





Showing 409–432 of 2644 results

  • Focus on CRE Activities GD3

    Original price was: KSh311.00.Current price is: KSh280.00.

    Focus on Christian Religious Education Activities for Grade Three is part of a series of primary school C.R.E. course books. This book is designed to cover the revised Christian Religious Education in the new Competency-Based Curriculum.

    The key features of this book are:

    • Simple and easy to understand language.
    • Adequate activities that help the learner to apply concepts learnt in their daily lives.
    • Discussion tasks are used throughout the topics to develop creativity, problem-solving, communication and self-confidence.
    • Illustrations are widely used to enhance understanding of concepts,
    • The use of life approach making the book learner centred.


    This book has been developed by a team with a vast experience in Christian Religious Education. The authors have a strong background in teaching C.R.E. and curriculum development. Both are seasoned authors too.

    A teacher’s guide has been provided to enable the teacher use this learner’s book.

    ISBN: 9789966012906

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  • Focus on CRE Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh405.55.Current price is: KSh365.00.

    Focus on Christian Religious grade 1 by Joyce W Kimaita, George Owich Muga Focus on Christian Religious Education Activities for Grade One is part of a series of primary school C.R.E. course books. This book is designed to cover the revised Christian Religious Education in the new Competency-Based Curriculum. The key features of this book are: • …

    Focus on CRE Grade 1Read More

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  • Focus on Hygiene and Nutrition Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh322.22.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    FOCUS on hygiene and nutrition is based on hygiene and nutrition activities learning area for Graded 1.the  Book has been developed for the learner and has a variety of activities that the learners can do to enhance their ability to practice hygiene and healthy living.The activities are incorporated In a way that learners will enjoy doing them as they learn. A variety of pictures has also been Incorporated In the relevant places to enhance readability and a better understanding of the concepts. the activities are aligned with the curriculum designs. learning points have also been provided under ‘what I have learned’. to summarize the sub-strand.

    ISBN: 9789966012913

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  • Focus on Hygiene and Nutrition grade 2 by victoria amulega

    Original price was: KSh300.00.Current price is: KSh270.00.

    Focus on Hygiene and Nutrition is based on the Hygiene and Nutrition Activities learning area for Grade 2. The Book has been developed for the learner and has a variety of activities that the learners can do to enhance their ability to practice hygiene and healthy living. The activities are incorporated in a way that learners will enjoy doing them as they learn.

    A variety of pictures has also been incorporated in the relevant places to enhance readability and a better understanding of the concepts. The activities are aligned to the curriculum designs.

    Learning points have also been provided under “what I have learned” to summarise the sub-strand.

    ISBN: 9789966012920

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  • Fool’s Express

    Original price was: KSh355.55.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Wanga is as suave as they come. A good family man who avails whatever his wife demands, and more. Always smartly dressed, seemingly cultured, a man who has ‘arrived. But unknown to many, except his cousin and partner-in-crime Odongo, Wanga is no employee of the sugar factory where he purports to work. How then does …

    Fool’s ExpressRead More

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  • Fool’s Express by Okoth

    Original price was: KSh355.00.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Wanga is as suave as they come. A good family man who avails whatever his wife demands,
    and more. Always smartly dressed, seemingly cultured, a man who has ‘arrived.
    But unknown to many, except his cousin and partner-in-crime Odongo,
    Wanga is no employee of the sugar factory where he purports to work.
    How then does he afford his flashy lifestyle? And where will it lead him and his humorous cousin Odongo?
    Charles O. Okoth is a teacher at Butula Boys High School.
    He was one of the three winners of the Burt Award for African Literature in 2015 and was shortlisted for the same award in 2018. He has authored several acclaimed works of poetry and fiction including Not Now Jimmy Boy!, The Adventures of Thunder and Thunder in Love.

    ISBN: 9789966140043

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  • Fool’s Express Coach 2

    Original price was: KSh355.55.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    “You are under arrest!” The high-flying duo of Wanga Osule and Odongo Mukavi are shocked, when two policemen pounce on them. Reason? They’ve done a lot of havoc round and about the town of Shibale. With a unique show of genius, the two have engaged in the infamous art of ‘separating fools and their money’ as the Bible puts it. Shall they end up scot-free, or in prison Follow them up, as they apply trick after trick in order to escape from the Law, in this riveting story packed with humour and adventure.

    ISBN: 9789966142047

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  • Foolscap Paper Single Ruled

    Original price was: KSh3.00.Current price is: KSh2.50.
  • Football Fan 3l by Muitungu

    Original price was: KSh277.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are twelve storybooks for each class specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern child an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the child has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195734287

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  • Football Fan 3l by Muitungu

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are twelve storybooks for each class specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern child an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the child has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195734287

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  • For Mbatha and Rabeka

    Original price was: KSh622.22.Current price is: KSh560.00.

