Category: Upper Primary
Upper Primary
Showing 49–72 of 308 results
JKF Foundation French Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by B.Nzuki, T.Okeno and V.Otieno
Original price was: KSh516.00.KSh465.00Current price is: KSh465.00.Add to cartFoundation French Grade 5, Livre de L’élève est destiné à des apprenants précoces. Il s’adresse à des apprenants qui viennent de terminer l’apprentissage du français langue étrangère Grade 4 selon le Curriculum axé sur les compétences (CBC).
Le livre fournit à l’apprenant de compétences et de connaissances de la langue française dans des situations réelles et leurs donne les outils nécessaires pour échanger facilement dans un environnement francophone.
Ce livre de l’élève généralement s’agit de 11 unités qui s’organisent dans la façon suivante: . La plupart de pages représentent une leçon complète avec des
activités. Enfin, une évaluation formative est proposée à la fin de chaque leçon qui permet l’apprenant d’apprécier le chemin parcouru et de s’arrêter sur ses difficultés ou de remédier à ses manques.ISBN: 9789966511904
JKF Foundation Music Grade 4 (Approved) by Ndungu
Original price was: KSh388.00.KSh350.00Current price is: KSh350.00.Add to cartFoundation Music Learner’s Book for Grade 4 This is the fourth book in the new series of Foundation Music written specifically for the competence-based curriculum. The coursebook is intended for use by Grade 4 learners.
The key features of the book include:
Adequate coverage of the new curriculum concepts and skills, with a strong activity orientation. The deliberate use of local songs that learners can easily identify with. Clear, easy-to-follow learning steps. Attractive illustrations that will enhance the understanding and appreciation of the text. A number of activities that reinforce the learning process.
The book comes with a separate comprehensive teacher’s guide.ISBN: 9789966511751
JKF Foundation Music Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by F. Muyela, A.Ndungu and J. Osir
Original price was: KSh388.00.KSh350.00Current price is: KSh350.00.Add to cartThis is the fifth for the competency-based curriculum. The coursebook is intended for use by Grade 5 learners.
The keys features of the book include:
– Adequate coverage of the of the new curriculum concepts and skills, with a strong activity orientation
– Deliberate use of local songs that learners can easily identify with
– Clear easy-to-follow learning steps
– Attractive illustrations that will enhance the understanding and appreciation of the text
– A number of activities that reinforce the learning process.
The book comes with a separate comprehensive teacher’s guide.ISBN: 9789966511881
JKF New Primary English GD4 (Appr) by Mathenge
Original price was: KSh488.89.KSh440.00Current price is: KSh440.00.Add to cartThe New Primary English Learner’s Book for Grade 4 is part of a series designed in line with the competence-based curriculum. The book has a strong activity orientation that emphasizes the acquisition of the appropriate language skills, namely, listening and speaking; as well as reading and writing, The key features of the book are:
content that is moderated and aligned with the subject-specific learning outcomes, age and level of the learners; relevant and accurate content that is organized in such a manner as to enhance progressional acquisition of the language skills; accurate, correct and easy-to-understand language; varied, adequate and attractive illustrations to enhance understanding, and clear, relevant and adequate learner-centred activities.
These are crafted to provide the learners with the opportunity to develop the core competencies.ISBN: 9789966511775
JKF New Primary English Grade 6 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh644.00.KSh580.00Current price is: KSh580.00.Add to cartThe New Primary English Learner’s Book for Grade 6 is part of a series designed in line with the competency-based curriculum. The book has a strong activity orientation that emphasizes the acquisition of the appropriate language skills, namely, listening and speaking; as well as reading and writing.
ISBN: 9789966512055
JKF Nyota ya Kiswahili Gredi 6
Original price was: KSh644.00.KSh580.00Current price is: KSh580.00.Add to cartKitabu hiki kimedhamiriwa kutumika kama mfululizo wa vitabu vya kiada kwa Gredi ya Sita. Kimeandikwa kuambatana na mtalaa mpya. Kitabu hiki kimelenga kumwongoza mwanafunzi katika masomo yake ya lugha ya Kiswahili kwa kutimiza maarubu ya mtalaa wa kiwango husika. Ndani yake mna mbinu bora za ujifunzaji ambazo zitawaelekeza wanafunzi kuhusu njia bora za kutimiza malengo yao.
