





Showing 577–600 of 2644 results

  • I Can Hear

    Original price was: KSh422.00.Current price is: KSh380.00.

    Exciting senses series book

    This story is for children aged 3-6 years (Pre Primary 1 & 2). It is a book that helps children learn about their senses. 

    This story is for children aged 3-6 years (Pre Primary 1 & 2). It uses simple words to help your child learn to read and build their vocabulary. One and two letter words: I, a , am, my, to, it, of, do, go, on. Three letter words: boy, two, use, cat, hen, are, the, did. Four letter words: have, ears, hear, tell, talk, duck, bees, buzz, bark, bray, says, goat, meow, woof. Five or more letter words: mother, hello, cluck, bleat, quack, donkey, sheep, animals, hee-haw.

    Muthoni Muchemi
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  • I can see by Story Moja

    Original price was: KSh422.00.Current price is: KSh380.00.

    This story uses simple words to help your child learn to read and build their vocabulary.

    One word and two letters words:

    I, a, am, my, to, it, of, do, go, on

    Three letter words:

    two, see, dog, the, use, big, dig, now, put, sit, top

    Four letter words:

    girl, eyes, bone, tick, hole, pile, soil, grow, does, hear, when, want

    Five or more letter words:

    cover, think, cannot


    Enjoy quality time with your child by reading together. Your child will love books for life and learn better if you follow these ten easy steps.

    1. Read with your child in a quite, relaxed setting such as bed time.

    2. Make it fun by reading the whole story with expression. Aim for enjoyment of the story.

    3. The next time you read the story, point to the words as you read.

    4. Check for understanding by asking easy questions about the pictures, characters and story, but please do not turn the session into an examination.

    5. Find something to praise. Be positive. Shower your child with praise.

    6. Read the same story on many occasions.

    7. Over time, encourage your child to try and read words or story to you.

    8. Buy your child a variety of fun books such as picture books, comics, audiobooks and information books.

    9. Show interest in what your child reads, ask questions and talk about stories you read in books.

    10. Inspire your child to rate books highly. Let your child see you reading your own books.

    ISBN: 9789966001634

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  • I Can Smell

    Original price was: KSh422.00.Current price is: KSh380.00.

    A series of exciting emotions This story is for children aged 3-6 years
    (Pre Primary 1 & 2). It is a book that helps children learn about their feelings.

    It uses simple words to help your child learn to read and build their vocabulary.
    One letter and two words.

    Muthoni Muchemi
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  • I See Everything 2f by Oxford ISBN: 9780195730395

    Original price was: KSh278.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.
  • Ian The Crime Buster by Ngumi Kibera

    Original price was: KSh355.00.Current price is: KSh320.00.

    Ian and his mother live a colourless life in an abandoned village. An ordinary adventure on a rainy day leads him into the hands of a dangerous gang, and from that point on his and his mother’s lives are never the same. Read to find out the heroic actions the young man takes in an effort to save his mother that finally earn him the title Ian the Crime Buster.

    Ngumi Kibera is a prolific writer who has published many titles for children and adults. His favourite audience is teenagers, for whom he weaves adventures that are as exciting as they are memorable. He is a past winner of the Jomo Kenyatta Award for Literature. Among his other titles is Worry Not Lisa! also published by Queenex Publishers.

    ISBN: 9789966075499

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  • Ibuku Ria Ngai

    Original price was: KSh1,222.00.Current price is: KSh1,100.00.

    The book sacred to Christians ,  the inspired word of God is now available in GIKUYU Version.

    ISBN: 9789966480514

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  • Idle mind and other Stories by Wairimu

    Original price was: KSh333.00.Current price is: KSh300.00.

    An idle mind and other Stories is a collection of five short stories that are derived from common English sayings. The five stories offer ample lessons to young readers enabling them to confidently use these sayings in developing both their speaking and writing skills.

