
Showing 2185–2208 of 2644 results

  • Spotlight Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Grade 4 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh627.78.Current price is: KSh565.00.

    Kinalenga kumsaidia mwanafunzi kutumia vifaa vya teknolojia kama vile video, redio na tabuleti katika kurahisisha ujifunzaji.

    *  Mbinu tofauti za ujifunzaji zimejumuishwa kama vile kazi mradi, shughuli nje ya darasa, kumwalika mgeni, kutumia nyimbo, mashairi, kumhusisha mzazi au mlezi, uchoraji na ujifunzaji katika vikundi. Mbinu hizi zinasaidia kuujenga umilisi wa mwanafunzi.

    * Mada na shughuli za ujifunzaji zimeshughulikia masuala mtambuko na kumsisitizia mwanafunzi maadili.

    * Kitebu cha mwalimu kipo ili kumpa mapendekezo katika ufunzaji.

    ISBN: 9789966572165 SKU: 2010127000813

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  • Spotlight Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Grade 4 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh583.00.Current price is: KSh525.00.

    Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi ya Nne kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumwezesha mwanafunzi kumudu mtaala huu unaolenga umilisi kwa nijia sahili, yenye mvuto na ya kumjumuisha moja kwa moja kwenye shughuli za ujifunzaji.

    Kitabu hiki:

    * Kimeshughulikia mada kwa namna ambayo inamwezesha mwanafunzi kushiriki kikamilifu katika ujifunzaji.

    * Mada na shughuli za ujifunzaji zimeteuliwa kwa uangalifu ili kumjengea mwanafunzi umilisi wa aina mbalimbali.

    * Kina mazoezi na mijarabu anuwai ya kumtathmini mwanafunzi.

    * Kina picha halisi na michoro ya kuvutia inayosaidia katika uelewa wa mada.

    * Kinalenga kumsaidia mwanafunzi kutumia vifaa vya teknolojia kama vile video, redio na tabuleti katika kurahisisha ujifunzaji.

    *  Mbinu tofauti za ujifunzaji zimejumuishwa kama vile kazi mradi, shughuli nje ya darasa, kumwalika mgeni, kutumia nyimbo, mashairi, kumhusisha mzazi au mlezi, uchoraji na ujifunzaji katika vikundi. Mbinu hizi zinasaidia kuujenga umilisi wa mwanafunzi.

    * Mada na shughuli za ujifunzaji zimeshughulikia masuala mtambuko na kumsisitizia mwanafunzi maadili.

    * Kitebu cha mwalimu kipo ili kumpa mapendekezo katika ufunzaji.

    ISBN: 9789966572165

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  • Spotlight Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Gredi 2

    Original price was: KSh666.66.Current price is: KSh600.00.

    Toleo hili Jipya la Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi ya 2 limeandaliwa kwa upekee zaidi ili kumwezesha mwanafunzi kumudu na kujifunza stadi nne za mtaala mpya wa Kiswahili, zikiwemo: Kusikiliza na Kuzungumza, Kusoma, Kuandika na Sarufi.

    Kitabu hiki kimejumuisha vipengele vipya vya kuandika na kusoma ambavyo havikuwepo awali. Mbali na kuzingatia mtaala mpya wa Kiswahili uliofanyiwa marekebisho, 2022, kimeandikwa kwa njia sahili na yenye mvuto.

    ISBN: 9789966573728

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  • Spotlight Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Gredi 8 (Approved) by Spotlight

    Original price was: KSh1,095.00.Current price is: KSh985.00.

    Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi ya 8 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi kuzingatia Mtaala wa Umilisi wa Gredi ya 8. Kitabu hiki kitamwezesha mwanafunzi kumudu stadi za Kusikiliza na Kuzungumza, Kusoma, Kuandika na Sarufi kwa njia inayoafiki kiwango chake.


    Kitabu hiki cha mwanafunzi kina mazoezi na mijarabu anuwai, kama vile:
    -Shughuli kwa Mwanafunzi

    -Shughuli ya Wanafunzi Wawiliwawili

    -Shughuli ya Vikundi

    -Shughuli ya Nyumbani

    -Shughuli ya Ziada

    -Tamthmini ya Mwisho wa Mada

    Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi ya 8 kina Mwongozo wa Mwalimu unaoandamana nacho ili kumwongoza mwalimu na kumpa mapendekezo ya ufunzaji.