ISBN: 9789966512116
JKF Nyota ya Kiswahili Pupils GD5
Original price was: KSh577.00.KSh520.00Current price is: KSh520.00.Add to cartKitabu hiki kimedhamiriwa kutumika kama mfululizo wo vitabu vya kiada kwa Gredi ya tano. Kimeandikwo kuombotana no mtoloo mpyo. Kitobu hiki kimelenga kumwongoza mwonafunzi katika masomo yoke yo lugha ya Kiswahili kwa kutimiza moarubu yo mtolao wa kiwango husika. Ndani yoke mno mbinu bora za ujifunzaji ambazo zitawaelekeza wanafunzi kuhusu njia bora za kutimiza malengo yoo. Kimezingatia stadi zote zo kujifunza lugha, rani:
(i) Kusikiliza
(ii) Kuzungumza
(iii) Kusoma
(iv) Kuondika
(v) Msamiati(vi) Sarufi
Mwanafunzi amepewa nafasi ya kujifunza mwenyewe kutokana na picha maridhawa, hadithi, mashairi na michezo murua. Ili kuzidisha hamasisho la ujifunzaji, mwongozo maalumu umeandaliwa iii kuwapa walimu mbinu thabiti za kuuchochea ujifunzaji miongoni mwa wanafunzi. Ili kutathmini kiwango cha ujifunzaji miongoni mwa wanafunzi kitabu hiki kimetoamazoezi ya kutosha yatakoyowowezesho kupato:
• Umilisi wa kimsingi
• Maadili ya kimsingi
• Uwezo wa kuyashughulikia masuala mtambukaZaidi ya hayo uchochezi huo huwafahamisha namna ya kulinganisha uhusiano wa modo watiyojifunza;
- na masomo mengine
- na shughuli za huduma za kijamii zinazochangia ujifunzaji
- na shughuli nyingine zilizoratibiwa za ujifunzaji
Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa na waandishi wenye tojiriba pevu. Womekomaa kwenye stadi ya uondishi wa vitabu vya kiado.
ISBN> 9789966510341
JKF Primary Mathematics Grade 4 by JKF
Original price was: KSh516.00.KSh465.00Current price is: KSh465.00.Add to cartThis is the fourth book in the new series of Primary Mathematics written specifically for the competence-based curriculum.Thecoursebook is intended for use by Grade 4 learners. It prepares the learner for day to day living and number work in higher levels of schooling.
ISBN: BK00000003638
JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Grade 5 by S. Waichanguru and R. Ndungu
Original price was: KSh644.00.KSh580.00Current price is: KSh580.00.Add to cartThis is the fifth book in the new series of Primary Mathematics written specifically for the competency-based curriculum. The coursebook is intended for use by Grade 5 learners. It prepares the learner for day to day living and number work in higher levels of learning.
The unique strength of the book lies in the following areas:
• Adequate coverage of the new curriculum concepts and skills with a strong activity orientation.
• A variety of examples enclosed in coloured frames to promote self-study and ease of use.
• A variety of exercises that test the understanding of every concept and skill learnt.The book comes with a separate comprehensive teacher’s guide.
This book has been designed with special reference to learners with different learning abilities.ISBN: 9789966511966
JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Grade 6
Original price was: KSh644.00.KSh580.00Current price is: KSh580.00.Add to cartThis is the last book in the new series of Primary Mathematics written specifically for the competency-based curriculum. The coursebook is intended for use by Grade 6 learners. It prepares the learner for day-to-day living and number work in higher levels of schooling.
The unique strength of the book lies in the following areas:
-Adequate coverage of the new curriculum concepts and skills with a strong activity orientation.
– A variety of examples enclosed in coloured frames to promote self-study and ease of use.
-A variety of exercises that test the understanding of every concept and skill learnt.
ISBN: 9789966512079
Kielekezi cha Kiswahili Pupils Grade 5 by E. Andati, K. Chituyi, N. Musyimi na S. Washika
Original price was: KSh744.00.KSh640.00Current price is: KSh640.00.Add to cartKIELEKEZI CHA MARUDIO YA KISWAHILI GREDI YA 5 KIELEKEZI cha marudio ya Kiswahili Gredi ya 5 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumrahisishia mwanafunzi kuelewa mfumo mpya wa elimu ya umilisi. Kitabu hiki:
– Kimeandikwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kukuza na kujenga ujuzi na uwezo wa kutumia stadi za lugha (Kusikiliza na kuzungumza, Kusoma, kuandika na Sarufi).
