



Category: Upper Primary

Upper Primary

Showing 145–168 of 308 results

  • Mentor Social Studies Grade 4 (Approved) by Mentor Publishing

    Original price was: KSh633.34.Current price is: KSh570.00.

    Mentor Social Studies learner’s book is fully in line with the new Competency-Based Curriculum. The book is easy to use and contains a variety of learning activities. It makes learning fun for the learner.

    This book has been authored by teachers with wide experience in Middle School Education in leading schools across Kenya.

    ISBN: 9789966012753

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  • Mentor Social Studies Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by DICKSON NJUE, E.WAWERU, M.DAWO, N.WEDAH

    Original price was: KSh666.00.Current price is: KSh600.00.

    Mentor Social Studies Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the New Competency-Based Curriculum and Grade Five Social Studies Curriculum Design. This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Upper School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values, and altitude for lifelong learning.
    The activities are inquiry-based and learner-centered to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values, and Pertinent and Contemporary issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear, and precise making learning interesting and fun. The book is authored by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience in teaching Upper School Education.

    ISBN: 9789966012593

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  • Mentor Social Studies Learners Grade 6

    Original price was: KSh677.00.Current price is: KSh610.00.

    Mentor Social Studies Learner’s Book has been designed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum and Grade Six Social Studies Curriculum Design.This is to adequately help the learner to achieve the specific learning outcomes for the Upper School Education. The book has a variety of activities that will help the learner acquire and develop skills, knowledge, values and attitude for everyday life. The activities are inquiry based and learner-centred to help the learner develop Core Competencies, Values and Pertinent and Contemporary issues (PCls). The language used is simple, clear and precise making learning interesting and fun.

    ISBN: 9789966012258

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  • Modern Agriculture Learners Grade 6 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh677.00.Current price is: KSh610.00.
  • Modern Agriculture Teacher’s Guide 6

    Original price was: KSh600.00.Current price is: KSh575.00.
  • Moran ARC Home Science Grade 4 (Approved) by Moran Publishers

    Original price was: KSh455.56.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    ARC Home Science Learner’s Book for Grade & follows the competency based curriculum for primary schools. The title has been approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) for use in Grade 4. An accompanying Teacher’s Guide, ARC Home Science Teacher’s Guide Grade & is available.
    ARC Home science Learners Book Grade 4 delivers the following benefits to the learners:

    1. Learners will develop and grow in competencies and skills in Home Science because the book follows the competency-based curriculum and delivery method
    2. Learners will enjoy and love using the book as the book design is simple and elegant and lends itself to easy access and use.
    3. Learners will have lots of practice with the rich menu of exercises that are available in every section of the book, ensuring that they master the material fast.
    4. Learners will find themselves immersed in various enjoyable and practical activities that will help them gain actual, hands-on competences and skills.
    5. Learners with special needs will find this book quite adaptable for their use.
    6. ARC Home Science has Take Home activities that will keep the learner challenged and engaged even after they have left school for home. This will ensure better recall and better performance.
    7. Learners will work in twos or in groups ensuring a growing appreciation of teamwork and co-operation, and also helping to carry along all the learners so that no learner is left behind.

    ISBN: 9789966828507

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  • Moran Beginning Art and Craft Learners Grade 6 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh538.89.Current price is: KSh485.00.

    Beginning Art and Craft is a course developed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum.

    It has been prepared after in-depth research to enable the learner acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. The course has plenty of hands-on activities that stimulate learning, nurture the learner’s skills, talents and abilities, and make the learning process enjoyable.

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  • Moran Beginning Music Grade 4 (Approved) by Mureithi

    Original price was: KSh455.56.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    Beginning Music is a course developed to meet the requirements of the Competency Based Curriculum.

    The course has been prepared after in-depth research to enable learners acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. It has plenty of activities that stimulate learning, nurture learners’ skills, competencies and talents, make the learning process enjoyable, and instill values and attitudes specified in the curriculum design.

