
Showing 601–624 of 2644 results

  • Intensive Encyclopedia CBC Pre-Primary 1

    Original price was: KSh905.55.Current price is: KSh815.00.

    Intensive Encyclopaedia PP1 is a book developed in line with the New Competency Based Curriculum. It aims at equipping learners with hands-on skills as opposed to the knowledge based curriculum. The book is a one-stop source of learning activities for all the subjects taught in PP1.

    ISBN: 9789914998009

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  • Intensive Encyclopedia Grade 6

    Original price was: KSh1,333.00.Current price is: KSh1,200.00.

    Intensive Encyclopaedia Grade Six is a book developed in line with the New Competency Based Curriculum. It aims at equipping learners with hands-on skills as opposed to the knowledge based curriculum. The book is a one-stop source of learning activities for all the subjects taught in Grade Six.

    ISBN: 9789914998092

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  • Inventor Secondary Business Studies Form 1

    Original price was: KSh622.00.Current price is: KSh560.00.
  • Inventor Secondary Business Studies Form 2 by KLB

    Original price was: KSh711.00.Current price is: KSh640.00.

    Inventor Secondary Business Studies is a comprehensive, accessible and flexible coursebook for students of Business Studies. In order to make the subject more interesting and easy to comprehend, the book handles business concepts and current trends with exceptional vigour, logical flow of topics and an attractive language and style. It contains up-to-date examples and illustrations to enable the learner to appreciate how business concepts apply to real world situations. One of the key strengths of Inventor Secondary Business Studies Form Two is that it comprehensively covers the revised syllabus. The exercises, at the end of each chapter provide the learner with an opportunity to test his/her understanding of the key concepts considered in each chapter. A comprehensive subject index and glossary are provided for ease of reference.

    ISBN: 9789966448095

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  • Inventor Secondary Business Studies Form 3 by Nyaga

    Original price was: KSh839.00.Current price is: KSh755.00.
  • Inventory Book

    Original price was: KSh88.88.Current price is: KSh80.00.

    Original price was: KSh33.33.Current price is: KSh30.00.
  • Isaac, the Promised Son

    Original price was: KSh338.00.Current price is: KSh305.00.

    Isaac the Promised Son
    Author: Sabwa and Rotich
    ISBN: 978 9966 346 88 9
    Do you remember the story of Abraham God had promised him many children. However, he lived for many years
    without getting a child. But Finally God gave him a son.

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  • It is sunny today by Story Moja by Muchemi

    Original price was: KSh444.00.Current price is: KSh400.00.
  • It looks like a goat

    Original price was: KSh305.00.Current price is: KSh275.00.
  • It’s a Set-up ! 8R by Frank Odoi

    Original price was: KSh361.00.Current price is: KSh325.00.

    The NPPE Reading Scheme forms an important part of the New Progressive Primary English (NPPE) course. The readers for each class are specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course. Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.

    ISBN: 9780195738766

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  • Jaribu’s Choice 4M

    Original price was: KSh272.00.Current price is: KSh245.00.

    he readers for each class are specially written to emphasize specific language skills learnt in the main course.
    Here is a reading scheme that offers the modern pupil an excellent mix of graded stories all packed with many exciting things. Now the pupil has fun that’s built to last.
    Other titles for Class Four
    4a Mister Todi
    4b Ken Karo the Champion
    4c A Shocking Landing
    4d Moto Farm
    4e No Escape
    4f Giver Her a Chance
    4g The King of All Fish
    4h A for AIDS
    4j The New Boy
    4k Caught in the wax
    41 Home at Last!

    ISBN: 9780195739282

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  • Jasper’s Tasks

    Original price was: KSh455.00.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    Jasper?s Tasks
    Author: Ethel
    ISBN: 978 9966 344 33 5
    This is a story of one king who had only one child: a daughter. As years went by, the king thought of fi nding an appropriate suitor for his daughter so that after his death,

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  • Je huu in Uungwana? by Mambo Mbotela

    Original price was: KSh400.00.Current price is: KSh360.00.

    Je, huu ni uungwana? 8b  ni kitabu kinacholenga wanafunzi wa Darasa la Nane katika shule za msingi ili kuendeleza na kukuza uwezo wao wa kusoma.  Miongoni mwa sifa za kipekee za kitabu hiki ni:

    masimulizi rahisi ya hadithi kwa njia ya shajara, tawasifu, barua, utambaji wa hadithi, mbinu rejeshi, hotuba    kuingiza ucheshi katika maandishi kupitia masimulizi, dagolojia, misemo, methali. taharuki, tashihisi. tanakati za sauti, kejeli, vichekesho na     picha za rangi zenye kusisimua.   kuwapitisha na kuwatea wanafunzi katika mazingira ya afya, madawa ya kulevya, siasa. unyumba. ujirani mwema. uvumilivu, uadilifu. haki za watoto, kazi,uwajibikaji, utu, adabu, teknolojia, habari na mawasiliano.  Mradi wa Kusoma ni mfutulizo wa vitabu vya ziada unaoambatana na kozi ya Kiswahili Sanifu.


    ISBN: 9780195733051

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    Original price was: KSh277.00.Current price is: KSh250.00.