– Kimeandikwa kwa lugha rahisi na kutoa mifano mwafaka.
– kimeshughulikia Masuala mtambuko kama vile: uraia, utangamano, elimu ya amani, stadi za maisha, mazingira na teknolojia. – Kina Mazoezi muhimu ili kumsaidia mwanafunzi kufanya marudio.
– Kina Zoezi la Tathmini mwishoni mwa kila sura.
– Kina karatasi sita za Majaribio ya mitihani.
– Kimeandikwa na waandishi wenye tajriba kubwa katika ufundishaji wa somo la Kiswahili katika shule bora nchini Kenya. Aidha, wanaelewa mfumo wa umilisi kwa jumla.ISBN: 9789966012487
Kiswahili Angaza Mwanafunzi Grade 6 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh850.00.KSh765.00Current price is: KSh765.00.Add to cartKiswahili Angaza, Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, Gredi ya 6 ni kitabu kilichotungwa na kusukwa kwa makini na kwa kina kirefu. Kitabu hiki kimetosheleza mahitaji yote ya mtaala waumilisi. Kinakuza umilisi uliopendekezwa kwenye mtaala, maadili na kufahamisha kuhusu masuala mtambuko. Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kwa mtindo unaomwegemea mwanafunzi zaidi na kumfanya mwalimu awe mwelekezi tu wala si mtoaji wa elimu. Kitabu hiki kitamwezesha mwanafunzi kupata ufahamu wa lugha kupitia kwa stadi za Kusikiliza na Kuzungumza, Kusoma,Kuandika na Sarufi.
KLB Visionary Agriculture Grade 6 by KLB
Original price was: KSh412.00.KSh370.00Current price is: KSh370.00.Add to cartKLB Visionary Agriculture Grade 6 Learner’s Book has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade Six Agriculture Competence Based Curriculum Design. The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic and integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content, which is steered to follow the curriculum design.
ISBN: 9789966657459
KLB Visionary Agriculture Learner’s Book Grade 4 by KLB
Original price was: KSh494.45.KSh445.00Current price is: KSh445.00.Add to cartKLB Visionary Agriculture Grade 4 Learner’s Book has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade Four Agriculture Competence Based Curriculum Design. The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic and integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content, which is steered to follow the curriculum design.
A lot of emphasis has been placed on learning through discovery. Through the several activities, learners are led to discover knowledge on their own.
ISBN: 9789966655820
KLB Visionary Agriculture Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by F. Muthua, E. Misiko and A. Wachira
Original price was: KSh438.89.KSh395.00Current price is: KSh395.00.Add to cartKLB Visionary Agriculture Grade 5 Learner’s Book has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade Five Agriculture Competence-Based Curriculum Design. The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic and integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content, which is steered to follow the curriculum design.
A lot of emphasis has been placed on learning through discovery. Through the several activities, learners are led to discover knowledge on their own.
The book has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences are centred on the learner’s interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations. Several parallels are drawn from the learner’s immediate environment. Several activities are included in the title and learners encouraged to perform them either in pairs or in groups. This approach is aimed at promoting collaboration amongst learners. Every learning area has a home project where the learner is expected to transfer the skills learnt at school to home. This is aimed at enhancing community service learning. Digital literacy has been given great attention as learners search for information from the Internet and watch relevant video clips. This makes learning interesting and widens sources of information.
Financial literacy is adequately addressed. Learners are encouraged and trained to sell surplus produce such as seedlings and vegetables.
ISBN: 9789966656766
KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade 4 (Approved) by Atieno
Original price was: KSh466.00.KSh420.00Current price is: KSh420.00.Add to cartKLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade Four Learner’s Book is designed to help the learner
acquire and apply specific concepts, techniques and related vocabulary to increase
capacity for effective pursuit of artistic goals. The span of strands at this level entail:
Picture Making, Mixed Media and Technology, Indigenous Kenyan Crafts, Presentation and Exhibition.