    The course:

    * Encourages the use of learning materials from the learner’s immediate environment thus giving the learner an opportunity to appreciate the environment

    * Has a variety of activities which enable learners to explore and learn

    * Covers all the specific learning outcomes in the design

    * Has activities which integrate the core competencies, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues

    * Has activities to encourage parental involvement in the learning process

    * Has activities which encourage learners to nurture their talent in music

    * Has activities that enable learners to appreciate and improve their community.

    ISBN: 9789966632043

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  • Moran Beginning Music Grade 6 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh538.89.Current price is: KSh505.00.

    Beginning Music is a course developed to meet the requirements of the Competency-Based Curriculum. The course has been prepared after in-depth research to enable learners to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. It has plenty of activities that stimulate learning, nurture learners’ skills, competencies, and talents, make the learning process enjoyable and instill …

    Moran Beginning Music Grade 6 (Approved)Read More

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  • Moran Beginning Music Learner’s Book Grade 5 (Approved) by W. Mureithi, D. Amimo, A. Maina

    Original price was: KSh455.56.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    Beginning Music is a course developed to meet the requirements of the Competency-Based Curriculum.
    The course has been prepared after in-depth research to enable learners to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. It has plenty of activities that stimulate learning, nurture learners’ skills, competencies, and talents, make the learning process enjoyable and instill values and attitudes specified in the curriculum design.
    The course:
    – Encourages the use of learning materials from the learner’s immediate environment thus giving the learner an opportunity to appreciate the environment
    – Has a variety of activities that enable learners to explore and learn
    – Covers all the specific learning outcomes in the curriculum design
    – Has activities that integrate the core competencies, values, and pertinent and contemporary issues
    – Has activities that encourage parental involvement in the learning process
    – Has activities that encourage learners to nurture their talent in music Has activities that enable learners to appreciate and improve their community.

    ISBN: 9789966632975

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Agriculture Workbook Grade 5 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh711.12.Current price is: KSh640.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Grade 5 Agriculture is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. The workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop skills and concepts in Agriculture. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required competencies, PCls and values in the learner’s activities. The workbook is packed with benefits to the learner, teacher and parent or guardian.

    ISBN: 9789966633316

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Agriculture Workbook Grade 6

    Original price was: KSh516.67.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Grade 6 Agriculture is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. The workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at Supporting the learner to develop skills and concepts in Agriculture. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required competencies, PCls and values in the learner’s activities. The workbook is packed with benefits to the learner, teacher and Parent or guardian.

    ISBN: 9789966633583

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Art and Craft Workbook Grade 5 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh622.23.Current price is: KSh560.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Grade 5 Art and Craft is a one-stop source of extended learning activities- based on the Competency Based Curriculum. The workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop skills and concepts in Art and Craft. The activities address each specific learning outcome.

    ISBN: 9789966633378

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough CRE Workbook Grade 5 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh722.23.Current price is: KSh650.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Grade 5 Christian Religious Education is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. The workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop skills and concepts in Christian Religious Education. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required skills, competencies, PCls and values in the learner’s activities.

    ISBN: 9789966633347

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough CRE Workbook Grade 6

    Original price was: KSh583.34.Current price is: KSh525.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Grade 6 Christian Religious Education is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. The workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop skills and concepts in Christian Religious Education. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required skills, competencies, PCls and values in the learner’s activities.The workbook is packed with benefits to the learner, teacher and parents or guardian.

    ISBN: 9789966633613

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough English Workbook Grade 5 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh722.23.Current price is: KSh640.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook English is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. The workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop the skills and concepts presented in the curriculum design. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required skills, competencies, PCIs and values in the learner’s activities. The workbook is packed with benefits to the learner, teacher and parent or guardian.