    Original price was: KSh888.00.Current price is: KSh800.00.
    • Classic number block stacking
    • Stack-crashing game
    • 54 pieces
    • Made of wood, offer heavy hand feeling and exquisite texture
    • Classic number block stacking.
    • 54 pcs Stack-crashing game.
    • Pull out a block and stack it kindly on the top without crashing the tower.
    • Win by being the last player to remove a block without causing the stack to crash.
    • Or the previous player crashed the tower while removing a block.
    • The game playing method is decided by throwing dices, how many dices you want, or how to deal with the num you got, addition, subtraction or multiplication, all are up to you before the game begins.
    • Made of wood, offer heavy hand feeling and exquisite texture
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  • Jicho La Ndani-Said A Mohamed

    Original price was: KSh722.00.Current price is: KSh650.00.
  • Jifunze Kiswahili kitabu cha kwanza by Muriithi

    Original price was: KSh444.00.Current price is: KSh400.00.

    Kitabu hiki kimeandikwa kuwasaidia watoto kusoma Lugha ya Kiswahili, kuwawezesha kushikananisha Vokali na konsonanti kwa njia ya urahisi. Mazoezi kwa kusikiliza, kusoma na kuandika yanaendelea katika kitabu hiki.

    ISBN: 996698710X                                                                                        

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  • Jifunze Kiswahili Kitabu Cha Pili

    Original price was: KSh355.00.Current price is: KSh320.00.
  • Jitu Latingisha Ardhi by Story Moja by Muthoni Muchemi

    Original price was: KSh533.00.Current price is: KSh480.00.

    Onyango anapotelea msituni anapocheza na marafiki zake wanne katika kitongoji kimojawapo cha jiji la Nairobi. Msitu huo ni makao ya Chakaa-chakachaka, jitu lenye nywele kote mwilini, ambalo mlo wake linaloupenda zaidi ni watoto. Baada ya kupata mashauri kutoka kwa mtu mmoja ambaye ndiye wa pekee aliyewahi kunusurika kifo alipozuiliwa na jitu, marafiki wanne wanafunga safari ya kutisha kuenda kumtafuta Onyango kwa azimio wanaloliita 000! Oparesheni Okoa Onyango! Watoto hao wanakumbwa na kizingiti baada ya kizingiti, kama vile, kukabiliana na mamba, fisi na wanyama wengine hatari mno.Wakielekea pangoni mwa jitu. Je, watawahi kumwokoa Onyango kabla hajafanywa na jitu kuwa nyama choma? Ni vipi watakavyolikabili jitu lile la kutisha? Je, watanusurika kifo?

    ISBN: 9789966001573

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  • JK Photocopy Paper A4 White

    Original price was: KSh1,000.00.Current price is: KSh900.00.
  • JKF Foundation Agriculture Grade 6 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    Foundation Agriculture is meant to equip learners with knowledge, skills and attitudes for production of indigenous and exotic crops, and domestic animals through innovative agricultural practices to enhance food security using limited resources. It builds on competencies introduced in Early Years Education under Environmental Activities.

    ISBN: 9789966512093

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  • JKF Foundation Agriculture Grade 7 by JKF

    Original price was: KSh516.00.Current price is: KSh465.00.

    Foundation Agriculture for Grade Seven is meant to equip learners with knowledge, skills and attitudes for conservation of agricultural environment, crop production, as well as animal production through innovative agricultural technologies using limited resources to enhance food security. It builds on the competencies introduced in Upper Primary meant to contribute to human capacity development.

    This is the first book in the Agriculture Series for Junior Secondary. It is a course book designed specifically for use by Grade 7 learners.

    Its unique features include:

    -Adequate coverage of the curriculum design with learning activities and assessment exercises at the end of each sub strand for self-evaluation on applicable knowledge and skills gained.

    -Adequate explanatory illustrations that give opportunities for learners to develop core competencies.

    -A variety of suitable learning experiences that make learning of Agriculture interesting and enjoyable together with development of relevant positive values.

    -Suggestions on use of improvised teaching resources from the local environment have been made.

    -Use of simple, clear and concise language that is appropriate to the level of the learner with an attractive layout that promotes easy use and reading.

    ISBN: 9789966512536

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  • JKF Foundation Agriculture Learner’s Grade 5 (Approved) by R.Opuko, J. Mwanzia and L. Mulunda

    Original price was: KSh488.00.Current price is: KSh440.00.

    Foundation Agriculture is meant to equip learners with knowledge, skills, and attitudes for the production of indigenous and exotic crops, and domestic animals through innovative agricultural practices to enhance food security using limited resources. It builds on competencies introduced in Early Years Education under Environmental Activities.

    This is the second book in the new Agriculture Series for Upper Primary. It is a course book designed specifically for use by Grade 5 learners.
    Its unique features include:
    • Adequate coverage of the curriculum design with special emphasis given to pertinent and contemporary issues (PCIS) including citizenship, health education, life skills and values education, education for sustainable development, non formal education, parental empowerment and engagement, and community service learning.
    • Adequate opportunities for the learners to develop core competencies including communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and imagination, citizenship, digital literacy, learning to learn, and self-efficacy.
    • A variety of suitable learning experiences that make learning of Agriculture interesting and enjoyable together with development of relevant positive values.
    • Suggestions on use of improvised learning resources from the local environment have been made.
    • Use of simple language that is appropriate to the level of the learner, a variety of illustrations done in full colour, an attractive layout that promotes easy use and reading making the book learner-friendly.

    The book has been written after extensive research by authors with wide teaching experience in primary schools and teachers’ training colleges.

    ISBN: 9789966511942

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