





Showing 433–456 of 2644 results

  • Gamba the Gecko wants to Drum

    Original price was: KSh444.44.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    Gamba the Gecko likes to watch Luka and Lusi play their drums. Gamba loves to sing and dance. But what he really wants to do is play the drums. Find out how Gamba works hard (and has fun too!) making his drumming dream come true. Stamp your feet and clap your hands as you join Gamba in the Gecko Echo songs

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  • Game hunters by Mossi

    Original price was: KSh350.00.Current price is: KSh315.00.

    Okumi and Sam absent themselves from work in order to trap game aut Benni
    Farms is in danger of being destroyed by the bushfire the stort. What can Alua do to stop the
    wild bushfire which comes roaring towards his uncle’s farm?
    Moran integrity Readers series has interesting stories that enhance Integrity and life skills of the reader.
    You read, anjou and team. Tities in this series are aimed at ostabiishing a virtuous society.

    ISBN: 9789966631244

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  • Gari la Maria

    Original price was: KSh261.11.Current price is: KSh235.00.
  • Gayo the Footballer 2i by EAEP

    Original price was: KSh211.00.Current price is: KSh190.00.

    Original price was: KSh55.56.Current price is: KSh50.00.
  • Gem Creative Activities – Blue Book

    Original price was: KSh277.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Gem Purple Activity Book

    Original price was: KSh277.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Gemstone Affair

    Original price was: KSh311.00.Current price is: KSh280.00.

    The Junior Readers Series is designed to encourage reading for pleasure and to meet the supplementary reading needs of upper primary school children. Wide and repeated reading of books in the series should enable pupils to automatically improve their written as well as spoken English. “…he suddenly sprang from his seat as if it had burnt him and made a dash for the door. He had reached it before I noticed that he had left a small oilskin pouch. If I had had a chance to hand it over to the bus conductor, this story would never have been written. As it was, without stopping to think, I grabbed the pouch and sprinted after the old man.” This is how Isaac, a home-loving boy, first met Rufusi, the wily old gemstones miner. Find out what happened

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  • Generic Superfine 504 HB pencil per pc

    Original price was: KSh22.00.Current price is: KSh20.00.
  • Ghost and the Fortune Hunters

    Original price was: KSh527.77.Current price is: KSh475.00.
  • Gifted Hands :The Ben Carson Story

    Original price was: KSh655.55.Current price is: KSh590.00.

    In 1987, Dr. Benjamin Carson gained worldwide recognition for his part in the first successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the back of the head. The extremely complex and delicate operation, five months in the planning and twenty-two hours in the execution, involved a surgical plan that Carson helped initiate. Carson pioneered again in …

    Gifted Hands :The Ben Carson StoryRead More

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  • Girl was Mine by Karanja 4 reviews

    Original price was: KSh722.00.Current price is: KSh650.00.

    In The Girl Was Mine, Douglas Kamau struggles to keep Nancy Wanja his girlfriend, but the prevailing forces almost cost him his life. Whether or not Douglas emerges victorious is the ultimate question. The world favours rich tycoons like Tim Matthews and makes them confident that they can have anything they want, even the love of an unwilling young woman. Nancy’s father Waihenya will do anything for money and position.

    ISBN: 9789966468840

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  • Girl with a knot in her hair by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh222.00.Current price is: KSh200.00.

    This is a story about a girl who did not like to comb her hair.
    The little girl’s hair grows into a big knot. The knot is so big that Owl and some other animals move in and make a home. The girl’s friends all run away because the Owl is always hooting and tooting.
    How will the little girl get rid of all the animals in her hair?
    This interesting story teaches the reader about the importance of keeping hair neat and clean.

    ISBN: 9789966075987

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  • Girl with a knot in her hair by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh222.00.Current price is: KSh200.00.

    This is a story about a girl who did not like to comb her hair.
    The little girl’s hair grows into a big knot. The knot is so big that Owl and some other animals move in and make a home. The girl’s friends all run away because the Owl is always hooting and tooting.
    How will the little girl get rid of all the animals in her hair?
    This interesting story teaches the reader about the importance of keeping hair neat and clean.

    ISBN: 9789966075987

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  • Girl with a Vision 7g by David Mulwa

    Original price was: KSh366.00.Current price is: KSh330.00.
  • Girl with a Vision 7g by David Mulwa

    Original price was: KSh366.00.Current price is: KSh330.00.
  • Give her a Chance 4f

    Original price was: KSh283.33.Current price is: KSh255.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are ten readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195730432

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  • Give her a Chance 4f by Oxford

    Original price was: KSh283.00.Current price is: KSh255.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are ten readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195730432

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  • Give the devil his due

    Original price was: KSh322.22.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    In these delightful stories William Boruett has vividly recaptured the humour and the morality of traditional stories. We realize, as we laugh and enjoy them, that we are at the same time learning about history, our culture and how to behave.

    ISBN: 9789966470720

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  • Go for it! 6e

    Original price was: KSh344.44.Current price is: KSh310.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course.
    The readers for each class are specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course.
    Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things.

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  • Go for it! 6e by Moses Auta

    Original price was: KSh310.00.Current price is: KSh280.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course.
    The readers for each class are specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course.
    Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.
    Other titles for Class Six
    – 6a Mr. Canta
    – 6b Champion
    – 6c The Madhouse
    – 6d Hassan the Genie
    – 6f Never Again
    – 6g Hope Restored
    – 6h The Prize!
    – 6g That’s a Deal
    – 6k The Shy Girl
    – 61 Change of Heart
    – 6m The Bird Boy
    – 6n It looks like a goat

    ISBN: 9780195730500

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  • Goat Matata 1d

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Goat Ride 3s by Kariuki

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Goat Ride 3s by Kariuki

    Original price was: KSh277.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    Goat Ride 3s is New progressive primary English readers.

    ISBN: 9780195737868

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