    All the sayings in this collection draw on positive moral lessons, equipping readers with requisite skills and offering them possibilities in dealing with day-to-day encounters, thus positively changing their lives and their environment.

    ISBN: 9789966100986

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  • IF ONLY (Class 4-8)

    Original price was: KSh283.00.Current price is: KSh255.00.
  • Ill be Back Shortly 7c by Oxford

    Original price was: KSh366.00.Current price is: KSh330.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. There are ten readers for each class with each specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.


    ISBN: 9780195729528

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  • Illustrated First Aid in English

    Original price was: KSh800.00.Current price is: KSh730.00.

    Used wherever the English language is spoken or taught, has proved invaluable in class and as a reference book, both to first language English speakers and to students of English as a second language.Now in full colour, it covers vocabulary, spelling, syntax, idiom and correct usage.

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  • Imarisha Lugha: Hatima ya Musa by Maina

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Musa anadanganywa na marafiki yake dakta. Musa anaishi kupoteza karo ya shule kupitia mchezo wa kamari ila anazidi kuendelea Kuucheza. Hatimaye anakamatwa na polisi na kupelekwa kwenye kituo cha polisi. Je, hatima ya musa ni ipi? Soma hadithi hii ya kusisimua ajue yanayompata Musa

    ISBN: 9789966115140

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  • Imarisha Lugha: Kade na Katana by Queenex

    Original price was: KSh244.00.Current price is: KSh220.00.

    ” Mwanangu, je wajua mtoto ukimwachia pilipili ataila? Tena kwa mikono, miguu hadi hata mashavu? Ukali wa pilipili umwingie ata machoni?”

    Nyanya aliwahadithia wajukuu wake kupitia kwa ngano. Kade alimsaliti ndugu yake Katana na kujipandisha cheo . Lakini baraka za mja hazizibwi hata kwa ukuta. Hatima ya ndugu hawa itakuwa ipi?

    ISBN : 9789966115102

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  • Imarisha Lugha: Rehema awanasa wezi by Yahya Mutuku

    Original price was: KSh322.00.Current price is: KSh290.00.

    Ni siku chache zimesalia shule ya msingi ya Darajani ifungwe.
    Walimu na wafanyakazi wote wana mkutano wa mwisho wa mwaka.
    Rehema kiranja mkuu anagundua kuwa wageni wanaofika shuleni si wageni wazuri.
    Wameingia maktabani na wanaendelea kuiba vitabu. Je, Rehema atapata wapi ujasiri na maarifa ya kupambana na wezi?
    Na je, atawaweza wezi hao ambao tayari wamepakia vitabu katika magunia? Hii ni hadithi isiyoweza kusomwa mara moja.
    Anza sasa hivi!
    Yahya mutuu ni mwandishi wa vitabu vingi miongoni mwavyo: Siri ya Baba yangu kitabu cha kwanza. Mwisho wa Ujambazl,
    Sungura Hakimu na hadithi nyingine, Wema wa Sofi na Hadithi Nyingine na vingine vingi.

    ISBN: 9789966115027

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  • In the Nick of Time 8h by Oxford

    Original price was: KSh405.00.Current price is: KSh365.00.
  • Incredible Surprise

    Original price was: KSh644.00.Current price is: KSh580.00.

    Incredible Surprise

    In this book, young writers from different parts of our country emphasise the values that will help us build a better society for all – a society that values each of its members and takes care of all our needs. With their essays and stories, they highlight the importance of honesty, integrity, love, respect, responsibility, kindness, patriotism, hard work and friendship. They encourage us to cultivate these virtues within ourselves and within our communities because it will take effort from all of us to make the kind of world we want to live in.


    The Storymoja Quest to Publish Children continues to empower young writers to use the power of storytelling and good writing skills to make a difference. May we all keep using our voices to tell our stories and call for the change we want.

    Multiple Authors
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  • Index Through Book A4 3 Quire

    Original price was: KSh600.00.Current price is: KSh500.00.