    ISBN: 9789966573834

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  • Spotlight Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Mwanafunzi Grade 6

    Original price was: KSh777.00.Current price is: KSh700.00.

    Kurunzi ya Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi Gredi ya 6 kimeandaliwa kwa ustadi ili kumwezesha mwanafunzi kumudu mtalaa mpya unaolenga umilisi kwa njia sahili, yenye mvuto na ya kumjumuisha moja kwa moja kwenye shughuli za ufunzaji na ujifunzaji.

    ISBN: 9789966572882

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  • Spotlight Life Skills Education Grade 7 (Approved) by Spotlight

    Original price was: KSh666.00.Current price is: KSh600.00.

    Spotlight Life Skills Education Learner’s Book Grade 7 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 7 learners in understanding basic Health Education concepts. It comprehensively covers the Life Skills Grade 7 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.

    ISBN: 9789966573506

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  • Spotlight Mathematical Activities PP1

    Original price was: KSh461.00.Current price is: KSh415.00.

    Spotlight Mathematical Activities Pupil’s Book Pre-Primary I has been uniquely designed to greatly benefit Pre-Primary 1 pupils handling New Curriculum Mathematical Activities. It comprehensively covers the Pre-Primary 1 Mathematical Activities Curriculum Design as per the Competence-based Curriculum introduced by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in 2017. It is presented in a clear. simple and precise language that makes !coming stimulating and Interesting.


    Key Features of the Book:

    •  Covers all the Curriculum Design’s strands, sub strands and learning outcomes of the Pre-Primary 1 competence-based curriculum.
    •  Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities within the level of the learners.
    •  All mathematical concepts and competence, are addressed per curriculum demands.
    • Encourages authentic and realistic understanding of mathematical concepts by use of practical and group work activities with examples.
    • Attractive full colour illustrations are used to clarify mathematical concepts.
    • Uses ICT devices to make learning enjoyable.
    • Develops concepts by using environment and real life experiences to foster skills attitude and values In learners.


    ISBN: 9789966571809

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  • Spotlight Mathematical Activities PP1 by Spotlight Publishers

    Original price was: KSh464.00.Current price is: KSh410.00.

    Spotlight Mathematical Activities Pupil’s Book Pre-Primary I has been uniquely designed to greatly benefit Pre-Primary 1 pupils handling New Curriculum Mathematical Activities. It comprehensively covers the Pre-Primary 1 Mathematical Activities Curriculum Design as per the Competence-based Curriculum introduced by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in 2017. It is presented in a clear. simple and precise language that makes !coming stimulating and Interesting.


    Key Features of the Book:

    •  Covers all the Curriculum Design’s strands, sub strands and learning outcomes of the Pre-Primary 1 competence-based curriculum.
    •  Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities within the level of the learners.
    •  All mathematical concepts and competence, are addressed per curriculum demands.
    • Encourages authentic and realistic understanding of mathematical concepts by use of practical and group work activities with examples.
    • Attractive full colour illustrations are used to clarify mathematical concepts.
    • Uses ICT devices to make learning enjoyable.
    • Develops concepts by using environment and real life experiences to foster skills attitude and values In learners.


    ISBN: 9789966571809

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  • Spotlight Mathematical Activities Pre-Primary 2 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh528.00.Current price is: KSh476.00.

    Spotlight Mathematics Activities Learner’s Book Pre-Primary 2 has been uniquely
    designed to greatly benefit Pre-Primary 2 pupils handling New Curriculum Mathematics Activities.
    It comprehensively covers the Pre-Primary 2 Mathematics Activities Curriculum Design as per the
    Competency-Based Curriculum introduced by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in 2017.
    It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.
    Key Features of the Book:
    Covers all the Curriculum Design’s strands, sub-strands and learning outcomes of the
    Pre-Primary 2 Competency-Based curriculum. Relevant learning experiences are provided in the form of activities within the level of the learners. All mathematical concepts and competencies are addressed per curriculum demands. Encourages authentic and realistic understanding of mathematical concepts by the use of practical and group work activities with examples. Attractive full-colour illustrations are used to clarify mathematical concepts. Uses ICT devices to make learning enjoyable. Develops concepts by using the environment and real-life experiences to foster skills, attitude and values in learners.
    Numerous and relevant Assessment Activities have been carefully developed per substrand.
    Practice Work activities and Activities assess developed concepts for the respective learning outcome.
    Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts,
    core competencies, values and Pertinent Contemporary Issues (PCls).