    For Mbatha and Rabeka Author: David Maillu ISBN:978 9966 630 24 7 Moran Pearls are specifically tailored to address the educational, social and emotional needs of young adults.They are appropriate for secondary school students and adults. Apart from telling stories that will remain relevant for centuries, they present vocabulary and grammar usage

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  • Foundation Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh333.33.Current price is: KSh300.00.

    This is the first Learner’s Rook in the Foundation Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Series for Early Years Education. It is a course hook designed specifically for use by Grade I learners. The main objective of this subject is to equip learners with basic knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote a happy and healthy lifestyle. The …

    Foundation Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Grade 1Read More

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  • Four Friends Moran GR Lv6 by Davis

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    Four Friends Moran GR Lv6

    ISBN: 9789966344380

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  • Four Puppets Moran GR Lv4 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh455.00.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    The Brave and the Coward The Hunchbacked Warrior The Trader and the Merchant
    The Four Puppets The End of Violence

    ISBN: 9789966344236

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  • Four Puppets Moran GR Lv4 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh456.00.Current price is: KSh410.00.
  • Froggie Chura’s Jungle Feast level 5

    Original price was: KSh277.77.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    This story is based on a traditional African folktale. It is expected to delight and amuse young readers while also making them think about a variety of issues relating to life and relationships.

    ISBN: 9789966141484

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  • Fumbo la Wageni

    Original price was: KSh555.55.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    Kalo, anayesomea mjini, anavumbua kinyago maalum chenye uwezo wa kutumia teknologia kuwafukuza tumbiri shambani. Baada ya uvumbuzi huu, wazazi wa Kalo wanahama kijiji  ghafla. Haya yanayokea baada ya wageni fulani wa kiume kuwatembelea wazazi wa Kalo pale mjini. Kalo analazimika kuhama pamoja na wazazi kijijini. Nia yake ya kuwasilisha uvumbuzi wake katika kongamano la Kitaifa …

    Fumbo la WageniRead More

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  • Fun at Home 1 by Moran

    Original price was: KSh255.00.Current price is: KSh230.00.

    Read and Grow makes reading fun. Both early readers and late readers will find it easy to read. The story books are useful for both classroom and home reading. Let the learners learn the appropriate themes, activities, attitudes and words.

    ISBN: 97899663490

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  • furaha ya arope 3f

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    Arope amezoea kwenda malishoni kuwalisha wanyama wao. Baada ya muda kidogo, baba yake anamtaka aende shuleni ili apate elimu. Arope anafika shuleni. Siku moja, mgeni mmoja wa ajabu anakuja shuleni kwa kina Arope. Mgeni huyu anafanya mambo ambayo yanampatia Arope furaha kubwa. Mwishoni Arope anakuwa ”Arope wa Kitabuni”

    ISBN: 9780195739831

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  • FX-570ES Plus Casio Calculator Scientific 2nd edition

    Original price was: KSh3,666.70.Current price is: KSh3,300.00.

    Redesigned ES PLUS series calculators featuring easy-to-understand Natural Textbook Display

    Design Simple and easy to use

    Optimal education tools are realized through a design that emphasizes comfort in the hand, legibility, and usability through the pursuit of simplicity

    Quality Authentic quality

    Excellent quality and authentication ensure confidence and peace of mind for use in educational settings

    Function Natural Textbook Display

    Features Natural Textbook Display format for displaying equations and calculation results just as they appear in textbooks

    Premium content A variety of original CASIO content is available to make learning mathematics fun.

    Users can access this content by registering after the authentication check.

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  • FX-82MS/2nd Edition Casio Calculator

    Original price was: KSh2,333.00.Current price is: KSh2,100.00.

    Make mathematical calculations much easier and more intuitive with the Casio Fx 82MS Scientific Calculator

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  • FX-991ES Plus Casio Calculator Scientific

    Original price was: KSh4,222.23.Current price is: KSh3,800.00.
    • Redesigned ES PLUS series calculators featuring easy-to-understand Natural Textbook Display, Non-Programmable Scientific Calculator with 417 Functions
    • Stylish design but same function as Casio FX-991ESPLUS 1st edition, 10-digit mantissa + 2-digit exponential display
    • Basic Trigonometrical & Statistics Functions, and many more functions
    • Colour coded keypad for easy key differentiation, Simple and easy to use, Comes with new slide on hard case
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  • Gallant Warrior

    Original price was: KSh533.00.Current price is: KSh480.00.
  • Gamba apiga Ngoma

    Original price was: KSh444.44.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    Gamba anapenda kuwatazama luka na Lusi wakipiga ngoma. Gamba anapenda kuimba na kucheza. Hata hivyo, hamu yake ni kupiga ngoma. Isome hadithi hii ugundue jinsi Gamba anavyojitahidi, wakati huo huo akibarudika, kutimiza ndoto yake

    ISBN: 9789966066725

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