    Index through books with its alphabetical tabs are ideal for listing contacts, contact details, or documenting any kind of information requiring an alphabetical approach making it easier to locate information in the future.

    • 3 Quire
    • Pages:288
    • Size:A4
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  • India Waterproof Drawing Ink (superfine)

    Original price was: KSh444.00.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    India Waterproof Drawing Ink (superfine)

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  • Inheritance by David Mulwa

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    Action starts at the pre-colonial Africa in the Kutula Colony. King Kotula XV is a benevolent traditional ruler who forsakes technological sophistication in favour of social cohesion and meaningful development for all his fellow citizens. However, the Queen’s representatives – Thorne Macay and Bishop Henninger – do not like King Kutula’s leadership style especially because the British empire does not stand to gain in this arrangement Soon they hatch plans for the murder of the king in the hands of the heartless and power-thirsty son. Lacuna Kasoo. Kotula Colony Is later transformed into a republic with the leader, Lakuna Kasoo, and his cronies salivating to enrich themselves at the expense of national development. They grab whatever comes their way: land, money, power and life. They kill at will and are seen as irreparable moral reprobates. Lakuna Kasoo gets more and more dictatorial and isolated and he is finally deposed in a bloodless civil revolution. There is change and hope as Princess Sangoi, the new popular leader, summarises the new spirit of rebirth:

    let it never be said that our new world was built on the madness of the old.’

    ISBN: 9789966498595

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  • Insulating Tape

    Original price was: KSh111.11.Current price is: KSh100.00.
  • Intensive CBC Encyclopedia Grade 2

    Original price was: KSh1,483.33.Current price is: KSh1,335.00.

    Intensive Encyclopaedia Grade Two is a book developed in line with the New Competency Based Curriculum. It aims at equipping learners with hands-on skills as opposed to the knowledge based curriculum. The book is a one-stop source of learning activities for all the subjects taught in Grade Two

    ISBN: 9789966178428

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  • Intensive CBC Encyclopedia Grade 3

    Original price was: KSh1,550.00.Current price is: KSh1,395.00.

    Intensive Encyclopaedia Grade Three is a book developed in line with the New Competency Based Curriculum. It aims at equipping learners with hands-on skills as opposed to the knowledge based curriculum. The book is a one-stop source of learning activities for all the subjects taught in Grade Three.

    ISBN: 9789966135582

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  • Intensive Encyclopedia CBC Grade 1

    Original price was: KSh1,355.55.Current price is: KSh1,220.00.

    Intensive Encyclopaedia Grade One is a new book development in line with New Competency Based Curriculum.It aims at equiping learners with hand on activities which are aimed at developing skills as opposed to the knowledge based curriculum.The book is a one-stop source of on learning activities for all the subjects taught in grade one.

    ISBN: 2010133001137

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  • Intensive Encyclopedia CBC Grade 4 by Intensive

    Intensive Encyclopaedia Grade Four is a new book developed in line with the new Competency Based Curriculum. It aims at equipping learners with hands-on experience which is aimed at developing skills as opposed to the knowledge based curriculum. The book is a one-stop source of learning activities for all the subjects taught in Grade Four,

    > It strictly follows the curriculum design as recommended by the K.I.C.D.

    > Has a variety of activities in all the learning areas.

    > Has a variety of real life pictures that are appealing to the learners.

    > Has varied activities which make it easier for the learners to do extensive work on their own.

    ISBN: 9789914401820

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  • Intensive Encyclopedia CBC Grade 5

    Original price was: KSh1,444.00.Current price is: KSh1,300.00.

    ntensive Encyclopaedia Grade Five is a book developed in line with the New Competency Based Curriculum. It aims at equipping learners with hands-on skills as opposed to the knowledge based curriculum. The book is a one-stop source of learning activities for all the subjects taught in Grade Five.

    ISBN: 9789914404913

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