• The book is developed in line with the requirements of the Competency Based
Curriculum design for Art and Craft for Grade Four.
• The learning experiences are aligned with the thematic integrated approach thus
concepts are presented in the most appropriate way for learners at this level.
• This book is extensively illustrated to make the content interesting to the learners.
• It has employed a learner-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the
learner’s interests, knowledge and application to real life situations.
• Lessons draw from learner’s day-to-day activities at school and home.
• The book has numerous practical activities, and reflection questions to enable the
learner to carry them out on their own either in school or at home.
• The title has adequately mainstreamed key pertinent and contemporary issues and is
designed to equip the learner with 21st Century competences.
This Learner’s Book is approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and procured by the
Government of Kenya for use by Grade Four learners in all public primary schools.
Other approved titles in this series are:
• KLB Visionary Grade Four Science and Technology Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide.
• KLB Visionary Grade Four Mathematics Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide.
• KLB Visionary Grade Four Islamic Religious Education Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide.
• KLB Visionary Grade Four Music Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide.
• KLB Visionary Grade Four Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book and Teacher’s Guide.
• KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade Four Teacher’s Guide.ISBN: 9789966655783
KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade 5 Learner’s (Approved) by E. Kiama, O. S. Lore, M. Atieno, G. Motondi
Original price was: KSh466.00.KSh420.00Current price is: KSh420.00.Add to cartKLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade Five Learner’s Book is designed to help the learner acquire and apply specific concepts, techniques, and related vocabulary to increase capacity for the effective pursuit of artistic goals. The span of strands at this level entails Picture Making, Mixed Media and Technology, Indigenous Kenyan Crafts, Presentation, and Exhibition.
• The book is developed in line with the requirements of the Competency-Based
Curriculum design for Art and Craft for Grade Five.
• The learning experiences are aligned with the thematic integrated approach thus concepts are presented in the most appropriate way for learners at this level.
• This book is extensively illustrated to make the content interesting to the learners.
• It has employed a learner-centered approach where all experiences are centered on the learner’s interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations.
• Lessons drawn from learner’s day-to-day activities at school and home.
• The book has numerous practical activities and reflection questions to enable the learner to carry them out on their own either in school or at home.
• The title has adequately mainstreamed key pertinent and contemporary issues and is designed to equip the learner with 21st Century competences.ISBN: 9789966656667
KLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade 6
Original price was: KSh516.67.KSh465.00Current price is: KSh465.00.Add to cartKLB Visionary Art and Craft Grade Six Learner’s Book is designed to help the learner acquire and apply specific concepts, techniques and related vocabulary to increase capacity for effective pursuit of artistic goals. The span of strands at this level entail: Picture Making, Indigenous Kenyan Crafts, Design, Mixed Media and Technology,Presentation and Exhibition.
ISBN: 9789966657497
KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by MWAURA
Original price was: KSh488.00.KSh440.00Current price is: KSh440.00.Add to cartChristian Religious Education is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in society. KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Grade 5 Learner’s Book, therefore:
• Has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade 5 CRE Competence-Based Curriculum Design.
• The experiences have been developed in line with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level.
• The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design
closely. The book has employed a child-centered approach where all experiences are centered on the learner’s interests, knowledge, and application to real-life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education.
• It has used short texts in simple language with familiar situations created to help understand more difficult concepts.
• Gender equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase the association of certain tasks with specific gender
• The principle of inclusivity has been used by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of society.
• Active learning activities like discussing, singing, reading the Bible, debates, working in groups, and reciting memory verses are integrated within the lessons to make learning interesting and participatory.ISBN: 9789966656780
KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Learners Grade 6 by KLB
Original price was: KSh488.00.KSh440.00Current price is: KSh440.00.Add to cartChristian Religious Education is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in the society. KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Grade 6 Learner’s Book therefore:
-Has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade 6 CRE Competence Based Curriculum Design.
-The experiences have been developed in line with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for learners at this level.
-The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely. .
-The book has employed a child-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the learner’s interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education.
-It has used short texts in simple language with familiar situations created to help understand more difficult concepts. ,
-Gender equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase the association of certain tasks with specific gender.
-The principle of inclusivity has been used by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of the society.