    ISBN: 9789966633286

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough English Workbook Grade 6

    Original price was: KSh672.23.Current price is: KSh605.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook English is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. The workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop the skills and concepts presented in the curriculum design. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required skills, competencies, PCls and values in the learner’s activities.


    The workbook is packed with benefits to the learner, teacher and parent or guardian

    ISBN: 9789966633552

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Home Science Workbook Grade 5 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh711.12.Current price is: KSh640.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Home Science is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. This workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop skills and concepts in the Home Science curriculum design. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required competencies, PCIs and values in the learner’s activities. It is packed with benefits to the learner, teacher and parent or guardian.

    ISBN: 9789966633323

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Home Science Workbook Grade 6

    Original price was: KSh583.34.Current price is: KSh525.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Home Science is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. This workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop skills and concepts in the Home Science curriculum design. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required competencies, PCls and values in the learner’s activities.


    It is packed with benefits to the learner, teacher and parent or guardian.

    ISBN: 9789966633590

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Kiswahili Workbook Grade 5 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh711.12.Current price is: KSh640.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Kiswahili, Gredi ya 5 ni kitabu cha mazoezi kilichoandikwa kwa ubunifu ili kumpa mwanafunzi nafasi ya kujitathmini. Mazoezi yaliyomo yametungwa kutokana na mada ndogo za Kiswahili cha Gredi ya 5 kulingana na mtaala wa umilisi. Kupitia kitabu hiki, mwanafunzi atahusishwa:

    -kuyadurusa mambo muhimu aliyojifunza katika vitabu vya kiada vya Kiswahili vya kiwango hiki kwa kuzirejelea sehemu za Mazingatio.

    -kutathmini kiwango chake cha umilisi kwa mujibu wa mtaala wa umilisi

    – kuziimarisha stadi za lugha: kusikiliza na kuzungumza, kusoma na kuandika

    -kusoma vifungu vya kusisimua vinavyoangazia masuala mtambuko na maaditi

    -kutumia tugha ya Kiswahili kwa usahihi katika mawasiliano yake ya kila siku

    -kujifunza kutokana na mazingira na jamii yake

    -kutumia vifaa vya kiteknolojia ili kuimarisha umilisi wa ujuzi wa kidijitali

    -kuuimarisha uwezo wake wa uwazqji kina na utatuzi wa matatizo.

    ISBN: 9789966633293

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Kiswahili Workbook Gredi 6

    Original price was: KSh594.45.Current price is: KSh535.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Kiswahili, Gredi ya 6 ni kitabu cha mazoezi kilichoandikwa kwa ubunifu ili kumpa mwanafunzi nafasi ya kujitathmini. Mazoezi yaliyomo yametungwa kutokana na mada ndogo za Kiswahili Gredi ya 6 kulingana na mtaala wa kiumilisi.

    ISBN: 9789966633569

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Mathematics Workbook Grade 5 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh711.12.Current price is: KSh650.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Mathematics Grade 5 is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. This workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop the learned skills and concepts in Mathematics. The activities integrate the required competencies, PCls and values.

    ISBN: 9789966633279

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Mathematics Workbook Grade 6

    Original price was: KSh583.34.Current price is: KSh525.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Mathematics Grade 5 is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on

    the Competency Based Curriculum. This workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to

    devetop the skills and concepts in Mathematics. The specific learning outcomes integrate the required competencies,

    PCls and values in the learner’s activities.

    The Workbook is packed with benefits to the learner, teacher and parent or guardian.

    ISBN: 9789966633545

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  • Moran CBC Breakthrough Music Workbook Grade 5. by Moran

    Original price was: KSh622.23.Current price is: KSh560.00.

    CBC Breakthrough Workbook Grade 5 Music is a one-stop source of extended learning activities based on the Competency Based Curriculum. The workbook is a curriculum companion aimed at supporting the learner to develop skills and concepts in Music. The activities address each specific learning outcome. The workbook is packed with benefits to the learner, teacher and parent or guardian.

    ISBN: 9789966633361

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