton. 

    Villagers of Keru and Kairu once lived in peace until the day famine stroke. Each village sends their warrior to guard the River Kanyaboli. War starts between warriors from Keru and Kairu. A bird sings a peace song to the warriors. Will they listen to the bird’s peace message?

    Francis Ogallo

    ISBN: 9789966621016

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  • the Bitter sweet and other stories by Story Moja by Gichuru

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh450.00.

    Zawadi and her siblings hate carrying packed lunch to school. The siblings envy their friends who buy snacks from the school canteen. On sports day, their mother surprises them with money to buy lunch. Zawadi is thrilled. For once she will be like her friends who eat “town” food as opposed to their “village” food. Zawadi buys sweets from a hawker at the school gate. Read the story to find out her excitement turns into a nightmare.

    ISBN: 9789966066527

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  • The Courage to Say No

    Original price was: KSh622.00.Current price is: KSh560.00.

    I want you to know that every time you smoke a stick of cigarette you shorten your life. And if you go on to use hard drugs like marijuana and cocaine, sooner or later you?ll develop mental problems. So your life is in your hands. You must have the courage to say no to drugs.? …

    The Courage to Say NoRead More

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  • The Crow and the Fox and Other Stories by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    A hungry fox tricks an unknowing Crow. When Fox sees Crow holding a piece of meat in his beak, he comes up with a plan to get the meat. Will Fox manage to trick Crow with flattery?

    The Crow and the Fox and other stories is a collection of tales that inspire the readers and offer moral lessons. There ore questions at the end of every story to test the reader’s understanding.

    The stories will inform, inspire and entertain the reader as they are told in a fun way!

    ISBN: 9789966075673

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  • The Egg thief and other stories 5a by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Queenex Supplementary Readers is a series of stories that are developed in line with the Competence Based Curriculum. This system of education aims to ensure that learners are well equipped with skills and competencies that they can use in their day-to-day lives.

    ISBN: 9789966142078

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  • The Egg thief and other stories 5a by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Queenex Supplementary Readers is a series of stories that are developed in line with the Competence Based Curriculum. This system of education aims to ensure that learners are well equipped with skills and competencies that they can use in their day-to-day lives.

    ISBN: 9789966142078

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  • The End Of Violence by Moran

    Original price was: KSh450.00.Current price is: KSh405.00.
  • The End Of Violence by Moran

    Original price was: KSh455.00.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    The End Of Violence

    ISBN: 9789966344236

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  • The Flying Pigman by Moran

    Original price was: KSh344.00.Current price is: KSh310.00.
  • The Flying Pigman by Moran

    Original price was: KSh388.00.Current price is: KSh350.00.
  • The Foolish Friend Moran Grade Level 1 by Catherine Dunlop

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    The foolish friend is a moral story with questions to test comprehension.

    The monkey makes a big mistake when trying to help out his friend, the King. This story, followed by questions, teaches us to think before we act

    ISBN: 2010141000188

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  • The Foolish Friend Moran Grade Level 1 by Catherine Dunlop

    Original price was: KSh450.00.Current price is: KSh405.00.

    The foolish friend is a moral story with questions to test comprehension.

    The monkey makes a big mistake when trying to help out his friend, the King. This story, followed by questions, teaches us to think before we act


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  • The Forever tree by Story Moja by Wangari Grace 1 review

    Original price was: KSh466.00.Current price is: KSh420.00.

    Opuk the Tortoise had a dream in which he saw a magic tree that has all types of fruits growing on its branches. Grandmother Koko, the wise owl, tells them that it is real. It has a magical name and only those who remember the name can find the tree. Which animal will find this magic tree?

    ISBN: 9789966001535

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  • The Forgotten Home by Longhorn

    Original price was: KSh238.00.Current price is: KSh215.00.

    Joel gets laid off from Flamingo Textiles Factory. As he wanders around looking for a job, his wife, Khagesa, continues selling fried fish. Zeki, his son, makes friends with a streetboy. The streetboy teaches Zeki how to swim while Zeki teaches the streetboy how to write. Joel decides to move his family to the countryside where life is more affordable. Then, he goes back to the city in search of a job. His family slowly adjusts to life in the countryside.

    The Forgotten Home is one of the stories in a series of six supplementary class readers to be used with Keynote English, our rewarding Primary English course designed for the new syllabus. The class readers will be useful with any coursebook, and can also be read for pleasure outside the classroom setting.

    ISBN: 9789966498724

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  • The Gallant Warrior

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh450.00.

    A severe drought is ravaging the land of Nkoko. There is little food, the river is drying up and more of their cattle die each passing day. When Mzee Tilipu sends his son, Leiyan, to seek the help of a rainmaker, they discover that the rains have been held back by a rain monster. The people of Nkoko must send their warriors to hunt down the rain monster before the drought wipes them all out.
    But first, Leiyan must prove that he can lead the warriors despite being the youngest of them. Will the warriors overcome their strife and succeed in saving their people?

    Dennis Rugiri
    ISBN: 9789966621795
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  • The Gambler BY OXFORD

    Original price was: KSh566.00.Current price is: KSh510.00.

    The Gambler is the story of Alex Kihara, aka Rex, a gambler who trades his soul for his life, when he hits rock-bottom. He becomes a long-distance truck driver whose job entails delivering more than just legitimate goods across East Africa. An incident at the border makes him a fugitive. Will Rex extricate himself from …

    The Gambler BY OXFORDRead More

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