-Active learning activities like discussing, singing, reading the Bible, debates, working in groups and reciting memory verses are integrated within the lessons to make learning interesting and participatory.
ISBN: 9789966657510
KLB Visionary CRE Learner’s Grade 4 (Approved)
Original price was: KSh622.00.KSh560.00Current price is: KSh560.00.Add to cartChristian Religious Education is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in the society. KLB Visionary Christian Religious Education Grade 4 Learner’s Book therefore:
-Has been developed in line with the requirements of Grade 4 CRE Competence Based Curriculum Design.
-The experiences have been developed in line with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level.
-The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely.
-The book has employed a child-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the learner’s interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education.
-It has used short texts in simple language with familiar situations created to help understand more difficult concepts.
-Gender equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase the association of certain tasks with specific gender.
-The principle of inclusivity has been used by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of the society.
-Active learning activities like discussing, singing, reading the Bible, debates, working in groups and reciting memory verses are integrated within the lessons to make learning interesting and participatory.
ISBN: 9789966655707
KLB Visionary Encyclopedia Grade 4 by KLB
Original price was: KSh1,133.00.KSh1,020.00Current price is: KSh1,020.00.Add to cartKLB Visionary Encyclopaedia Grade 4 is a revision book written inline with the Competence-Based Curriculum. The book offers essential practice activities that are designed to help learners acquire the required competencies, skills, and knowledge easily and without, much difficulty. The book provides practice material for all the Grade 4 learning areas. Specifically:
– The content is fully aligned with the current CBC designs.
-There is a variety of activities developed on a strand-by-strand basis leading to the achievement of all the learning outcomes.
-The core competencies, values and pertinent and contemporary issues are well addressed as envisaged in the CBC Grade 4 curriculum designs.
-A learner-centered approach is employed in which the learners acquire the required skills, knowledge and attitudes through the inquiry-based learning approach.
-There is a variety of appealing illustrations used as an aid to the understanding of concepts. .
-Each learning area has sample papers meant to help learners practice on their own and prepare adequately for the formative and summative assessment programmes.
ISBN: 9789966657688
KLB Visionary Encyclopedia Grade 5 by KLB
Original price was: KSh1,161.00.KSh1,045.00Current price is: KSh1,045.00.Add to cartKLB Visionary Encyclopaedia Grade 5 is a revision book written in line with the Competence-Based Curriculum. The book offers essential practice activities that are designed to help learners acquire the required competencies, skills, and knowledge easily and without much difficulty. The book provides practice material for all the Grade 5 learning areas. Specifically:
– The content is fully aligned with the current CBC designs.
– There is a variety of activities developed on a strand-by-strand basis leading to the achievement of all the learning outcomes.
– The core competencies, values and pertinent and contemporary issues are well addressed as envisaged in the CBC Grade 5 curriculum designs.
– A learner-centered approach is employed in which the learners acquire the required skills, knowledge and attitudes through the inquiry-based learning approach.
– There is a variety of appealing illustrations used as an aid to the understanding of concepts.
– Each learning area has sample papers meant to help learners practice on their own and prepare adequately for the formative and summative assessment programmes.
ISBN: 9789966657695
KLB Visionary Encyclopedia Grade 6 by KLB
Original price was: KSh1,161.00.KSh1,045.00Current price is: KSh1,045.00.Add to cartKLB Visionary Encyclopaedia Grade 6 is a revision book written in line with the Competence-Based Curriculum. The book offers essential practice activities that are designed to help learners acquire the required competencies, skills, and knowledge easily and without much difficulty. The book provides practice material for all the Grade 6 learning areas. Specifically:
– The content is fully aligned with the current CBC designs.
– There is a variety of activities developed on a strand-by-strand basis leading to the achievement of all the learning outcomes.
– The core competencies, values and pertinent and contemporary issues are well addressed as envisaged in the CBC Grade 6 curriculum designs.
– A learner-centered approach is employed in which the learners acquire the required skills, knowledge and attitudes through the inquiry-based learning approach.
-There is a variety of appealing illustrations used as an aid to the understsnding concepts.
– Each learning area has sample papers meant to help learners practice on their own and prepare adequately for the formative and summative assessment programmes.
ISBN: 9789966657701