





Showing 2569–2592 of 2644 results

  • Veda Triangular Pencils Per Pc by Veda

    Original price was: KSh27.00.Current price is: KSh25.00.
  • Veda Water Colour Paint 12 colours

    Original price was: KSh300.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Veda Water Colour Tubes

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.
  • Vidudumtu na Fundi wa Viatu Hadithi zA LADYBIRD

    Original price was: KSh333.00.Current price is: KSh300.00.

    Hadithi za ‘Ladybird’ zimesimuliwa kwa kuzingatia mikusanyiko ya hadithi za ‘Well-Loved Tales’ ambazo zinapendwa na wasomaji wengi sana.

    Hadithi hizi za kipekee zimepambwa michoro maridadi ambapo inaleta ubora na uhondo wa masimulizi pa Ladybird kwa wasomaji wa kizazi kipya. Watoto kutoka kizazi hadi kizazi wamependa sana hadithi hizi. na watapata burudani zaidi kwa kuzisoma pamoja.

    ISBN: 9780241331927

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  • Vikas ABC Practice Workbook

    Original price was: KSh277.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Vikas Drawing & Colouring A

    Original price was: KSh333.00.Current price is: KSh300.00.

    ikas Drawing and Colouring is a series of 10 books in Art Education with a very fresh look. Prepared for students from KG to Secondary levels, these books are designed with a vision of the interests as well as needs of children at various stages. Book A, the introductory book in the series, provides graded colouring exercises for Nursery/ KG kids. What’s more, this book teaches the children to make certain basic decorative patterns using coloured dots and rings of varying sizes. These patterns add variety to pictures and make them more beautiful. Making dots and rings would help improve the motor functions of the hands of children and give more control to their fingers. These exercises may also improve their handwriting. Art teachers may encourage the children to practise more of such exercises in rough drawing books.

    ISBN: 9788124307731

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  • Vikas Drawing & Colouring B

    Original price was: KSh188.00.Current price is: KSh170.00.

    Vikas Drawing and Colouring is a series of 10 books in Art Education with a very fresh look. Prepared for students from KG to Secondary levels, these books are designed with a vision of the interests as well as needs of children at various stages. Book B, the second book in the series, provides graded colouring exercises for KG kids. What’s more, this book teaches the children the basics of drawing. Children are also taught to make dots and strokes, and to draw vertical and horizontal lines. These drawing exercises would help improve the motor functions of the hands of children and give more control to their fingers. These activities may also help the children in improving their handwriting. Art teachers may encourage the children to practise more of such exercises in rough drawing books.

    ISBN: 9788124307748

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  • Vikas Drawing & Colouring C

    Original price was: KSh188.00.Current price is: KSh170.00.

    Vikas Drawing and Colouring is a series of 10 books in Art Education with a very fresh look. Prepared for students from KG to Secondary levels, these books are designed with a vision of the interests as well as needs of children at various stages.Book C, the third book in the series, provides graded colouring exercises for prep kids. What’s more, this book teaches the children the basics of drawing. Children are taught to draw slant lines, criss-cross lines, curves, wavy lines, etc., and are encouraged to make independent drawings.Certain basic painting techniques like scribbling and patch-making are also introduced along with other modes of art like collage work. These activities are hoped to arouse the innate creativity of children.

    ISBN: 9788124307755

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  • Vikas Numbers 1 to 10

    Original price was: KSh166.00.Current price is: KSh150.00.

    Vikas numbers writing practise 1- 10  is the Latest Edition of  Pre-Primary School Book that have pictorial illustrations for quick and easy learning.

    ISBN: 9788124300367

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  • Vikas Numbers 1 to 100

    Original price was: KSh277.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    Vikas numbers writing practise 1- 100 is the Latest Edition of Pre-Primary School Book that have pictorial illustrations for quick and easy learning.

    ISBN: 8124300399

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  • Vikas Numbers 1 to 20

    Original price was: KSh244.00.Current price is: KSh220.00.
    Vikas ‘Play and Learn’ is a multicoloured picture book which contains a variety of subjects, a child likes to know about. This book provides immensely useful information. The playway method used in this book will help the teachers and the parents to teach the students in a very interesting and meaningful way.    56 multi-coloured pages.  A novel project to enrich children’s vocabulary.  A number of topics to promote intellectual development of the children.   Objective-type, thought-provoking questions. An ideal teaching aid for teachers as well as parents. 

    ISBN: 8124300372

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  • Vikas Numbers 1 to 50

    Original price was: KSh288.00.Current price is: KSh260.00.
  • Village Fool and other Stories by Chetambe klb

    Original price was: KSh500.00.Current price is: KSh450.00.

    The stories in this collection capture the laughter and tears of a twenty-first-century society as it sways forwards and backward in the search for happiness. In both the village and the city, emerging values confront the older system in an increasingly globalized and digitized social-economic context. The lives of the ordinary village and city folk …

    Village Fool and other Stories by Chetambe klbRead More

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  • Vioja vya Musa 8b by Hezron Mogambi

    Original price was: KSh422.00.Current price is: KSh380.00.

    Fumbo Musa ni kijana anayetoka katika familia maskini. Hata hivyo. mwajiri wa baba yake anaamua kumlipia karo ili asomee shule ya bweni ya Kaachonjo. Shuleni anakumbwa na hali ngumu kwa kuwa wanafunzi wengi wanotoka katika familia za walalaheri. Kutokana na bidii masomoni na uadilifu, Musa anateuliwa kuwa kiranja mkuu. Hata hivyo, cheo hiki hakimpi furaha kwani anateuliwa na kuchekwa kwa sababu ya umaskini wa familia yao. Musa anashawishika kushiriki maovu ili kujipatia hela za kujistarehesha shuleni. Jambo hili linamzushia balaa, vioja na mikasa …

    ISBN: 9789966342492

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  • Vipawa Vya Hasina 8e by Said A Mohamed

    Original price was: KSh400.00.Current price is: KSh360.00.