    ISBN: 9789966571786

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  • Spotlight Mathematics Grade 7 (Approved) by Spotlight

    Original price was: KSh838.00.Current price is: KSh755.00.

    Spotlight Mathematics Learner’s Book Grade 7 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 7 learners in understanding basic Health Education concepts. It comprehensively covers the Mathematics Grade 7 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.

    ISBN: 9789966573384

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  • Spotlight Mathematics Grade 8 by Spotlight

    Original price was: KSh1,005.00.Current price is: KSh905.00.

    Spotlight Mathematics Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 8 learners to understand Mathematics concepts. It comprehensively covers the Mathematics Grade 8 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. The book is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.

    Key features of the book:

    -Covers all the Mathematics Curriculum Design’s strands, sub strands and learning outcomes of the Grade 8 Competency-Based Curriculum.

    -Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities within the level of the learners.

    -All mathematical concepts and competencies are adequately addressed.

    -Encourages authentic and realistic understanding of mathematical concepts by use of practical and group work activities with examples.

    -Attractive full colour illustrations are used to clarify mathematical concepts.

    -Develops concepts by using environment and real life experiences to foster skills, attitude and values in learners.

    -Detailed guidance on use of digital media to make learning enjoyable.

    -Numerous and relevant Assessment Activities have been carefully developed per sub strand. Practice Work has been provided for each Activity to assess developed concepts for the respective learning outcome. Assessment Activity is provided at the end of each sub strand for formative assessment.

    -Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competencies, values and Pertinent Contemporary Issues (PCIs).

    -A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

    ISBN: 9789966573858

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  • Spotlight Mathematics Learner’s Book Grade 5 (Approved) by A. Njeru, R. Mwangi and B. Tinega

    Original price was: KSh617.00.Current price is: KSh555.00.

    Spotlight Mathematics Learner’s Book Grade 5 has been uniquely designed to greatly benefit Grade Five learners in handling Mathematics in line with the New Curriculum. It comprehensively covers the Grade 5 Mathematics Curriculum Design as per the CompetencyBased Curriculum. It is presented in a clear, simple, and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.
    Key features of the book:
    • Covers all the Curriculum Design’s strands, sub-strands, and learning outcomes of the Grade 5 competency-based curriculum.
    • Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities within the level of the learners.
    • All mathematical concepts and competencies are addressed.
    • Encourages authentic and realistic understanding of mathematical concepts by use of practical and group work activities with examples.
    • Attractive full-colour illustrations are used to clarify mathematical concepts.
    • Develops concepts by using the environment and real-life experiences to foster skills, attitudes, and values in learners. • Detailed guidance for use of digital media to make learning enjoyable.
    • Numerous and relevant Assessment Activities have been carefully developed per sub-strand. Practice Work has been provided for each Activity to assess developed concepts for the respective learning outcome. Revision Activity is provided at the end of each sub-strand for formative assessment.
    • Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based, and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competencies, values, and Pertinent Contemporary Issues (PCls).
    • A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

    ISBN: 9789966572431

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  • Spotlight Mathematics Learner’s Grade 4 by Mwangi

    Original price was: KSh688.00.Current price is: KSh620.00.

    Spotlight Mathematics Learner’s Book Grade 4 has been uniquely designed to greatly benefit Grade 4 learners in handling the New Mathematics Curriculum. It comprehensively covers the Grade 4 Mathematics Curriculum Design as per the Competency-Based Curriculum. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.

    Key Features of the Book:

    * Covers all the Curriculum Design’s strands, sub-strands and learning outcomes of the Grade 4 Competency-Based Curriculum.

    * Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities within the level of the learners.

    * All mathematical concepts and competencies are addressed as per the curriculum demands.

    * Encourages authentic and realistic understanding of mathematical concepts by use of practical and group work activities with examples.

    * Attractive full colour illustrations are used to clarify mathematical concepts.

    * Develops concepts by using environment and real life experiences to foster skills, attitude and values in learners.

    * Numerous and relevant Assessment Activities have been carefully developed per sub-strand. Practice Activities are provided for each Activity to assess developed concepts for respective learning outcome. Assessment Activity is provided at the end of each sub-strand for formative assessment.

    * Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competencies, values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PClIs).

    * A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

    ISBN: 9789966572226

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  • Spotlight Mathematics Learner’s Grade 6

    Original price was: KSh711.00.Current price is: KSh640.00.

    Spotlight Mathematics Learner’s Book Grade 6 has been uniquely designed to  greatly benefit Grade Six learners in handling Mathematics in line with the New Curriculum. It comprehensively covers the Grade 6 Mathematics Curriculum Design as per the Competency-Based Curriculum. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.

    ISBN: 9789966572868

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  • Spotlight Mathematics Workbook Grade 1 by Spotlight Publishers

    Original price was: KSh388.88.Current price is: KSh350.00.
  • Spotlight Music Learner’s Book Grade 5 (Approved) by P. Kimathi, J. Omare

    Original price was: KSh522.00.Current price is: KSh470.00.

    Spotlight Music Learner’s Book Grade 5 has been uniquely designed to greatly benefit Grade 5 learners in handling the Grade 5 Music Curriculum. It comprehensively covers Grade 5 Music Curriculum Design as per the Competency-Based Curriculum. It is presented in a clear, simple, and precise language that makes learning interesting.
    Key features of the book:
    • Covers all the strands, sub-strands, and learning outcomes of the Music Grade 5 Competency-Based Curriculum Design.
    • Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities within the level of the learners.
    • Encourages learner-centered learning approaches by use of practical and group-work activities with examples.
    • Attractive full-colour illustrations are used to clarify musical concepts.
    • Develops concepts by using the learner’s environment and real-life experiences to foster skills, attitudes, and values in learners.
    • Numerous and relevant Assessment Activities have been carefully developed per sub-strand.
    • Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based, and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls).
    • A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

    ISBN: 9789966572578

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  • Spotlight Music Learner’s Grade 6 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh644.00.Current price is: KSh580.00.

    Spotlight Music Learner’s Book Grade 6 has been uniquely designed to greatly ,benefit Grade 6 learners in handling the Grade 6 Music Curriculum. It comprehensively covers Grade 6 Music Curriculum Design as per the Competency-Based Curriculum. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning interesting.


    ISBN: 9789966573001

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  • Spotlight Physical and Health Education Grade 6 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh722.00.Current price is: KSh650.00.

    Spotlight Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book Grade 6 has been uniquely designed to equip the learner with skills, values and competencies that will enable him or her to navigate through the learning environment. The book will greatly help the learner to develop creativity and nurture sports talent.

    ISBN: 9789966573049

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  • Spotlight Physical and Health Education Learne’s Grade 5 (Approved) by S. Chege, I. Njuguna, E. Njue

    Original price was: KSh617.00.Current price is: KSh550.00.

    Spotlight Physical and Health Education Learner’s Book Grade 5 has been uniquely designed to equip the learner with skills, values, and competencies that will enable him or her to navigate through the learning environment. The book will greatly help the learner to develop creativity and nurture sports talent.
    Key features of the book:
    • Covers all the strands, sub-strands, and learning outcomes of the Physical and Health Education Grade 5 Competency-Based Curriculum.
    • Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of activities and drills within the level of the learners.
    • Has activities and drills that encourage the performance of physical and health activities for enjoyment, survival, and self-actualization.
    • Has enough digital activities where links have been provided for learners to watch videos. The videos provide more information, engage learners, bring about easier understanding of concepts and make the learning of Physical and Health Education interesting.
    • Allows learners to improvise a variety of play equipment and use tactical and social skills in outdoor activities for existence and personal development.
    • Attractive full-color illustrations are used to clarify Physical and Health Education concepts.
    • Develops concepts by using learner’s environment and real-life experiences to foster skills,
    attitudes, and values in learners.
    • Revision exercises are provided for each sub-strand for formative assessment.
    • Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based, and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competencies, values, and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls).
    • A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

    ISBN: 9789966572615

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  • Spotlight Physical Education & Sports Grade 7 (Approved) by Spotlight

    Original price was: KSh738.00.Current price is: KSh665.00.