    Vipawa vya Hasina 8e ni kitabu kinacholenga wanafunzi wa Darasa la Nane katika shule za msingi ili kuendeleza na kukuza uwezo wao wa kusoma.<br />Miongoni mwa sifa za kipekee za kitabu hiki ni:

    • masimulizi rahisi kwa njia ya hadithi, usimulizi kwa nafsi ya kwanza umoja, mbinu rejeshi na uzungumzi nafsia.
    • kuingiza ucheshi katika maandishi kupitia masimulizi, dayolojia, misemo, methali, taharuki, tashibihi, tashihisi, takriri, kejeli, chuku, taswira, tanakali za sauti na picha za rangi zenye kusisimua.
    • kuwapitisha na kuwalea wanafunzi katika mazingira ya maisna ya nyumbani, shuleni, kijijini na jijini, malezi, mila ya ndoa za wasichana wadogo, afya, ujana na matatizo yake, umuhimu wa teknolojia, habari na mawasiliano, michezo, uwajibikaji, stadi za maisha, kazi, utu, uvumilivu, uadilifu, jinsia, haki za binadamu, haki za watoto, kuishi kwa utangamano na amani.

    Mradi wa Kusoma ni mfululizo wa vitabu vya ziada ambao unaambatana na kozi ya Kiswahili Sanifu.

    ISBN: 9780195734560

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  • Visa na Mikasa 2B Hadithi ya Nyanya by Zani

    Original price was: KSh211.00.Current price is: KSh190.00.
  • Visa na Vituko Dhiki yangu 6b

    Original price was: KSh277.77.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Visa na Vituko Hazina na Abdul 4h by Mathias Momanyi

    Original price was: KSh233.00.Current price is: KSh210.00.

    Visa na Vituko Hazina na Abdul 4h

    ISBN: 2010143000616

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  • Visa na Vituko Pilipili ya Miri 4c by Arnold Msuya

    Original price was: KSh200.00.Current price is: KSh180.00.

    Visa na Vituko Pilipili ya Miri 4c

    ISBN: 2010143000612

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  • Visa vya Shilingi na Kobole by Ruth Wairimu Karani

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Muli na Ndungi ni marafiki wakubwa. Walimsaidia mvulana kwa jina Mumo kwenda nyumbani alipoteguka mguu wakicheza. Muli na Ndungi walipewa kila mmoja pakiti ya peremende na babake Mumo. Peremende za Muli zinaendelea kuongezeka. Peremende za Ndungi nazo zinaendelea kupunguka na mwishowe kumalizika. Je, ni kwa nini peremende za Muli zinaongezeka na za Ndungi kupungua?

    ISBN: 9966951237

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  • Visanga vya Mjomba by storymoja

    Original price was: KSh555.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    Mzee Makuta anasisitiza kwamba mwanawe wa kupanga, Belo, arudi kwa baba mzazi ama amtaliki mkewe. Belo anapelekwa kwa Mjomba anayeishi mbali na kwao. Mjomba anapomtesa, Belo anatoroka na kurudi kwa nyanya mzaa mama. Juhudi za kumjua baba mzazi zinagonga ukuta. Belo anapita mtihani wa Darasa la Nane kwa kuzoa alama za juu lakini anakosa karo ya sekondari. Anatafuta …

    Visanga vya Mjomba by storymojaRead More

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  • visionary agriculture grade 4

    Original price was: KSh477.00.Current price is: KSh430.00.

    KLB Visionary Home Science Grade Six Learner’s Book has been designed with the aim of equipping the learner with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed in day-to-day life. The concepts presented build on the competencies introduced in Grade Five and the early years of learning.

    ISBN: 9789966657336

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  • Visionary CRE Activities Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh389.00.Current price is: KSh350.00.

    Christian Religious Activities is a learning area aimed at instilling in the learner moral and spiritual values to enable him or her live a morally upright life and fit well in society.
    KLB Visionary Grade 1 Christian Religious Activities Learner’s Workbook has been developed in line with the requirements of the new Competence Based Curriculum Design.The experiences have been developed in tandem with the thematic integrated approach that is recommended for children at this level. The book is generously illustrated to enliven the content and the text follows the design closely.
    This Workbook has employed a child-centred approach where all experiences are centred on the child’s interests, knowledge and application to real life situations in line with the Life Approach Method of teaching Christian Religious Education. Learners encounter different situations and gain experience from what happens around them. Every lesson has something to draw from day-to-day occurrences. This Learner’s Workbook has, therefore, used short texts in simple language with familiar situations that are created to help learners understand more difficult concepts.
    Gender-equitable roles have been reflected so as to erase the association of certain tasks with specific gender. For example, both boys and girls are involved in household chores, playing musical instruments and actively participating in church activities. The principle of inclusivity has been taken care of by having illustrations of children with special needs involved in common activities with other children to make learners appreciate them as part of the society.
    This Learner’s book is basically a Workbook with numerous practical activities within and at the end of every lesson to enable the learner to practise doing on their own. The simple exercises like drawing, colouring, singing and reciting memory verses are integrated within the lessons so as to make learning interesting and participatory.

    ISBN: 9789966652409

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  • Visionary Home Science Learner’s Grade 4 by KLB

    Original price was: KSh477.78.Current price is: KSh430.00.

    KLB Visionary Home Science Grade Four Learner’s Book has been designed with the aim of equiping the learner with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed in day-to-day life. The concepts presented build on the competencies introduced in Grade Five and the early years of learning.

    ISBN: 9789966655806

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