    Spotlight Physical Education and Sports Learner’s Book Grade 7 has been developed to help the learner incorporate the experiences and skills gained in Upper Primary, It also introduces new knowledge and skills such as evaluation of the fitness components developed during learning. The book exposes the learners to muttiple skills in a variety of games. This will lay a foundation for the sports pathway in Senior School.

    ISBN: 9789966573469

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  • Spotlight Pre-Technical Studies Grade 7 by Spotlight

    Original price was: KSh777.00.Current price is: KSh700.00.

    Spotlight Pre-Technical Studies Learner’s Book Grade 7 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 7 learners in understanding basic Pre-Technical Studies concepts in line with the new curriculum. It comprehensively covers the Pre- Technical Studies Grade 7 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning interesting.

    ISBN: 9789966573520

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  • Spotlight Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 (Approved) by Spotlight

    Original price was: KSh911.00.Current price is: KSh820.00.

    Spotlight Pre-Technical Studies Learner’s Book Grade 8 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 8 learners in understanding basic Pre-Technical Studies concepts in line with the curriculum. It comprehensively covers the Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. The book is presented in a clear, simple and precise language to make learning interesting.

    Key features of the book:

    -Relevant learning experiences have been provided in form of learning tasks, exercises, digital tasks, further learning tasks and key learning points. All these are within the level of the learner.

    -All Pre-Technical Studies concepts and skills have been addressed as per curriculum demands.

    -Fosters understanding of Pre-Technical Studies Grade 8 concepts by use of real-life concepts, research, practice and outdoor tasks.

    -Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competences, values and Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls).

    -Attractive full colour illustrations and relevant clear photographs have been used to clarify Pre-Technical Studies concepts.

    -Assessment questions and self-assessment checklists have been provided at the end of each sub strand to encourage self and peer assessment of taught concepts.

    -A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

    ISBN: 9789966573971

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  • Spotlight Science and Technology Grade 4 (Approved) by Wasonga, Mwarangu

    Original price was: KSh627.78.Current price is: KSh565.00.

    Spotlight Science and Technology Learner’s Book Grade 4 has been uniquely designed to help Grade 4 learners in understanding basic Science and Technology concepts. It comprehensively covers the Science and Technology Grade 4 Designs as per the Competency-Based Curriculum. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning interesting.

    Key Features of the Book:

    * Covers all the strands, sub-strands and learning outcomes of the Science and Technology Grade 4 Curriculum Design.

    * Relevant learning experiences are provided in form of Activities, Home Activities, Digital Activities and Points to note. All these are within the level of the learners.

    * All Science and Technology Grade 4 concepts and competencies are addressed per the curriculum demands.

    * Fosters understanding of Science and Technology Grade 4 concepts by use of practical activities, group work activities and project work.

    * Learner-centred approaches, discovery-based and inquiry-based activities have been applied to develop concepts, core competences, Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCls) and values. :

    * Attractive full colour illustrations and relevant clear photographs have been used to clarify Science and Technology concepts.

    * A Revision Activity is provided in each sub-strand to assess developed concepts.

    * A Teacher’s Guide is available for this title.

    ISBN: 9789966572202

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  • Spotlight Science and Technology Grade 6 (Approved)

    Original price was: KSh689.00.Current price is: KSh620.00.

    Spotlight Science and Technology Learner’s Book Grade 6 has been uniquely ’ designed to help Grade 6 learners in understanding basic Science and Technology concepts. It comprehensively covers the Science and Technology Grade 6 Competency-Based Curriculum Design. It is presented in a clear, simple and precise language that makes learning stimulating and interesting.

    ISBN: 9789966572905

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